Chapter 13

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"alright ill go get our luggage, the other guys said there here already." I nod my head to let him know I heard what he said. He turned and walked away to go and grab our luggage. I find a seat to sit in. We are now in London and let me just say...its packed in the airport, everywhere you turn people are starring at you. I get it because its summer and usually couples come here for a vacation to get away. Im hoping while I am here me and Harry can become closer.

I turn my head towards the luggage area to see if Harry is anywhere in sight. It took me awhile but I had finally spotted him. He's talking with four other guys and two of them look familiar. One was....Zayn. Oh no hes the guy from the ferris wheel, I hope he doesnt say anything infront of Harry, who knows how he will react. And the other was the guy at the party with blonde hair, come to think of it I never actually got his name..

"Melissa come over here I want you to meet the guys!" Harry was now calling me, I can see Zayn looking me up and down. That was a conformation he remembers our night out on the ferris wheel. I run over to where Harry is.

"Hi remember me? The names niall."

"Yeah but we didnt get to give eachother our names, mines Melissa." I shook his hand while smiling.

"Well arent you pretty, you sure you want Harry?" I let out a laugh while Harry nudged him.

"Anyways, the names Louis." I shook his hand, and then came someone else.

"Hi the names Liam!" I was about to shake his hand but he pulled me into a huge and very tight hug. I laughed to myself knowing how nice and charming he was.

Next was Zayn..

We were standing there for a couple seconds just looking at eachother because we had already met.

After over a minute of silence, someone clears there throat which breaks me out of thinking.

"Well Melissa thats Zayn, as you can tell...hes a little wierd.." It was Harry who was talking.

I put out my hand to shake Zayns and he did the same as we shook hands.

"Nice to meet you, Melissa.." He says while smiling.

"Alright lets go already guys, the car is waiting behind the airport." I look around me and I notice more and more peopke are starring is something wrong with my outfit or somethingnin my hair?

Harry whispers in my ear saying, "Just keep your head down and dont let anyone see your face, ill explain later," I do as he says I have a hoodie sweater on and without noticing, Harry had pulled my hood up to cover my hair and he made sure I kept my hair down. He was holding my hand making sure I was close by to him. We kept walking, as we were walking I can here people shouting his name, why? Im confused still but Harry had told me he would explain later.

I cant see anything, all I can see are my black and white converse. Since I wasnt allowed to look up, and even when I would try, Harry kept telling me to keep my head down.

We finally arrived to the black Range Rover and im guessing everyone went there seperate ways since I couldnt hear any of the other guys talking. Harry pushed me into the back seat of the car making me lose my balance. I looked up to see him running around the car and into the drivers seat.

The windows in this car are limo tinted meaning you cant see in im guessing thats why he put me in the back seat. I look out the window to see people taking pictures and a bunch of screaming girls, what is going on? Why are they around the car and whats up with the Paparazzi?

"Harry what is going on with all these people surrounding your car?"

"Melissa I need to tell you something but dont get mad okay?"

"Okay..." I didnt know what to suspect.

"Those guys you just met well...were in a band and this is how our lives are here in London. We wanted to go and relax this summer but something happened that made me come back."

I was so confused, I guess there is more to him than I really new...

"Harry why didnt you ever tell me?"

"It was because I thought you wouldnt like me for the real me but I know for sure that isnt the case with you because when im with you everythings different.." This makes my cheeks heat up and makes my smile grow bigger and bigger.

"I wanted to take you to meet my mom and my...umm...sister," woah wait he has a sister? Since when?

"You have a sister? Since when?" we arrived at what seems to be a mansion. Woah this house is huge.

He drives up to the drive way but waits for the gates to open for him to enter. once hes inside the gates close quick, for the paparazzi dont get inside. And then he finally parks his car.

"Since forever...didnt Aiden.." he looks at me and im guessing he can tell that the look on my face shows im confused.

"Wait how does Aiden know you?" Is this why my brother doesnt like Harry, because of something with Harry's sister?

"Nothing. Come on lets get out already," he gets out amd opens the back seat door for me. I step out of the black Range Rover and look around to make sure there is no one around. I stamd on my tippy toes and kiss him on the cheek catching him off guard. He looks dowm at me and flashes me a smile.

"Alright lets get inside already before this turns into something else," he sends me a flirtatious wink. And I just laugh it off, nudging his arm in a playful way as we head inside.

(Sorry I took so long, Ive been really busy ugh well hoped you enjoy, VOTE/Comment and if you have any questions or concerns message me -M)

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