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I'm so sorry if this chapter is a little crap.
Yet again, there's been an attack in 3 different places in London so my mind hasn't been all there.
My heart literally aches for all the families involved.
In all honesty, I'm lost for words. Words can't even describe the amount of anger and sadness building up inside of me right now. Literally, the emergency services we have here are incredible.
God knows what is happening to this world... I pray that every single one of you is ok.
Everyone stay safe 💜

Brooke's POV

After last nights talk, we've decided on three different names; Logan Rufus The Second Wilfred Hinchcliffe (because Lee wouldn't agree on a normal name), Mason James Hinchcliffe and Nick Bradley-Simpson Hinchcliffe (I was not going to let Lee have a name with Rufus the second and Wilfred in it if I couldn't have a name with Bradley in it).

I woke up to the sound of a laptop fan and I slowly opened my eyes to see that Lee was beside me, scrolling through shop websites for baby bits. I think he's more excited about this than myself. Cutie.

"That's a cute crib." I mumbled, pointing to the screen and he jumped at the sudden sound of my voice.
"Jesus. You scared me." He laughed and I sat up yawning.
"I can't help my ugly face." I giggled and he smacked my arm lightly.
"Don't ever say that again." He said seriously and I widened my eyes.
"Alright sir." I said, standing up from the bed and walking to the bathroom where I had my famous morning pee and brushed my teeth. I was debating whether to shower or not but I'm lazy so dry shampoo it is today.

As I walked back into the bedroom, Lee looked at me with a slight smirk. Oh god... what has he done? I knitted my eyebrows together in confusion.
"What about this Brooklyn?" He asked, my name rolling perfectly off his tongue. I knew what he was doing, he's trying to annoy me by calling me that. Two can play that game you asswipe.

I didn't even respond, instead, I walked over to my dressing table and brushed through my bed hair and chucked it up into a high messy ponytail after spraying it with dry shampoo.

"Do you like it?" He asked as I fell back down to the bed, showing me a picture of a bedroom decorated for a baby boy. It was nice, I'll give you that. I still didn't say anything. This is what he gets for calling me Brooklyn.
"Are you not talking to me now?" He asked and I reached over for my phone as he sighed.
"I'll take that as a no." He mumbled, shutting down the laptop and standing up with a stretch.
"Shall we go somewhere today?" He asked. Still no answer from me.
"We could go and get ice cream." He said. I looked up at him for a split second to see him with a wide grin before turning my attention back to my phone. Ice cream sounds amazing right now but I'm still playing his stupid little game.
"Brooke, for crying out loud, answer me." He chuckled. I could tell he was getting annoyed by the way he ran a hand through his hair.
"Ice cream or nah?" He asked. I continued to Ignore him.
"This is stupid." He huffed, walking towards the door.

He stopped in his tracks and turned around to face me again. I raise an eyebrow at him and he sighs.
"Please just give me one syllable so I know that you're talking to me, that's all I ask." He said.
"Leave." I smirked knowing that I would annoy him further. He groaned and left the room.

Maybe that'll teach him to not call me Brooklyn, even if it does sound very sexy the way he pronounces every letter. Damn you Hinchcliffe.

"So, how about that ice cream?" I asked, finally walking down the stairs to see him sprawled out on the sofa with Rufus.
"Oh so now you're talking to me?" He questioned, looking up at me and I shrugged.
"That depends, are you going to call me Brooklyn again?" I asked.
"I know you secretly like me calling you it." He smirked, standing up and walking towards me.

I backed myself up as he continued to come closer, soon I'm going to come in contact with the wall and I'll have no escape.

"Who said that?" I asked, biting down on my bottom lip.
"It's just very obvious, Brooklyn." He whispered as my back hit the cold wall making my breath hitch.
"If you keep calling me that, I'll start calling you Leeroy." I giggled.
"Go ahead." He chuckled, placing his hands either sides of my head and pressing himself against me. I was now trapped between him and the wall.
"Leeroy..." I smirked, using my fingers to trace up his stomach over his white shirt.
"Brooklyn." He whispered, hovering his lips over mine in a teasing manor.
"I want ice cream." I said against his lips that gently grazed over my own.
"Ice cream can wait." He said, forcefully smashing his lips down onto mine.

I'd pick Lee's kisses over ice cream any day but right now, I'm craving ice cream. I'm blaming the baby...

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