The First Date

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Chapter 2


Then the movie started and me being the little bitch I am got so scared at one point I almost flew out of my seat then James put his arm around me. There was some sort of weird connection, but his touch made me feel safe. Which i also hated, I just met the guy..
After the movie we sat down and ate,
"What would you like beautiful?" he asked putting his hands on mine.
"Doesn't matter to me" i say.
"Hi what can i get you two love birds?" the waiter asked.
"We will have Spaghetti" Said James.
"Spaghetti hmm interesting choice" i say smiling.
"I hear its romantic" he says, making the 'romantic' sound dramatic, before getting serious "I know this has all been a lot to take in so i want to make this night perfect for you. "he said sweetly. This is all so strange to me, but I do appreciate him trying his best to help, so I simply smile, and try to enjoy the night.



There's something different about this girl, I want to know what it is. I almost feel drawn to her, but I also cant help but feel something's going to go wrong.
I know when i first got here i had a hard time adjusting, my friend helped me through it and thats all i can hope to do for her. We talk a little before the food comes on one plate.
"Lets dig in" I smile, handing her a fork.
"Thanks James" she smiles and starts digging in, and i soon join. Amongst the eating we both catch onto one spaghetti string, our lips almost touching. There was nothing more that i wanted then too kiss her, but it was to soon. I let go of the piece before coughing a little and continuing to eat.


For the first time in a long time I was enjoying myself. This was fun, my first date, if thats what you call this.


"Ugh I hate that fucking wannabe" a unfamiliar woman spoke.
"I will help you with a plan, okay? we will get her trust me, just be patient." a unfamiliar man replied. The woman rolled her eyes
"Okay so what's the plan?"

-------Vision ends------


What the hell just happened. Riley's eyes just turned blue. Females vampire eyes are red its the guys eyes that are blue. I've never seen anything like this before and I can't help but wonder, what the hell is going on? Her eyes soon turn back to red.
"Are you okay?" I ask.
"I dont know what just happened..." she paused, "I know this sounds crazy but I saw this girl and guy, they were making some sort of a plan to get some girl..." she says confused.
"To get who?" I ask.
"I dont know they just said her..." she says. Think James, what could this be... maybe it has something to do with her power...
"Have you ever seen those people before?" she shakes her head. "you've never been in a situation like that?" she shakes her head again. "okay... well it seems it has nothing to do with the past or memories... so then that leaves the possibility of the present or future. Which means you're power could possibly be seeing the future?"


A power so now I have a power.. this place gets weirder and weirder. I feel like I'm dreaming... maybe i'll sleep this all off and wake up back in my bed. So I'll just go with his for now..
"Hey come on babe lets get to your room" he smiles as he gets up, extending his hand out to help me up.
"Okay..." I say, taking his hand before following him.


I wake up and sure enough, I'm still in the same place, guess it wasn't a dream... I sigh before getting up and putting on some new clothes I got after James left yesterday. I looked in the mirror looking at the new me and sighed, guess this will do. I went out of my room and walked around, in hopes of maybe finding James since i didn't really know anyone else. Thats when I ran into the other guy I met the first day here,
"Hey, you're Seth right?" I ask him.
"In the flesh n bones, well sort of. And you are the new girl."
"Riley." I corrected him and he shrugged,
"This is Jake, Jake this is Riley." he quickly introduced his friend and we both gave each other a polite smile. "So did you get your animal blood?" I nodded,
"Yeah... have you seen James around?"
"Room 258" he smiled before walking away with Jake. I walk to the room, opening the door before quickly realizing it was a swimming room.
"Hey... I remembered you mentioned liking swimming... so I uhm booked the room for us." he said walking over to me. I smiled,
"I'll be right back."
I quickly left to my room, changing into my swimsuit before heading back to the pool, looking around not seeing him anywhere,
"James?" I call out before my feet are swept from the ground and water engulfs me. I quickly swim up to the surface giving him a slight glare, "James!"
"What?" he asked innocently.
"You're gonna-" I start coughing, "pay-" I cough more, "for-" cough "That." I start coughing uncontrollably and he looks at me concerned,
"are you okay?" I shake my head, and he quickly reaches his hand out. I take his had pulling him into the pool, before bursting out into laughter.
"Hey!" he exclaims when he reaches the surface again, splashing me a little, and i splash back laughing a little. He looks at me with a silly grin, as he moves some hair from my face before leaning in and kissing me.

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