Vampire life?

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Chapter 1

My names Riley, and I'm your typical orphan girl, whose never felt love, or even believes its real. Real clique I know. But thats me, and I guess our story begins one night when I once again ran away from the orphanage. I've been gone away for about a week now, wandering in the forest and I know what you're thinking, that sounds real safe Riley. But hey if you didn't have anywhere else to go you just have to work with what you got.
"Hey, you lost?" I suddenly hear a male voice ask me out of nowhere. I quickly turned around to come face to face with the man. He was well built, brown eyes and hair, had a look to him that I couldn't quite figure out. He didn't look threatening he had a little of a soft look to him. Seeing as I am already being very safe walking in the forest, note my sarcasm. I decided to talk to the guy,
"If I say no and that people know I'm out here, promise not to murder me?" I joked, and he chuckled.
"I'm not gonna murder you, I promise." he smiled and stretched out his hand, "I'm James."
I looked down at his hand then back at him before shrugging and taking his hand whats the worse that could happen.
"Riley." I replied, "Where the fuck did you pop out of?" I asked looking around.
"Well technically my mother did the popping me out." he joked and I rolled my eyes before looking back at him, and went to move my hand away as this hand shake has gone on to long. But he held his grip,
"Sorry about this, love." he said, causing me to give him a questionable look before his teeth pierced into my neck. And only one word could come to mind.


I felt a pounding in my head as I slowly felt my self wake up, please tell me that was all a dream. I slowly opened my eyes, noticing some fuzzy figures around me.
"Is she awake" I heard an unfamiliar woman say, as my eyes adjusted and I realized I was in a unfamiliar place, with a lot of unfamiliar people. Fuck, it wasn't a dream.
"Where the fuck am I? What the hell was that back there?" I ask as I jolted up, my head spinning a little.
"About time you wake up" says James. I look over at him and then look down at my neck, there was nothing there. I looked back over to James,
"What the hell did you do to me? What happened?"
"Long story short you, love, are now a vampire." James said.
"Dun dun dum" some other guy spoke. I looked around and laughed a little,
"Okay who are you people?" I ask.
"Oh right sorry, this is Selena," he pointed to the woman "and that is Seth," he pointed to the guy "they are my friends" James said.
"Uhm okay and what am I doing here?" I asked
"Well we usually pick up damaged goods, or just people trying to figure out their immortal shit, and you were wandering alone in the forest for a week. So damaged goods we assumed and decided to recruit you." Seth smiled. James rolled his eyes as he got up,
"I'll show you around, this place is a safe place for immortals theres vampires, werewolf's, Witches not the ugly green face ones, and Wizards" he says "And we all have rooms so I will also take you to yours, sometime during the tour." He started walking to the door as I got off the bed.
"Wait a minute, I'm supposed to just follow you around? I don't even know you people, and you're telling me shit like vampires exist and I'm just supposed to go along with it?." I looked around at them.
"What other choice do you have?" James asked.
he was right, I had nowhere to go, no one, and Seth was right I'm just damaged goods.


After the big tour, we finally got to my room. When he unlocked it, I looked inside to see a king-sized bed, with a Zebra print set up. It was a nice and cozy looking place. I took not of a desk with some money just laying around on it, and I think James noticed.
"Theres money to go to the VW mall and get some new clothes" He said.
"Okay so uhm why did you bite me?" I asked.
"Why all the Questions?" He asked, laughing slightly.
"I'm just a curious girl." I shrugged.
"Well, I wouldn't put it as harshly as Seth did but you seemed alone and your not like others when other walk in the forest to recruit its usually with groups or something so I kinda figured you were running away or something along those lines." he said and looked at me, "What were you doing out there?" he asked.
"Running away."
"Um, bit personal..."
"Orphanage." he accidentally blurted out, and i looked at him astonished. "Oh shit I said that out loud didn't I?" he asked.
"How how did you know?"
"Umm I guessed?"
"Yeah okay nice try, seriously, first you knew i was running away then you know why I ran away, so whats going on?"
"Okay, okay you got me." he raised his hands in surrender, " I was going to tell you later but I guess I'll tell you now. Mostly all vampires have a small power. And well mine is that I can see bits of peoples past." he shrugged. I stood there silently for a minute still taking everything in before slowly nodding and looking away.
"Yeah so uhm would you uh like to do me the honour of accompanying me for lunch?" he asks, scratching the back of his head.
"Sure." I shrug before walking out the door.

Once we made it to the VW food Cafe, I looked around noticing there was so many different places to get food. James chuckled as he watched me look around in amazement before choosing a place called movie the foodie.
"Hope its okay but at this place we are also seeing a movie and its scary hot stuff." he says.
"First day meeting and already taking me out?" I laughed. He shrugged,
"I like what I see. So why not act on it." he smiles and we walk in.
What the hell have I gotten myself into?

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