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Chapter 9


Gosh i keep having that dream. I don't know why i scream thow maybe just pain. I finished eating my food.

"R u feeling better" Seth asked.

"Ya i feel a lot better" i say.

*Knock Knock*

"Who is it" i asked.

"A surprise" it was a girl voice.

"Uh um okay come in" i say a little worried.

"SURPRISE" said Sophie

"Oh my gosh i can't believe ur here" i say.

"Um i'm gonna go now bye" Seth said leaving.

"Bye" i said

"So what do u wanna do today" Sophie asked.

"First you have to meet Nicole" i said then called Nicole and she came over.

"Everything okay" she asked.

"Ya i wanted you to meet my friend Sophie" i said.

"Hi I'm Sophie Riley's Told me a lot about you" Sophie said.

"Hi I'm Nicole nice to meet you" she said.

"Vampire cool" Sophie said.

"Witch very pretty witch" Nicole said.

"Thanks ur very pretty also" Said Sophie.

"Um i now i ask this a lot but do u guys wanna go shopping" asked Nicole.

"Ya sounds like fun" said Sophie.

"Ya why not" i said. Then i grabbed my bag and we left. It was so much fun i went shopping with my 2 Best friends.

"Hey guys we need to pick out dresses" Nicole said.

"Why" i asked.

"Cause the VW ball it will be fun lets go" Nicole said and we followed her in a shop on our way there i say James him and that girl he had his arm around her. ugh i can't believe him. Anyway we looked at the dresses. Nicole fell in love with a yellow long puffy dress. Sophie found a long blue dress. and i got a short red strapless tight dress. And we grabbed our bags of clothes and went to my room.

"That was so much fun" said Sophie.

"Ya it was" i said.

"Hey Riley mind if i stay with u in ur room" Sophie asked.

"Ya hey what about we have a sleepover" Nicole asks.

"I never had a sleepover before" i said a little embarrassed.

"No need to be embarrassed" said Nicole.

"Ya lets do it" said Sophie

"Okay" i say with a smile on my face. we watched movies and fell asleep.



"He's not coming he doesn't want you" Paul says and then hits me.

-----Dream Ends----

"Wake up" says Sophie shaking me. I open my eyes.

"What" i asked.

"U were screaming like crazy whats wrong" asked Sophie.

"Oh i uh um uh" i say.

"Want me to tell her" asks Nicole.

"Yes plz" i said. Then Nicole tells her everything i told her. Then Sophie gives me a hug.

"Gosh What a Jerk" Sophie says.

"Um i'm going to go to the bathroom" i say leaving the room. I walk down the hall then someone grabs my arms and covers my mouth. i try to get free but can't then they throw me in a room.

"Gosh can't u shut up" said a familiar male voice. i couldn't see their face it was to dark.

"Who is it what do u want" i asked.

"I want u to shut up at night or i will shut u up" he says.

"I'm sorry i don't now why i scream" i say. I notice a shadow getting closer.

"Don't Lie to me" he says and hits me. Seriously why is everyone doing that. I got mad and hit were the shadow was. but he grab my hand before i even touch him.

"Bad move" he says.

"LET ME GO" i yell.

"Good thing i got us away from VW" he says but grabs my other hand and throws me in a closet i think it was and locks it.

"LET ME OUT" i yell.

"Shut up" he says. Then i just sit down. later i noticed light coming from the cracks in the door i look through them only to see James and that girl kissing. Oh My gosh were am i did James take me whats going on am i in his room. What a...


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