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" Gold digger  " I heard Mr.Park muttered to the very last sentences before he the dining room.

Jimin on the other hand chase his father upstairs.

Why he didn't pretend me in front of his father ? When he know the truth ? That i just someone who's helping him in his big problem ? When his father bad talk me, he didn't even mutter a single word to pretend me . Why ?

" Seulgi-ya i'm very sorry about my husband's words. I'll talk to him later. Wait here, i'll call Jimin to take you home. " I heard Mrs.Park said as she take her leave, leaving me all alone at the dining room.

" Like it or not, she's my choice. I choose her. Only her. You can't force me !! " I heard Jimin yelled as he slammed the door of his father's office.

Jimin then harshly take my wrist and lead me to the front door.

" Park Jimin, i still didn't finish my talk " I head his father yelled as the both of us already on our way outside the house.

Jimin didn't even bother to look behind. He unlock his car soon leave his parents house with full speed.


The next morning i woke up early than the usual. I can't get proper sleep last night. Jimin's father word keep playing in my mind. Work has been hard for me to do since i can't focus myself. Like seriously, my life would be better if Jimin didn't appear.

I took a day off today since everything was tough for me. And Seungwan promised to have a sleep over tonight. My father already went for work and probably come home late since he has additional classes with his several students.

So yeah, i was left alone doing nothing in this big house. I guess i just gonna have a kdrama marathon since its been forever after i watch kdrama.

I wore my comfortable black shorts with oversized white tshirt and plopped myself at the sofa after finished doing the home chores. I munched the toast that i made before as my hands busy changing the television programme.

" Mingyu is really handsome. I wanna meet him too " As i watch Seventeen Boom Boom performance on Kpop Countdown Inkigayo  before starting my kdrama marathon.

To tell you the truth, i'm a big fan of Seventeen. Like seriously who wouldn't ? They're all attractive. And my bias is none other than Kim Mingyu. The ahjuma of the group. I mean, the coolest handsome playboy af of the group. He's younger than me. Of course. But who knows ? Miracle happen. Okay scratch that thought.

As i was into the Kdrama called Weightlifting Kim Bok Joo, my phone vibrated. Without looking at the caller screen, i answered it immediately.

" Kang Seulgi's here. Who is this ? "

" Its me. " The person on the other line answered.

" Oh ... " Is the only thing that i can say as my eyes still focus on the Tv screen in front of me.

" Emm.. Seulgi-ya, can you come at my office during lunch ?  "

" I'm off today-- " He then cutted my words before i finish talking.

" Wae ? "

" Just feel like it. "

" You can come now then, right ? "

" Actually i just wanna stay home today " I tell him the truth.

I heard a deep sigh on the other line. Wae ? Did i say something wrong ?

" Its fine then. " He answered after a minutes or two silent.

" Is there anything happen ? "

"  Nothing. I just wanna have my lunch with you "

The words keep replaying in my minds for a seconds.  Okay i don't expect that.

" Next tim- "

" I'll go !! " I cut his words as i feel my cheeks started to blush because i accidently raised my voice which i don't know why i do so.

" I'll go. " I repeated as i decreased my voice lower than before.

" I'll see you soon then. Emm.. bye "

I hung the phone and gulped at my ownself. Why i'm this excited when he asked me for a lunch together ? I must be crazy.

But then i think it was a good thing, because i can talk to him about the fiance thing later. There's a plently of  question that stuck on my head since  we left his father's house at that time. And Jimin didn't even muttered a single words after he send me home.

I didn't change my clothes as i just grab my black sweater in my room, fixed my messy bun and just apllied a thin lip balm. I don't have mood to do make up and so.

I turn off the Tv, grab my keys and purse at the coffee table soon walked out of the house after  i make sure i locked the house.

It took me about 30 minutes to finally reach his company after he send me his company address.
He must be hella rich by looking at the big building that has "Park Coorperation" on it.

I was in a deep thought for a second either to go inside and find him, or just wait him until he went here by himself.

I just call him then. I thought.

" I'm already here. " I said.

" Come inside. Ask the receiptionist to take you to my office. "

" Can you just go downstairs? I have my car today. " Giving him a sign that we can just leave by my audi.

" Park your car near the company building. We'll go by my car "

" Arraso "

Can he just come here and we'll go by my car ? Is it a crime to drive my car for going lunch ?

I walked inside the company building as i feel people looking at me. Now i regret for not changing my clothes. But why ? Its pretty though. I honestly didn't look so bad with casual clothes. I'm not trying to be a brat or something, but that the truth.

" Anyeonghaseyo !! How can i help you ? " A girl who looks a year or two younger than me asking with a smile plastered on her bright skin face.

" Emm. I'm here to meet Mr.Park Jimin. "

" Oh yes. He's already waiting. I'll take you to his office. "

" Thank you " I thanked her.

We were waiting for the elevator to as the workers keep looking and whispering themselves but when i look behind, look at their direction, they will immediately bow 90 degree.

Hey i'm not your boss. I wanna tell them but then i remembered something.

Oh right !! They must think i'm Jimin's real fiance.l Thats why they all bowing whenever they saw me.

" Emmm. I'm sorry to asked, but i'm curious about something. " The receiptionist girl asked, as both of us already in the elevator.

" No. Its fine though. You can continue. " I smile genuinely at her.

" Are you Mr.Park fiance ? I think you're the girl on the news. Am i right ? "

I gulped at her sudden question. Well, i didn't expect her sudden question at all. And now i don't know to answer her properly.


ps // the next update, will be hella crazy XD

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