Names Riley

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Chapter 4


"It was.... Paul" said Seth.

"I HATE THAT JERK always have" i said. Paul was always a bully to me he was a Jerk he stole my stuff and as we got older we came to VW and he got kicked out for almost killing his sister Grace. He was mad at her because we were dating. I never saw Grace after that day.

"What are we going to do were are they u can see the present see were they are Seth" I say.


I open my eyes theres that guy and girl from my vision.


"Well well well look who came to join the party" said the girl.

"What do u want" says James.

"You know what i want" said the guy.

"Let her go know" says James.

"Hmm" the guy says...... "No"

"Just let her go i .....

-----Vision Ends-----

"WTF" says the guy.

"Were am" i ask i realize my arms and legs are tied the chair I'm sitting on.

"It's a firkin secret" He yells.

"Come on we need to go through the plan again" says the girl and they walk away in a different room. Were am i? i can't see much it's very dark. Ugh how do i get my arms free.

"PAUL GET UR ASS OVER HERE" i hear a familiar voice yell.

"Well well well look who came to join the party" said the girl.

"What do u want" says James.

"You know what i want" said Paul.

"Let her go know" says James.

"Hmm" Paul says...... "No"

"Just let her go and tell me what you want" Says James. OMG this was my vision um i have to get loose but how think Riley Think...


WTF why did he take her and WTF does he want. Why don't i just ask him.

"WTF DO YOU WANT" i yell.

"Hmm i want a lot of things" he says. Then out of no where two of his goons grab me and tie me on the chair. then they go to put me bye Riley but shes shes..... Gone.

"WTF WERE IS SHE GO FIND HER IDIOTS" He yells pointing to his goons. Could Seth but he said he couldn't help. Later that night.

"Hey Hippos got any blood for me" i say to his goons.

"Ya i get u 'ome" says Goon 1.

"We don't be good to good guy 'upid jack" says Goon 2.

"I be nize" says Jack.

"Aw WTF get 'im some" says Goon 2.

Then Seth comes behind me and unties me we get out and he gives me a map of the Immortal World forest the haunted one with a spot circled.

"She right there" Seth says pointing to the circled part.

"Okay r u not coming" I ask.

"No to much in one day" Seth says.


I'm in a haunted forest by myself great just great. Luckily Seth gave me a tent so i set it up and went in. then i heard laughing. I went outside and saw 5 people.

"Um hello i'm Riley" i say.

"Hi i'm Carl this is Sophie, Harry, Louis, and thats Selena" he said pointing to everyone.

"Hi" they said.

"you wanna join our campfire" Harry asked.

"Uh sure" i said following them. They seem like nice people. i think Harry and Selena are werewolf's they smell like dogs. And Louis is a vampire cause his eyes are blue. Sophie must be those Beautiful witches i heard about well cause shes very pretty. (She looks like Ariana Grande with red hair) And i'm not to sure what Carl is.

"Wizard" said Louis answering my question.

"What how did u" i ask.

"I can read minds" Louis says. "And Sophie she new u were a witch"

"Really how" Sophie asks.

"Well because ur really pretty and have bright hair" i say

"Oh thanks" she says. Then after the campfire we go in our tents and go to sleep.

Hope you guys like my story so far Vote. :)

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