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Brooke's POV

Nando's time. Am I excited? Hell yeah!

As we walked in, our hands were intertwined and a few heads looked our way before going back to eating.
"Table for two please." Lee grinned at the guy behind the table booking thing.
"Follow me." He smiled shyly. He looks about 16/17. We were like that once. Cute.

"Here we are." He said, holding his arm out at our table. We thanked him and sat down before he handed us our menus.
"A waitress will be on her way shortly." He said, walking back to his booking table.

"What are you going to go for?" Lee asked, scanning his eyes over the menu, as did I.
"Probably the peri peri chicken. We need to do the wing roulette." I laughed, looking up at him and he cocked an eyebrow.
"You know I can't handle spicy foods." He chuckled.
"I know and that's why it'll be funny." I smirked, attempting a wink but failing completely.
"Learn to wink honey." He grinned, giving me a slight wink and I leaned over the table, spamming his head gently to which he gasped at. I poked my tongue out at him and then the waitress arrived.

"Have you guys got an order?" She asked and I looked at Lee who nodded at her before looking at me to start. Thanks Leebo.
"I'll have the peri peri chicken please." I grinned.
"On its own or with a side?" She asked, jotting the information down on her notepad.
"Can I have some chips with it please?" I asked and she nodded before turning her head to Lee.
"I'll just have the same please." Lee said and I raised an eyebrow but didn't say anything. What happened to the plain old boring Lee?
"Any drinks?" She questioned.
"Two cokes please. Lee replied and she nodded.
"Also, can we have the wing roulette please?" I asked with an innocent smile. I knew Lee was trying to get out of it. I felt his stare on me and she nodded.
"It'll come before the food." She smiled before taking away our menus.
"Thank you." I smiled and she walked away.

"I'm not eating any of them spicy things." He said.
"Oh you are." I smirked.
"You can't force me." He chuckled.
"No kisses then." I whispered and I watched as his jaw dropped ever so slightly. Ha, I have my ways.

Soon enough, the waitress came back with our drinks and the wing roulette. I thanked her before turning to Lee.
"Rock, paper, scissors?" I asked and he sighed but agreed.
"Best out of three." He said before we started the game.

Guess who won... not me so here I am, picking out a wing. Please don't be hot.

Lee watched as I took a bite and thank the lord. It wasn't spicy.
"What? How is that fair?" Lee asked.
"Your turn Mr." I giggled, finishing up my wing. He sighed but picked one out and giving me a glance before biting into it and instantly spitting it back out again, grabbing his drink and taking a sip.
"Spicy?" I asked and he nodded, sniffing.

Karma for winning rock, paper, scissors.

Once we had finished our food and Lee paid the bill, we sat there, holding each other's hands across the table.

"I love you." Lee said softly, bringing my hands up to his lips and kissing them softly.
"Even though I should really hate you for making me eat those wings." He chuckled.
"You could never hate me." I whispered with a smirk before pulling my hands away from his and standing up.

"We should head back." I said and he nodded, gathering up our bits and taking my hand in his again. We thanked the dude at the booking table on our way out before getting into my car. I should really name it. Boy or girl? Definitely a girl. She looked like a Betty. Betty the mini it is.

Lee rested a hand on my thigh as I drove along, singing to the music playing on the radio.

"Take a left turning here." Lee said quickly and I slammed on the brakes, indicating.
"Why?" I asked.
"Just do it." He said and I turned the corner which took us down a swervey road.

The road suddenly came to a stop and I parked up.
"Where are we?" I asked and he got out of the car as did I.
"Follow me." He grinned, taking my hand in his and leading me through some trees.

He then stopped and I looked out at where we were. A river? The moon shined beautifully down on it, creating a reflection.
"Why are we at a river?" I asked.
"So I could do this." He said, pulling something out of his back pocket and my heart went. His left hand then held out an envelope and I furrowed my eyebrows, taking it from him.

He came behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist, resting his head on my shoulder, watching me rip open the envelope. Once I did, I picked out the two ticket like things and I read them.
"We're going to Paris?" I asked. My eyes widening and a grin forming on my face.
"We sure are." He said softly and I turned around, cupping his cheeks and kissing him.
"When?" I asked, pulling away from the kiss and looking back down at the tickets.
"Just after Christmas. I wanted to be there for New Years." He explained.
"I love you so much." I said, smashing my lips back on to his.

I seriously don't deserve him.

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