chapter 16

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Harry and I were still at the college. I kept my head down, and still had my hoodie covering my hair, I am also wearing dark sunglasses to block out the sun and to hide from people knowing who I am. "Harry?" I tug on his arm a little.

Harry has been tensed up ever since we left the library, and since he saw me talking to Zayn. I didnt think it was wrong to talk to him he is in the band with Harry.

"What?" He looks down at me with his height towering over me. "Can we maybe check out one of the classrooms to see if there as big as college students describe them?"

"Sure if you-" we are interrupted by his phone ringing. He holds up his indez finger telling me to 'Hold on a sec' and I do as I am told.

"Seriously right now?!.... Okay! ...Alright ...bye," I looked at him with a curious/ confused look. "Whats going on?" I question him.

"I just got a call from management, I have to meet up with the boys, Im sorry Melissa," he gives me an apologetic look.

I sigh, "Thats okay, they come first." I try my best to put on a deacent smile which is successful because Harry smiled back at me.


Harry left to go with the boys, I am here sitting on his couch talking to his mother. She looks like him a lot, I can see where he got the dimples from. She's telling me stories about when him and Gemma were younger there cute stories.

"Mum! Harry is going to be upset at you for telling her!" all of us are in the living room having a good time and laughing. We are interrupted again by my phone ringing. "Excuse me, its my mother I should take this," They nod as a reply.

I walk into the guest room I am staying in, and answer my phone. "Hello, mom?" I smile to myself, I have missed my family over this past week more than ever. "Hi sweetheart, how is everything?" she asks.

"Its good, his family is so sweet...Oh and Mom guess what?!" she laughs at my excitement on the other line. "What happened sweety?" I can tell she's smiling.

"I went to visit the College in London! Its so amazing, everyone seems nice there, but I didnt get to go into a classroom. Harry had something with the band-"

she interrupts me, "Melissa, I told you this would happen, just come home because O can already see he is going to hurt-"

"Mom! He isnt like that, not with me atleast and plus I am happy-"

"Melissa, listen to yourself, you barely known him and your over here defending him, but you dont know what he is capable of and what if he breaks your heart then what?" I am just trying to ignore what she is saying because I know its hard to say or maybe even think, but something about Harry that makes me feel like ive known him forever. "Melissa dont tell me your falling for him?!" I sigh, "I dont know if I am but, this is my choice and my decision." I hang up and throw my phone across the room. "Ugh!!" I scream out in fustration.

"I am guessing your mom already doesnt like me?" I jumped getting scared, I had no clue he walked in here. Must have been the arguing with my mom that distracted me from everything else. "Its not that she just doesnt understand me, nothing new."

"Why dont we go to this really good diner down the street from here?" I can tell he is trying to get my mind off of everything.


No Harry, that isnt funny!" We are now at the diner eating away, I didnt bother hiding myself because I am done caring. Harry was making a comment on the waitress and how she looked like this one person, which I dont see. There are paparazzi taking pictures of us, and its hard to ignore the flashes that keep going off. "Im sorry about this, I really am." I can tell he feels sorry for how they follow us every where.

I reach over and hold his hand in mine. "it's fine, as long as im with you," I give him a reasuring smile. The waitor comes out with our food and asks if we need anything else, we shake our heads and with that, she walks away.

We just sit and talk about more things. And we laugh and sing (mostly harry), he has a really good personality.

(A/N: Thanks for reading, sorry for the long wait- M)

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