Chapter Twenty

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Nathan awoke from his deep sleep. The room was chilled and was lit only by the yellow stained moonlight glinting through the windows. He sat up, the back of his neck prickling. The windows of the room were open; a strange, uneasy breeze danced with the curtains, which waved along with the rhythm.

He looked to his side. He felt like someone had punched him in the stomach. Where is Sarah? He leapt out of bed and ran to the bathroom, searching it. Nothing.

"Sarah, where are you!" he shouted, tearing out of the bedroom into the corridor. He searched the entire upper floor, not finding anything. Where can she be, oh my god, please I hope she hasn't done something stupid. He thought to himself, jumping down the stairs.

The kitchen was empty as was the lounge. Sarah was nowhere to be seen.

"Shit, shit, shit," he shouted, not knowing what to do. He ran back to the bedroom, wrenching his mobile from its charging port on his bedside table. He dialled Sarah's number, hoping that she may have gone for a night walk, this wasn't unusual for her. She goes out for walks all the time. He told himself, trying to calm his nerve.

His gut, however, was screaming at him telling him something was wrong. The mobile number you are trying to reach is currently unavailable.

"Fuck!" he shouted again. He felt sweat forming across his forehead, his fringe tickling his skin. In anger, he brushed his drenched fringe back, his hand shaking. What the hell do I do, I don't want to go to the police.

He pulled on his coat and grabbed his car keys. Dashing out of the house, he climbed into his Vauxhall VXR8. He slammed the key into the car and pushed the ignition button. The 6.2-litre V8 engine roared into life, white fume pumping out of the tailpipes as the engine warmed in the cold night air.

Without letting it warm to its surroundings, Nathan pressed his foot hard on the accelerator. The car threw itself forward the full 600 break horsepower thrusting it through the air like a missile locked on to its target.

He searched the entire surrounding area of the house, checking every lane or small path she may have walked down. He found nothing. Where the hell has she got to. Nathan drove even faster now, the sense that his wife was in danger growing stronger in the back of his mind every minute that went by.

He soon found himself entering the village. Not a soul was in sight. Nathan looked at the digital clock situated at the top of the dashboard. 02:30 A.M. The pub was not going to be open at this hour, so she wasn't going to be in there. The streets were empty, and he searched everyone including the local bus stop in case and found nothing.

Nathan pulled over outside the local newsagents. He stepped out of his car, the night air wrapping itself around his body, seizing him tightly.

"Sarah!" he shouted into the night air. His voice echoed down the street. He heard nothing in return. There was no movement, and Nathan felt sick. That's it; I'm going to have call them. He pulled his mobile from his pocket and dialed the number he had not wanted to since he had found Sarah, not in bed. The phone connected and a male voice answered.

"What service do you require please?"

"Police, I need the police."

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