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It was a lot easier stopping Stan and Ford than stopping tons of angry guards from killing someone. All they needed was a quick and not so easy explanation before Stan was backing you up to change his brother's mind.

Once that was out of the way, Wendy was very confused the next time you hung out with them and she spotted Bill flirting with you. She was still under the impression that Bill was in a relationship. You didn't want to confront her about it, but the time was going to come either way.

"Wait, so..." She crossed her arms and leaned forward on the table. "Monty isn't gay, and neither is Dustin. Dustin is your boyfriend."

"Yes," You nodded. "But, Dustin isn't Dustin..."

"What do you mean?"

"Dustin is Bill."

Wendy looked at you with we deluxe 'You've got to be kidding' look. "The one that almost killed you?"

You nodded slowly. "That's the one."

"(Y/N), what the heck, man?!" She yelled. "Why do you keep lying about who he is!"

"Because I didn't want you to be mad." You mumbled.

She stood up from the booth, earning even more stares from people around her. "I'm gonna kick his—"

"No!" You insisted. "Trust me, he's already learned his lesson. My mom went a bit overboard."

"I can't believe you're dating him."

It went about as well as you imagined it, with Wendy being mad for about an hour and a half until she finally forgave you and then threatened Bill multiple times when she went back home with you.

Before you knew it, your year off was over, and it was time to start heading home and getting ready for medical school. Of course, Bill returned with you and you informed the Grays about your new boyfriend and Monty made sure you told them every detail. He didn't want any more secrets.

So, your god parents had learned you were half demon royalty and your boyfriend was a demon royal pain. They figured out the last part on their own. However, they were still supportive of your relationship despite the rocky start and being slightly weirded out by the fact that their daughter was a demon princess and her boyfriend was a demon criminal.

Bill couldn't go to college with you, because he didn't take the MCATs or enroll, but it didn't stop him from wandering around the UCLA campus and getting yelled at on the occasion.

It was a long, tedious process filled with sleepless nights, but eventually you and Monty made it through medical school and the two of you began applying for internships. You kept in good touch with all of your friends in Gravity Falls over the four years you spent studying and learned Soos and Melody had their first kid and that Tambry and Robbie got engaged.

Their wedding was an interesting endeavor because you had brought Bill and Monty along, and Bill kept being obnoxious and embarrassing you when he pulled you to dance during the bride and groom's first dance.

The wedding seemed to inspire him though, because a few months later, Bill had asked you to marry him. Well, it was more like he told you it was going to happen.

It wasn't until a few weeks later when he actually put the idea on the table.

You were sitting outside of your regular coffee shop, sleepily staring at the steaming cup before you. You spent the day before completing your first twenty four hour shift and Bill got bored with sitting in the apartment for so long. Of course he dragged you out in the early hours in the morning when you had just barely gotten three hours of sleep.

Little White Lies (Bill Cipher x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now