I wonder

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Chapter 22


"Mom dad i have to tell you something" i said.

"What is it sweetie" mom asks. I told her everything from when i was turned into a vampire till now.

"Oh my gosh sweetie I'm so sorry we will do something about this Joel" my mom said giving me a big huge.

"Let me deal with him" said dad going to the closet.

"Jake Your not gonna shoot the kind" said my mom.

"Dang" said my dad and shut the door. I couldn't help to laugh.

"Dad and mom i love u" i said.

"I love you too" said my mom and dad.

"Now go get some sleep" said my mom.

"We will deal with Joel tomorrow" said my dad.

"Night guys love you" i said going upstairs.

"Love you two" they said. Then i went to my room and got on my pyjamas and sat on my bed. i wonder if my life will ever be the same. I wonder how Seth and Sophie are And Nicole. Actually to think of it i haven't talked to Nicole in a while.

The next day...

My parents were gone the left me a note saying they went to find Joel. So i thought maybe i would go to the park. I put on my blue spaghetti strap and my white skinny jeans and my sunglasses. And put my hair in a ponytail. So i went to the park and sat on the bench.

"Hi there" said a guy.

"Uh hi do i know you" i ask.

"My names Jason" Jason said.

"My names Riley" i said. (Jason looks like taylor Lautner).

"Wanna sit" i ask.

"Probably not" he said.

"Why" i ask.

"Your sitting on a new painted bench" he said.

"Aw man Luckily this bench was painted white" i said. He laughed.

"So wanna hang out" he asked.

"Sure were" i ask.

"Maybe to the movies" he said.

"Maybe" i said Smiling. "Tomorrow" i said.

"Okay meet u there at 7:00" said Jason.

"Okay bye" i said and walked back home. I put my hair down and got on my white strapless dress and i couldn't find my flats so i wore my high tops. Then i left and went to the movies. Once i got there...

"Hey beautiful" said Jason.

"Hi" i said.

"Lets go" he said.


"Only on one condition" he said.

"What" i ask.

"Well i have two choices for you. one you let me kiss her or u guys can stay in our dungeons till who knows how long" he said.

"Let her choose" i said and looked at her.

"Um sorry But i'd rather stay in a dungeon then kiss u freak" she said.

"Well that can be arranged take them to a room" he said to Makayla.

"Yes master" said Makayla. then she took us out to the hall away from the room.

"Guys i will make u a deal i let you guys go and you take me with you please i hate him" she said.

"Deal lets go" i said. Then she showed us the way out and we all ran out.

"We will have to go threw the forest come on" said Makayla.

"Okay can i call u Kay" asked Selena

"Sure my first nickname i like it now come on quick" said Kay and we ran in the forest. We ran as far as we could.

"Okay so theres a road this way and it will take us to the town and from there we can go to the immortal world" Kay said.

"Sounds good" said Selena.

"Okay" i said and we went into the town.

"Hey is that you James i have been worried sick about you" said a lady.


Dang it. My mom told me i would end up in a place like this. I HATE Riley's sticken perfect parents. They have access to everywhere and brought me to jail. This might be the end of me there still discussing if they should kill me. Please no. Man i just wanted to hurt her its not like i was gonna kill her. I gotta get outta here.

"Officers may i please speak with Riley's parents" i ask.

"Sure" he said then they came in.

"You wanted to see us" she said.

"Yes i wanted to apologize for letting the anger get the best of me and to show u how sorry i am i want to give u my house" i said. i have to move anyway they all know were i live.

"We will take the gift" she said

"but we still aren't all good" said Jake.

"Yes sir" i said. Then they left. WOW how gullible are they HA suckers.

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