Chapter Twenty Five

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The rest of the day dragged on in its usual fashion. Nathan returned home, Sarah had prepared a nice meal for them. She had been a bitch towards Nathan recently; he was only looking out for her she knew that. She had, however, not forgiven him for going to see Delia, calling her a liar and blaming her for all the bad things that had happened.

They ate dinner that evening not speaking much. Sarah asked him about his day at the office. He bored her with a story about one of his new clients, another builder who had slipped in a workplace and following incorrect procedures was fired from his position. Sarah smiled, pretending to take it all in when all she could think about was midnight and what was going to happen tonight.

Sarah washed up the dishes and made a cup of tea for Nathan. She did as she planned and spiked the tea with two sleeping pills which she knew would put Nathan out for the night. Nathan drank the tea shortly kissing his wife goodnight and went upstairs to bed. Sarah waited ten minutes and then walked into the room to make sure he was out cold.

The pills had done their job. Sarah looked at her watch 11:50 P.M. She rushed and got changed into some warm clothes, throwing on some jeans and a fleece coat. She then walked down the stairs and out onto the driveway. Delia was not there yet, so Sarah stood at the end of the drive looking out for her.

It was pitch black, the only light coming from the hundreds of sparkling stars blanketing the inky sky. The air was humid, not cold as it had been. Summer was definitively on its way. She saw something stirring in the distance. A figure appeared out of the shadows. It was Delia. She wore a long strange looking dress with around ten necklaces flowing down her chest. She also wore a white silk shawl wrapped loosely around her neck.

She smiled at Sarah as she neared the gateway.

"Are you ready my dear," she said sweetly. Sarah nodded, nerves tying knots in her stomach.

"Ready than I'll ever be," Sarah said, joining her outside the gateway. The two women began to walk along the lane. It was quiet, not a soul in sight. The road was dark, street lighting nonexistent in these parts. The lane was long with high hedges on either side of the road. They walked from the start of the journey in complete silence. Sarah was feeling the knot in her stomach getting tighter and tighter as they walked on.

A thought came to her mind. What if this doesn't work, what is going to happen then, to who can I turn? A large snapping sound broke the deathly silence; the noise was coming from a bush up ahead. Sarah stopped dead, looking at the source of the sound. An eerie wisp of wind curled around her body, sniggering in her ear.

"Sarah are you alright?" Delia asked, looking at Sarah with a concerned look.

"Yes, I'm all right, did you not hear that noise in the bushes," She said, raising her finger pointing at the source of the sound. Delia nodded but gave a small smile.

"Most likely a rabbit or something." Sarah felt uneasy now. She had heard snapping sounds like that before and knew what followed them. They carried on walking, no distant sounds following them. Delia pointed.

"That is the field we need to get to, not far now." The area she had pointed out was not very big; a cube sized farmers field with lowly cut grass. As they neared the opening for the field, they heard another snapping noise come from another bush in front of them. This time the snap echoed loudly into the silent night air.

Delia stopped this time, her fist clenched, her eyes wide with alarm.

"Ok, maybe something bigger than a rabbit." More rustling came from the bushes. A split then appeared in the leaves and out walked the wolf into the middle of the road.

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