Chapter 14

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We stood at the front door not knowing if we should knock or ring the doorbell. I waited for Harry to choose and he chose to ring the doorbell.


We stood at the door for about two minutes which didnt feel too long, that was until the door was finally open. A girl with long blondish brownish hair stepped out. Im guessing shes Harrys sister because of how young she looked and plus her eyes gave it away completely. "Oh hey Harry, mom left just five minutes ago she wont be back until later." He hugged her, "I missed you!"

I stood there awkwardly not knowing what to do or say. "Gemma, this is-" Harry tried introducing me but she took one look at me and cut off Harry and says "Melissa, I remember, your brother always talked about you..."

"Wait, how do you know my brother?" i asked in a confused tone. Did she know my brother? How? This is confusing.

She nods her head 'yes' and before I can ask my question she says, "Nevermind that," She put a smile on her face and grabbed onto my wrist pulling me into the kitchen. I looked to see where Harry was, I couldnt see him. "Oh he went to go make a call to the other lads," I nod my head in response.

"Here take a seat anywhere you'd like," I walk over and take a seat on the brown, wooden chair that was at the dinner table. I smile after sitting down. "How old are you?" Gemma is looking at me with her sparkling green eyes that are just like Harrys.

I replied, "Im sixteen, going to be seventeen soon."

"Oh okay you look older, I even thought you were Harrys age." she let out a light chuckle.

"How is your brother?" I was surprised by the sudden question.

"I dont wanna sound rude or something but how do you know about my brother, and I ask because Ive heard you mension him before and the way you have been looking at me like you already knew who I-"

I was interrupted by a stern and angry Harry, "Melissa!" I turn my head around to see him standing there eyeing me. How long has he been standing there? Why does he sound mad? Did I do something wrong?

I get up from where i was sitting and walk over to him. "What?" I say in an annoyed tone. "I have to go somewhere i wont be back till later." he grabbed his keys and walked out the door, slamming it close on the way out. I look over at gemma to ask whats his problem? She understood me but didnt have an answer as she shrugged her shoulders.

"Im going to call my mom and see where she is," gemma walked upstairs into her bedroom while I walked over to the couch and turned on the tv.

"Harry styles brought back someone with him? who is this new girl of his? We tried getting a picture of her but we all know mr styles wouldnt let us." 

Seriously why does this have to be the first thing on tv when i turn it on, ugh. I dont want people to know who I am all I wanna do is keep my identity hidden from the paparazzi.

"Maybe she isnt even anything, who knows? ..........Oh i got news! Harry was spotted outside the studio, she was not there with him. We can all relax now!..."

I turned off the tv, I was tired o hearing this stuff. I walk upstairs and knock on Gemmas door.

"Come in!" she yells

I turn the door nob and walk into her room. "I was wondering do you happen to have a computer I could look at maybe?" She nods and points at the all-black Laptop, sitting on the desk across from her bed. I sit at the desk, and turn on the laptop. Once it is on I

look up the London College. Right away a smile is plastered on my face and I cant believe how beautiful it looks. I look at pictures of the campus and notice how amazingly nice it is and I would love to visit it soon.

Im so into looking at this college that i dont even notice someone has been calling my name. I look up to see Harry looking down at me. "What are you up to that has you so distracted?"

"Can we please please please go see the London College?!" I look up to make sure I meet his green orbs which are starring back down at me. Harry is taller than me, making it seem like hes towering over me.

"Well Simon did say we can have tomorrow off..." he smiles showing his adorable dimples towards me, "So then it just came to me...why not take Melissa to go see one of her dream college," he lets out a light chuckle.

I wrap my arms around his torso hugging him tight and not letting go. "Harry-" I let go noticing a women standing in the door way looking at Harry and I.

"Oh im sorry, I just wanted to see it for myself that my son has finally came home," Ooohhhh so this must be his mother...

"Melissa this is my mother.. and mom this is my girlfriend Melissa.." I put out my hand, an attempt to shake her hand but instead im pulled into a tight hug. "Oh honey im sorry I just wanted to hug you not just shake hands.." she smiles at me showing her dimples which resemble Harrys. I laugh a little at her remark.


This summer should be fun....

(A/N: Im so sorry it took me so long to update its because i take hard classes and ive had so many things to do and plus im a softball girl and my team have been out into so many tournaments thats why.....

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