Chapter Fourteen

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Sarah awoke from her sleep; her head was aching in pain. She tried to move her legs, but noticed that she had been chained to the four corners of the bed. The chains were thick and made of iron.

She cursed loudly and attempted to pull at the restraints. However, it was not use, they would not budge. The iron shackles rubbed painfully against her skin. The curtains rustled in the slight evening breeze, and they then came crashing down the pole curling up like a snake on the floor.

The room was illuminated by the evening sky which had turned crimson red. It glowed through the window, casting a blood like aurora into the room. Sarah felt her body tingle in fear, and before she could think any further, the bedroom door opened the hallway glowing red.

In walked a figure, wearing a strange creepy looking garment. The figure wore a black heavy fabric overcoat which flowed down to its large black boots. It held a long thin cane with a large black leather top hat. The creepiest thing, however, was the mask it wore over its face. The mask was made from black leather, it had glass eye openings and beaked nose much like a bird. The beak had white thick stitching made to look like teeth.

"Who are you!" Sarah demanded, fear setting in fast. The figure made no reply, it just stared at her, examining her from afar. "What do you want?" The figure still made no attempt to reply.

Sarah could feel her heart thumping loudly against her ribcage. The figure began walking slowly toward her. With every footstep, the sound of his boots hitting the floor got louder and louder.

Her spine burnt in terror, as chills ran up and down it like a tennis ball going to and fro on a pitch. The window opened, creaking slowly as it did. The wolf then came in through it and walked in slowly over to her. It then sat its muscular frame down next to her, its red eyes burning holes in Sarah's soul. It then turned to look at the figure moving closer and closer to Sarah.

The figure produced a long thin needle from its pocket, with a red substance inside it. "What is in the needle, what are you going to do to me?" Sarah screamed. Sarah hated needles, she always had done since she was in school. It brought her back to when she was fourteen when she was called in by the old brutal school nurse. She was sat down on a small seat when the nurse pulled out the needle and in Sarah's opinion, stabbed it aggressively into her arm; she was later told off by her father saying she was being dramatic.

This, however, was worse; she could not escape as she was chained to the bed. She screamed Nathan, however, he never came to her aid. The figure was now at her side. The figure looked down at her, slowly tilting its head, not saying a word.

Her heart was beating so fast, she thought she was going to have a heart attack. The figure continued to stare at her with its head tilted like a bird, an eerie silence filled the room.

"What are you going to do to me, please don't," she shouted again. The figure held its finger up to its beak as if to tell Sarah to be quiet. It bent down towards her, holding the needle towards her arm.

She looked at the wolf which sat still, watching the needle slowly being brought down toward her arm. She then heard in the air, a faint evil laughing.

"Please, Please no!" The figure pushed the needle sharply into her arm. She watched as the substance slowly drained away from the needle. She felt the red substance injecting into her, which now ate its way into her bloodstream.

The substance tore its way around her body. There was no pain, her limbs were falling into a state of relaxation. She looked up at the masked figure, the glass openings now glowing blood red. The figure then spoke with a soft soothing voice with a hint of horror.

"Sleep now, sleeppp," the voice sang in a strange jingle. Sarah felt her eyelids straining to stay open. The voice was creepy, yet soothing in some strange sense. Her body was at peace and her heart had returned to its normal rhythm.

She then let her head fall deeper into her pillow, and she fell into a deep sleep. 

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