Chapter 17

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Pip pip Cheerio bitches! Great now I want Cheerios. What's your guys favorite cereal? Mines not Cheerios, but they sound really good right now. I'd have to say that my favorite is fruity pebbles. Those little pieces of joy are an orgasm in themselves. You will die, and go to heaven. Then you come back so you can keep enjoying it and repeat the whole process until you run out. They're amazing. Anyway enough about cereal, I would like to dedicate this chapter to Nalu_Shipper_1! She is a new follower! Yay! Hey Nalu_Shipper_1 what is your favorite cereal? I don't really know why I'm writing about cereal. But I really want some. Whatever, don't worry about me! Love you Nalu_Shipper_1! Love you guys! Enjoy the Chapter!


POV: Natsu

We walked back from the park to Fairy Tail, and Luna was making me hold her hand again while she carried a sleeping Happy in her other arm. Emma was sitting passed out on Gajeel's shoulder's as she snuggled into his hair. Reiki was carrying Rosemary on his back as she slept and he was talking to Erza. Ella, Nova, and Mira walked and talked too. Gray was carrying Sylvia and Juvia was carrying Rin as they both fought off their sleepiness and Storm was talking to Gray and Juvia. And then Kenia had her arm around Nash's shoulders. I stared at Kenia's back as we walked through town, trying to think why she would care so much about these kids.

"Alright kids, time for bed." Kenia said when we got to the Guild. Gray and Juvia put the two blue haired twins down and Storm lead them after Kenia. Kenia took Emma off Gajeel's shoulders and the rest of the kids followed her into the infirmary. 

"Natsu, can we talk?" Happy asked me, once the door to the infirmary closed.

"Sure." I said and followed him outside. "What's up?" I asked when we were outside standing in nothing but the light of the moon that was slowly rising into the dark sky.

"What is your problem?" He asked me putting his paws on his hips.

"What do you mean?" I questioned him, completely confused about what he was talking about.

"What's your problem with Kenia?" Happy explained his question.

"I don't have a problem with her." I said bluntly.

"Bullshit." Happy said and I flinched at what he had just said, this was probably the first time I've ever heard him said something like that. "Natsu, I don't like the way that you've been treating Kenia."

"Why does it matter?" I asked as I turned and started walking away to go back inside.

"It matters because the only reason that you're acting like this is because she looks like Lucy." Happy said, and I stopped moving. "You're acting like a child Natsu. You hate her because you think that she took Lucy from us, when she didn't. Lucy did what she thought was right and you're mad about it."

"No." I said. "I'm not mad because she looks like Lucy, I mean I am a little, but I'm mad because I don't understand what she was thinking. How could she sacrifice herself like that?" I said looking at the ground as I turned back to Happy. "I don't hate Kenia. I just don't like her."

"But you're still torturing her for it." Happy said in a softer tone. "She feels bad enough."

"I know." I admitted.

"Then fix it." Happy said. "Please, Lucy wouldn't have wanted that. She would want us to help Kenia and the rest of the pack as much as we could. And we can't help her if you chase her off."

"Now you're just saying that." I pointed out to him and he took a deep breath.

"No, because we want to help protect her and the kids." Happy said, and I could hear it in his voice that he was lying, and that he was sad. "Its what she would want."

"I know, but you're all attached to her because she looks like Lucy." I said, and walked back into the Guild.

'I guess I should at least try to be friendly. It is what she would have wanted.'

I started walking towards the closed infirmary door.

"Hey Natsu." Someone said, and I looked to see Loke was sitting at the bar.

"Loke." I said as I walked over to him. "You alright?" I asked not really wanting to bring up the topic about Aries.

"I've been better." He said as he took a sip of his beer.

"Yeah, same here." I said as I sat down. "So you guys had really gotten together."

"Yeah, we were going to be celebrating a year in a few weeks." Loke said smiling a little.

"I'm sorry." I said, not really knowing how to comfort him. Then there was a long quiet pause.

"You know Natsu, Kenia's really not that bad. She's helped a lot of people." Loke said. "She's been pretty busy in this last year."

"Yeah I know, the kids." I said.

"No, not just them." Loke said turning to looking at me. "She's helped dozens of people. Werewolves and humans she's helped so many people get back on their feet, provide a roof when they needed it. Support them when nobody else will. She's done so much without asking for anything else in return. Hell, she even helped some of the rest of us."

"The other Spirits?" I asked, and he nodded. "Who?"

"Well, she helped me with asking Aries out." Loke said. "She helped Aries to be more confident in herself and to stop saying sorry all the time, and she helped Aquarius with her anger issues."

"Really?" I asked.

"I know, hard to believe." Loke commented. "You should give her a break, she's actually a good person." And again there was another long pause, but this time it was a bit awkward. I watched as Loke took another drink.

"Hey Loke?" I asked.

"Hmm?" He hummed as he looked at me, and put his mug down.

"Why did you stay with Kenia?" I asked. "Why didn't you go back the Spirit World?"

"We can't." He said, and took another sip of beer.

"What?" I asked, surprised with what he said.

"When Lucy summoned us, she and Kenia were fighting together. So in a way Kenia summoned us as well." Loke said. "Why do you think that she doesn't use magic?"

"Wait she doesn't have magic?" I asked.

"No when Lucy died, Kenia got her magic." Loke said. "We're stuck here until Kenia dies. For some reason, we're still connected to Lucy's summoning. So we can't go back to the Spirit World. We can't go home." He said, and seemed sad at the thought. "But it's not that bad. At least, it wasn't that bad," He looked down at the bar counter and I decided that he probably needed to be left alone. So I left him and went to have a little chat with Kenia.

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