Chapter 28

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Hello! And good-bye! This, is the last chapter! And the last book of this series!!! I'm so happy! And I am glad to be able to say that I am proud, that this was my first series! I hope you guys really enjoyed this series as much as I have. And now, for the mot important question that I have been waiting forever to ask. What do you think of Kenia now? How much do you like her now? Has it changed at all? And I specifically want to know the answers from BookwormSid1015, JadeTheMeister, and SarahBurgos! Because these three were the only ones that have answered the same question from when I asked it the first time. And just like the first time, 1 to 10 how much do you like her? 1 = You might want to stick a grenade down her throat, and 10 = You love her, she's a total badass. Where are you on the chart? Has it changed? If so why? And if not, why not? I really want to know what you think about her. And I want you all to know something: I was not trying to make you like her. I don't care if you like her, and I don't care if you hate her. You can see her one of many ways, and that's all how you look a her. You don't have o like her, I at least want you to understand her. I don't care if you hate her because she was a bitch to Natsu, or she took her problem and just handed it to Lucy (that's not what I was aiming for, but I can understand if you see it that way.) I don't care if you like her just because she saved those kids, or just because she saved Natsu, or just because she sacrificed herself to let Lucy have her body back. I don't fucking care! I just want to know what you think of her. She was a huge roll in this whole story! And now she's gone! And the story is done! And I'm so happy! Yay! I hope you guys are happy too! And now


POV: Lucy

I walked passed the train station, holding an object that was wrapped in cloth. I walked along the road that was complete forest on one side, and a golden grass field on the other. After walking for a while, I made it to a part of the road that the grass field started going upwards and formed a hill. I turned and walked out into the field, putting one of my hands out so my fingers could brush the tops of the grass. After making it up the to the top of the hill, it flattened out and I walked towards the center. Finally I reached a point where no matter what direction you turned, you couldn't see anything but the beautiful golden grass that was swaying to the wind and the sky. I kneeled down and sat on my knees, and looked down at the bundle that I was carrying with me. I unwrapped it and on the inside was what had been left of Gin, the sword of Akazukin, Little Red Ridding Hood. I picked it up and held the hit in both of my hands, and looked at the blade that was only half the length that it was before. I stared at the broken part of the blade where the edge was angled so that one side of the blade was longer than the other. I turn the hilt in my hands so the tip of the blade was facing downwards and slammed it into the ground. I made sure that it was secure before I let it go and brought my hands up to my neck where I pulled on two little chains and held two charms in my hand. One was a star, and the other was a crescent moon. I took one of the chains and took it off, while leaving the other around my neck, and this time leaving it on the outside of my shirt. I took the chain and wrapped it around the hilt of the sword and smiled as I let it go, and I stared at the crescent moon that swayed with the grass. I took a deep breath before standing up and I bowed to the sword. I bowed to a strong creature that had saved my life more than once. I bowed to creatures that had been caged for years, that could now be at rest. And maybe I even bowed to a woman, who had gone through a lot of pain, and was only trying to set it right. I sat up straight and smiled at the wolf head that was at the end of the hilt. This wasn't a sword to use as a weapon anymore. It was a grave marker, for all the werewolves that died due to Aka. I turned away from the grave marker and went to walk away, but I stopped when I looked out in front of me. There stood, hundreds of wolves and humans of all sizes and colors, and they were all slightly transparent as they were no longer alive. They were the werewolves that I set free. And there out in front of them, was a wolf I knew all to well. It was Kenia as the tall, beautiful, free wolf that she was. She looked at me and I could tell that she was smiling. She lifted her head slightly before lowering it to the ground. All the other werewolves that stood in front of me followed suit, and bowed to me. I smiled and bowed back to them. When I sat up straight, all of them ran at me and brought the wind with them as they ran past me and my hair and clothes blew in the wind heading behind me. I turned around and watched as they ran free, except one. Kenia stood at the edge of the other side of the hill, where she stood watching me. I smiled to her before she threw her head back and howled. This, was our last good-bye. I smiled even bigger as I felt a tear flow down my cheek and the last few werewolves ran past me. Kenia stopped howling and turned away from me, following the rest of the others. The wind died down and I tucked my bangs behind my ear. I took a deep breath and wiped the tears out from under my eyes, and sighed.

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