Who is it?

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Chapter 5


Okay so i finally got there and she wasn't there so i looked around and found a bunch of tents 5 to be exact. There their is the one Seth had he must have gave it to her. I went to the tent.

"Riley r u in here" i ask.

"Who is it" She asks with her head in the pillow.

"Just go back to sleep" i say and lay beside her and go to sleep. in the morning I get up. and see shes gone but hear talking outside the tent more than one person thow.


I noticed James had came but i was outside hanging out with my new friends i really like Sophie shes so nice. Well i'm glad i have a friend like her only if she could meet Nicole we all would be Best Friends.

"Hey sophie maybe u can come back to VW with me it would be so awesome and u could meet my other friend Nicole" I say.

"I would love to but someone there tried to kill me" Sophie said.

"WHAT WHO" i say concerned.

"Dane no Pam no Paul" said Sophie

"PAUL?!?!?!?". I say.

"Ya" she says

"He kidnapped me but i ran in this forest. We can't hide forever we have to go plz plz plz" i say "anyway Paul got kicked out of the school"

"Okay okay we will leave Tomorrow at noon" She says

"Yay" i say and hug her. Then James walks out of the tent.

"Who r u" Harry asks. Then James is about to answer but then Louis says


"Um ya. oh ur a mind reader" James said.

"Ya u see bits of the past cool. oh ur Riley Boyfriend" said Louis

"Ya and um Riley come in the tent with me plz" Said James going in the tent.

"Okay i'll be right back Sophie" i say walking into the tent.

"I missed u" he said then kissed me.

"I missed u more" i say kissing him.

"Who r ur friends" he asked

"Well the mind reader is Louis the girl i was with is Sophie and the one who asked u who u r is Harry and the girl beside Harry was Selena and Carl is a wizard in his tent" i say.

"Cool" he says " so lets get some animal blood" he says.

"Okay lets go" i said and we both took down an animal and drank the blood then we started walking back to camp.

"So i was thinking we could go on some more dates" he says "Cause i really love you and maybe--" he says getting cut off.

"AHHHHHHHHHH" Screams Selena

"Oh-no Selena" i say running Over there. Then James runs over to.

"Selena r u..." i say.

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