I went off the rails.

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Brooke's POV

"Oh really? I'm so happy for you." I smiled down the phone to Drew. He's just got a promotion at work which is pretty good.
"Yeah, so, what's happening over there?" He asked as I sat down on my bed.
"Not a lot. I'm at my mums place at the moment." I grinned, looking around my childhood bedroom. Nothing has changed since the last time I was here. It's crazy.
"Ah that's nice. Send her my love." He said.
"I will do." I smiled.
"Well I'll leave you be. Have fun. I love you." Drew said.
"Ok. I love you too." I said before the line went dead.

For some reason, I didn't feel like the phone call was as magical as it should be. I know I'm not in a fairytale but I love Drew and that phone call just didn't feel the way it usually feels.

I sighed and fell backwards on the bed and stared up at the ceiling. Either coming back here was a mistake or leaving five years ago was a mistake... something just doesn't feel right.

My phone which went off beside me cut me from my thoughts.

Meet me at our place :)

Our place? What is he on about?

Yeah sure :) where is our place again?

Oh yes, I forgot we got rid of the past. Meet me at the abandoned cabin

I didn't even think about our conversation earlier. I really did forget where our little place was but now I remember, thank god for texting.

I'll be there in five :)

I smiled at the thought of seeing Lee again, even if the last time I saw him was yesterday...

I quickly changed out of my sweats and changed into some high waisted black jeans with a white tank top. I feel 17 again.

I ran down the stairs happily and bumped into Caleb.
"Sorry Caleb." I laughed slightly.
"That's ok my love. I was just coming to tell you that your mum had to go out for a meeting with work. She'll be back soon." He said and I nodded.
"Thanks. I'm just going out so I'll be back soon aswell." I smiled, pecking calebs cheek before running out of the front door and starting my walk.

As the years have past, Caleb has definitely grown on me. Mum was right, I did just have to give him a chance.

The fresh warm breeze hit my bare arms and I smiled. Do I even remember the way to this place? Not really but I'm sure I'll make it.

"Oh my god. Yes." I laughed as Lee told me one of our past memories. I know we said we were going to start over and create new memories but sometimes, the good memories are the nicest things you can hear.
"Do you still have that obsession with stars?" He asked and I gasped, smacking his chest lightly.
"It wasn't an obsession, I just really liked the stars." I giggled, looking up at the sky to see if I could see any. There was only a few but enough to make a smile grow on my face.
"But yes, I still love the stars." I sighed happily, resting my head on Lee's shoulder.

"What happened to you when I left?" I asked, barely a whisper. What? I was curious and Steph wouldn't tell me anything.
"I went off the rails." He sighed, fiddling about with his hands.
"Drugs? Drinking?" I asked and his eyes widened.
"No. God no. I'd never do drugs but drinking, I'll admit to. It got that bad that my mum kicked me out of the house. She didn't want me back until I sorted myself out. She tried to help me but nothing worked." He explained and I was instantly filled with guilt.
"So your parents left you homeless?" I asked and he shook his head.
"I stayed with my mate Tom for a while until I felt bad for being there for ages then after that, my friend Joe let me stay in his apartment with him." He added and I nodded slowly.
"And after that?" I asked as I assumed that this Joe person probably didn't let Lee live with him for that long.
"Jake and Steph finally got a flat share where they invited me along. By this point, my drinking habit had gotten miles better. I mean, I was still out drinking every night but not as much as I had been." He said with a shrug.
"What about YouTube?" I asked.
"I'm guessing you know that I had quit?" He asked and I choked on the air. Man, that really set off some more guilt.
"You quit?" I asked and he nodded.
"My content was terrible and the viewers could sense that I was losing it. I didn't want them see me turn into that monster." He said, finally shifting his eyes from his hands, up to the sky. He really thought of himself as a monster?
"You were never a monster." I said softly, taking one of his hands in mine.
"I really was B. Anyway, after a years break on YouTube, Jake helped me get back into it and everything. When they hit 20, they moved out and bought a house as they could afford it whereas I, I was still living in that flat share but once I could afford it, I moved into the flat I have now." He said, I'm guessing that was the end of the story.
"I'm sorry for leaving." I said softly.
"Don't be. You had to do what you had to do, even if you had to sit next to a fat  man who drooled on you the whole plane ride there." He said with a laugh and I gasped.
"How'd you hear about that?" I asked.
"Steph." He smirked and I poked my tongue out at him.

"Can I take you somewhere right now?" Lee asked, looking up at the moon then at me. I furrowed my eyebrows but nodded. Where the hell would he be taking me?

Choosing You - Lee Hinchcliffe (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now