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You just barely passed through the portal before you were nearly forced back inside. If it weren't for Bill being right behind you, the tackle-hug from Monty would've sent the two of you tumbling into another dimension.

"I thought you were gonna die!"


"I came back—I had your strawberries and-and you went through this huge thing and then it was gone and you were gone! It's been a whole day since I last saw you go through some portal to another dimension and all I could think to do was call Dipper and Mabel and file a missing persons report–and you... I couldn't do anything!" He pulled you away from the portal as quickly as he could after he went off on his tangent. "What happened to you?! You're all covered in blood! Is it yours?! O-okay don't panic! I'm calling 911—don't panic, (Y/N)!"

You grabbed the phone from Monty, who had already managed to dial the number and hold it up to his ear. You tossed it on the couch. "It isn't my blood." You said in a calm fashion. "And the only one panicking is you."

You would've corrected him on the fact that you had been gone for a whole day, but your mom had informed you on the way that time in the nightmare realm was different than the real world when you weren't dying. What is like an hour in their time is a full day in yours.

"If it isn't your blood, who's is it?" Monty asked.


"What?" You noticed his expression change. He wasn't expecting that answer.

"What, you're worried about me?" Bill asked, laughing loudly. "Aw, kid, how nice of you!"

Monty must not have noticed him standing behind you because the expression from his face changed from genuinely worried to annoyed. "I wasn't worried!" He insisted. Monty stormed up to him and grabbed him by the shirt, pulling him up to his height, for he was slightly taller. "What the hell was the idea, huh? Kidnap my sister, then what?"

"Monty!" You stepped between them. "He didn't kidnap me. My mom brought me there!"

Monty looked to where you were pointing to another person he must not have noticed standing by the tv and inspecting it in awe. She looked over when she noticed the silence.

"Ah," She stepped away from it with a quiet nervous chuckle. She cleared her throat. "Yes, um, Montgomery Gray, correct?" She walked towards him with an outstretched hand. "I'm (Y/N)'s mother."

He looked at you as he shook her hand. "Pleasure to meet you?" He said sheepishly.

At that moment, the front door opened and Mabel walked in. "I just checked in with Blubbs and he said he hasn't got any word on—(Y/N)!" Mabel screamed suddenly, startling Dipper who was just walking in behind her. "You're all covered in blood, what happened?!"

"(Y/N)!" Dipper exclaimed. "You're alive!" He rushed forward to hug you in a way similar to how Monty approached you, with Mabel not far behind him.

Before either of the twins could get near you, Bill stepped in between them and yourself. "Easy Pine Tree, okay?" He said. "Don't go getting all handsy on my girlfriend."

"Girlfriend?!" Everyone shouted.

"I'm not your girlfriend, Bill." You said.

"You said you loved me."

"Wait, what?" Monty looked at you.

"You told him that?" Dipper questioned.

All you got from Mabel was an almost hurt expression, if not sympathetic.

"Let me explain everything." You said. "You were right. About Bill not having his powers."

"Then why—"

Little White Lies (Bill Cipher x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now