Chapter 6

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Harry and I have been driving for over half an hour. Mostly in silence but it wasnt an awkward silence surprisenly. I didnt ask questions since we got into the car I didnt want to bug him with any. Harry suddenly grabbed a hold of my hand that was laying on my left thigh and was holding it. He turned to me and gave me a smirk. I just smiled in return.

I couldnt take it anymore so I had to ask. "Harry where are we going?" i turned to look at him. "Took you that long to ask?" he says with a smirk on his pink lips. All I did was just shrugged me shoulders I didnt wanna say 'oh i dont know just didnt want to annoy you'.

"Well I know we just met and everything but I wanted you to meet some of my friends and I dont know just thought I liked to get to know you." he said while switching onto the right lane. Why would Harry want to get to know me? Im a boring person and plus the only people i really talk to is Breeana and Leslie which i havent even spoken to Leslie since the party. Should i call or maybe even text her? ill just wait until tomorrow.

"Hello?....Earth to Melissa??" Harry said while waving a hand in my face.

"What? Yeah sure." I honestly didnt even know what I was agreeing to.

At that very exact moment Harry was histerically laughing. I gave him a confusing look to why he was laughing. "I asked how long have you known Breeana for?" he said still laughing but not as much as before.

"Oh well, ive known her since Freshman year in highschool. I had just switched schools for-" i paused, the memories slowly returning, "certain reasons." i finally say the last of my sentence.

"What about you? I mean not to sound mean but i never heard you come up into any of her sentences." He had his hands on the steering wheel and was holding onto it very tight until his knuckles started turning white. For some odd reason he seemed angry at the question.

That changed when i looked up and saw a huge mansion with lots of people drinking and standing around. I couldnt tell if he was mad at me or the fact that theres a party going on?

"Wait here." He said in a very harsh tone. And he walked out the car and headed towards the house.

I just pulled out my phone and started looking at twitter and then instagram. And all of a sudden i was startled when i heard a knocking at the car window. I turned and saw a very tall guy with light brown hair and light brown eyes. "Hey sweetie open up the car!" he yelled, I could also tell he was drunk by the slur in his voice. I was officially frightened at this point.

i opened the door and thats something i regret big time because right when i did open the car door he grabbed my wrist pushing me against the car. i whinced in pain of my back hitting the car. "Let go of me!" i yelled trying to pull my hand away which didnt work his grip only tightened.

So i did the only thing i knew i could do, I kneed him in the privates making him fall to the floor.

I ran fast into the house. I started looking for Harry but he was nowhere to be found. Everywhere i went there were hormonal teenagers everywhere.

i kept walking and turning around think i heard my name but doing that was a bad idea as i collided with someone infront of me. "Hey! Watch it!" i said out of my reaction. i looked up to see who i bumped into and this boy had blonde hair and a very pretty smile but no dimples like Harry. "Oh my bad I-I ddint mean to." he said shyly and smiled at me, he seemed a little nervous. "No im sorry that was my fault i should have been watching where i was walking, i didnt mean to yell at you im-" before i could finish talking i was pulled away by Harry himself.

"I thought i said to wait in the car?!" he was saying it very sternly.

"I know im sorry," i gave him a poligetic smile.

"i guess you met one of the four boys i wanted you to meet."

"Where are the other boys?" i asked, "Well i thought they were here but i guess they left," Harry then grabs my hand and pulls me outside into the backyard. And this backyard was huge also, whoever house this is, knows how to manage money or makes really good money.

"Harry?" I tug on his arm to get his attention over this loud music, I wasnt to sure if he would be able to hear me but when he looked my way i knew he could. "Whos house is this? Its huge!" Harry started laughing and smiling at me.

"Hey Harry! Over here!" Harry pulled me with him wherever he went. It was like he had to make sure i was with him.


*on the way home*

The drive to my house was still in silence just like it was when we were driving to the party.

I decided to put up the music in the car to block out any awkwardness. When Harry thinks im not paying attention he starts to sing along to one of the songs, and let me just say, he has a really good voice. "Harry you have a really good voice!" i smiled at him and he simply just said, "Thanks."

I lean my head against the window. I hope my parents didnt find out I sneaked out, they would kill me.


After what felt like hours, I was home. "I had fun Harry Thanks." I unbuckled my seatbelt and right when I was opening the car door, Harry grabbed my wrist and turned me to face him. Thats when our lips connected and our lips moved perfectly together. I got butterflies in my stomach this felt perfect for some reason. I didnt want it to end but i had to get to bed, so i ended up pulling away from the kiss. He smirked "Welcome."  And with that he left and i snuck back into my house walking as quiet as possible upstairs to my room.

When i got into my room i changed out of my clothes and put on my pajama shorts and my under t-shirt and finally fell asleep....

(Hope this was long enough and so yeah idk what to say, but anyways vote comment and thanks -M)

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