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After watching Seulgi feeling emotionless not like before makes me feel something.

Is this the right choice ? Am i being too much on her. I seriously don't understand myself too if you ask me why i choose her and not enyone including Sohee.

Its not like i fall for her. Its imposible since i just knew a slight of herself. But you know what, there's something about her, that i find it attractive and interesting.

When i saw her puffy face at time she open the door for me, i feel guilty all of a sudden. I tried to persuade her by open the passanger door for her, instead she just settled herself at the back. Am being too much this time ? I just need her pretend as my fiance since my problem become this worst. But for how long she need to pretend ? I still have no idea about that.

After watching Seulgi entered the building of her workplace, my phone vibrate. Looks like a lot of people calling me today. I thought.


Written on the screen caller.

" Anyeonghaseyo abeoji " I don't know why i speak formal all of a sudden.

" Do you know what you caused time time ? " He speak on the other line ?

" I know and I'm sorry "

" You know you need to do official statement right ? "

" Ne. I'll make things clear as soon as i can " I answered him nervously.

" Clear your name by this week Jimin. And bring her next week in my house. "

" Ne. Arraso-yo appa "

" Don't  make things worst Jimin. You reject Sohee before, so you better do the right things before Sohee do crazy things. "

After that he cut the line.

" Its a mess. A big mess. " I muttered and run ny hands to my hair.


The meeting went smooth. I'm glad that my team succeed to show what we had done for the past few weeks for our company. Hours pass and now its time to go home. When i was about to grab my handbag and all, Yena pull my hands and made me seat beside the empty seat next to her desk.

" Yes ? " I asked her as my lips turn upwards remembering her kindess before.

" Eonnie. Are you okay ? " Is the first thing she asked me. I thought she's going to asked something more than that.

" I'm worried. You seems pale eonnie. You didn't look bright like the usual " I glanced my hands that she held tight.

" I'm fine Yena-ya "

" Don't worry eonnie. No matter what happen, i'll always support your decission " She reasuring me.

" I know. Don't worry Yena-ya. And thank you for asking. "

" Aniyo eonnie. Its not a big deal for me. If anything you wanna share, i'm a phone call away "

I nodded my head and patted her head. She's beautiful inside and outside. Its eternally grateful
to have her by outside.

We walked to the lobby together since her brother will fetch her for dinner.

" Eonnie. " She nugged my right arm.

" Eo ? "

" He's there. " She then pointed to Jimin as he was on his way to our direction.

" I'll see you tomorrow i guess " She then winked to me and leave me to the take a call, maybe from her brother.

" Did you need help ? " Jimin asked awkwardly as his hand on the back of his neck.

" I can carry it by myself. " I said as i started to walked. He then lead the way to his car.

" Lets discuss at my place. " He drove the car without waiting for my answer.

I just let out a sigh and look outside the window.
About half an hour, he stopped the car at his apartment. He walk outside the car and i did the same, follow his track until we reach his door.

" We're here. " He said as he punch the password on the security cord.

" Make yourself at home " He said again as he gave me a pair of red slipper.

I sat down on the sofa at his living room. From what i see, he has a decent house for a guy like him. I mean, he is rich so i wonder why he live in a not so big apartment like this. Other than the room smell like guys, there's nothing for me to say bad things about this apartment.

" Juice or tea ? " He asked out of nowhere that suceed to made me surprised all of sudden.

" Water will do. " I said as i sense that he changed his clothes already.

" Thank you " I said after he placed a glass of water on the table as he sat in front of me.

" So ... hmm .. i don't know how to start this but, i have no intention to drag you into my problem. " He then let out a long sigh but soon continued his talk.

" I just .. nevermind. You can hate me Seulgi. But please help me. Please act as my fiance in front of my father Seulgi. You just the only person who can help me right now. I don't wanna date her. " He hopelessly ask.

" Its not my problem. And why me ? Why you need to choose me ? I'm only a plain girl Park Jimin-shi while you, you're the heirs of a big company. You can just pay anyone else to be your fake fiance. " I burst everything that stuck in me.

" It just happened to be you were the only person that i see when i first saw you at the car park near the coffee shop before. "

I groaned in frustration. Why on earth i went to the cofee shop at that day. i'm so unlucky.

" Seulgi-ya. How much you want ? 100k KW. Or do you need want anything else beside money ? "

I looked at him disbelief.

" How could you said that ? You're the one who drag me into your problem. What am i ? A gold digger ? "

" Its not what i mean Seulgi-ya "

" Yeahh. Whatever " I rolled my eyes at him. Seriously he's too much.

" Help me. Eo ?? Jebal. "

" I don't know Jimin-shi. Its too sudden. This situation confused me much  "

He didn't answer instead he just let out a long deep sigh. I looked at him as he started to massage his sculp. I took stains of hair that block my sight.

" Promise me that you free me after 3 months. "

" Eo ? What do you mean ? " He asked me with his wide eyes.

" I'll help you. Only for 3 months. After that, free me. "

" 10 months. 3 months is too short " He whinned.

" Yah ! You should grateful that i'm willing to help. "

" 10 months. Okay ? "

" 3 months. End of discussion " I said clearly.

" 8 months. " He pleaded.

" Its too long Jimin-shi "

" 6 months. "

" Ergghhh deal. "

" Thank you Kang Seulgi. I'll pay you !! Don't worry " He jumped in joy.

I just stared at him. I have no idea that he is the one of the succesful youngest CEO in Seoul. He then stop jumping after he saw my reaction. I can see that his ears turns redden because of his own embarassing scene.

" No need to pay me. Just help to clear everything so that i can go out from my house without resporters chassing me around "


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