Chapter 2

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Hello everybody! How is you? Sorry this chapter took a while, I wrote the whole damn thing out only to find out it didbt fucking save! And then I had to rewrite the whole thing again. *crying*. But whatever! It's done! It's over with! And I'm finally getting this chapter up! That's all that matters! Right? I thinks so anyway. Anywho, I would like to dedicate this chapter to BookwormSid1015! She is a crazy fan of this series, but if you go back and look at the first story. You won't be able to tell she does at all. . . . . . . . if you can't tell, I was being sarcastic! It's quite obvious that she likes it, and I'm glad she does. For some reason I didn't think people were going to like this series. But I was pretty wrong I guess, huh? Yeah. Anyway, love you BookwormSid1015! Love you guys! Enjoy the chapter!


POV: Nobody

Mira dropped the plate that she was holding and it shattered on the floor. But Mira didn't mind much as she stared at Natsu who was in the Guilds doorway, holding an unconscious girl in his arms. Natsu then walked towards the infirmary. The girls at the bar and Happy following.

"Where did you find her?" Erza questioned.

"I got home and she was sitting on the front step." Natsu said as he placed her on a bed. Looking closer they could see that she had blood smeared everywhere. Her arms, legs, short and neck. Her neck terrified Natsu, bringing back memories he didn't want.

"She was just sitting there?" Mira asked.

"Yeah. She was passed out when I got there." Natsu said as Juvia rinsed of her skin.

"She doesn't seem to be wounded." Juvia said as she finished rinsing her off.

"Of course she's not." Levy said, as she held the sleeping girls hand. "She's a werewolf, they heal faster right?" Levy said as tears started to gather in her eyes.

"Levy." Mira said and held her arm and started to pull her out of the room. When they got to the door, two people slipped by the girls and entered the room.

"Gray! Gajeel! What are you two doing here?" Happy asked.

"We heard you found her." Gajeel answered.

"Where was she?" Gray asked.

"She was just sitting on the front step of Lucy's old apartment." Erza answered. "Natsu found her."

"What was she doing there?" Gajeel asked.

"I don't know." Natau said. The girl then stirred a little and opened her eyes a bit, just enough that everyone in the room couldn't see them. Then all of a sudden she jumped off the bed and ran out the door, with Natsu right behind her.

"Natsu!" Erza yelled and her voice got everyone outsides attention. They turned and saw that the girl was awake. She grabbed a hold of a chair that was near her as she ran towards the door and spun around and slammed the chair into Natsu's side. He fell to the ground and the girl took the chance to run out the door and into town. Natsu got up and started running after the blonde girl again.

"Natsu!" Gray yelled as he and everyone ran after him and the girl. The girl ran through the streets and heard someone following her. She looked behind her and saw that a pink haired boy was behind her, along with his friends following him. The girl skidded to slow down and took a sharp right, as did Natsu and followed her into the market place.

"He's going to lose her." Juvia said as she and everyone else got to the corner and watched as he ran after her.

"No he's not." Gray told her. "He's been looking for her, for a year. He's not going to let himself lose her."


POV: Natsu

I ran behind her as she ran through the market place dodging people as she almost ran into them. I ran passed them while they had stepped back, and started catching up to her. Then she grabbed a tall stack of cartons with fruit in it and knocked it over in front of me. I stopped just before it could come down on top of me, and I looked to see that the girl kept running and rounded a corner. I looked and saw an alleyway, that ran along side the street that the girl had ran. I sprinted down it and saw her to my right on the other street. I ran until I reached the end of the alley where it opened up onto another street. And when I looked I could see that the girl was coming in my direction. I walked out in the middle of the streets, and stood there until she saw me and stopped a few feet away from me, with her bangs hanging over her eyes.

"Look at me." I told her, but she isn't move. I then took a step forward and she took off down the alley that I had just come from. I ran after her and was so close that I could grab her, but when I reached out to grab her, she jumped onto a box and then over to the other side of the alley. Her nails turned into claws and she dug them into the wall, sliding down a bit before stopping. She looked down at me and then started climbing the wall towards the roof. I jumped up onto a fire escape ladder and climbed up the stairs until I got to the top of the roof. And when I got there she stood at the other end. She started walking towards me until she was halfway across the roof, then quickly turned around and ran back jumping over to the next roof. I followed her and we continued down the line of buildings.

"Natsu!" I heard my name being called and I looked down at the street to see that Erza, Happy, Gajeel, Gray, Mira, Levy, and Juvia were running in the street. But when they got my attention, I didn't see the loose shingles on the next roof. So when I jumped, my foot slipped out from underneath me and I slid off the edge of the roof. I grabbed a hold of the edge and tried to pull myself back up. I went to grab a shingle and saw that the girl had stopped running and was now watching me. Went to grab another shingle but it slipped out and I fell. But before I had the chance to fall all the way, a hand caught mine in mid-air. I looked to see that the girl had come back, and had caught me. I then reached up and instead of grabbing the edge of the roof I grabbed her arm and placed my foot on the wall. I pushed with my foot and pulled the girl off the roof and we fell onto a large pile of trash. I looked to see that the girl was getting up and was running down the alley that we had landed in, and away from me. Until Erza and everyone showed up at the end of the alleyway. She stopped and went to turn around to run the other way, but I was behind her before she got the chance to make a break for it. I grabbed her shoulders and pinned her against the wall, I then placed a finger under her chin and lifted her face so she would look at me. But her eyes were closed.

"Open your eyes." I told her, and after a moment she did.

"Hello Natsu." Said the girl with the familiar face, but different voice and golden eyes.

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