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Phil lowers the computer down to the floor. Everything feels like it's moving in slow motion.

He combs through his memories from the past several years. Searching, he tries to recall specific moments. From each casual touch, all the way back to their very first meeting, everything they had said and done, it all had new meaning. He imagines Dan thinking of him that entire time. Just like Phil had been thinking of him.

Is this real? he wonders. And what am I going to do? Do I act on this? Surely if Dan wanted something to happen between the two of them he would have said something, right?

A heavy, thick silence settles over them as they sit side by side on the edge of the bed.

With his decision made, Phil shifts sideways and looks at Dan, who's eyes are open now but still glistening with tears in the darkness. Completely exposed, Dan shyly catches his gaze and quickly glances away, like he's waiting for the world to crash down on top of him. Phil's hand cautiously reaches out towards him and touches the side of Dan's face, turning it back towards him. With his fingers in Dan's hair, Phil's thumb caresses his cheek, wiping away the last of the remaining salty tears, hating the fact that he's in such pain. Dan's eyes widen and look back at him with an incredulous look on his face.

"Aren't you mad?" Dan whispers.

Nervous, Phil debates what to do next, not trusting his own judgment. What if he's wrong?

Leaning in slightly, Phil's lips part and their breaths mingle. His heart flutters as he draws Dan's face closer to his. They pause, looking into each other's eyes. Phil swallows and holds his breath, waiting to see if Dan pulls away, giving him every opportunity to stop. His eyes search Dan's and he slowly closes the space between them even further, his lips drawing near.

"If you want me to not do this, you need to tell me now," Phil says quietly. "It can't be undone." Dan pauses but says nothing, his eyes flickering down to Phil's mouth.

Their lips finally meet, gently, carefully, the moment they both had dreamed of in their own way for so long. Dan places his other hand tentatively on Phil's waist, drawing them even deeper into the kiss. As they part, Dan's eyes sparkle and his lips curve up into a shy smile. He bites his bottom lip and looks away, a red blush darkening his cheeks. Phil can't help but smile back at his sudden bashfulness.

Even after years of secret longings and stolen looks, they are completely unprepared for the amount of desire that comes with that first touch. They are overcome with both relief and lust. The intoxication is instant. Phil leans in again and softly kisses down Dan's neck. He lets out little whimpers and buries his fingers in Phil's hair. Phil lifts his hands and caresses the sides of Dan's face as their lips began to move in perfect sync, slowly, cautiously. Quickly, the once soft and gentle kisses grow more urgent and demanding.

"Is this really happening?" Dan asks, pulling away just enough to take in a gasp of air. "After all this time?"

Phil just gives him one of his crooked smiles as his answer, still running his hands lovingly all over Dan. He had imagined this a million times, but the reality of what Dan's perfect skin and lips feel like is far better than any dream he's ever had about this very moment.

Dan connects their lips again, a little more roughly this time, drawing a low groan out of Phil. He responds by knotting his fists in Dan's black t-shirt and breaking their embrace just long enough to tug it over his head. Dan's head falls back and he moans softly as Phil lightly slides his hands over Dan's bare chest and then work their way to his lower back, grasping him and pulling him even closer. Their lips greedily find each other again.

Still on the edge of the bed, Dan rises slightly and sits on Phil's lap, straddling him with his legs tucked under on either side of him. He leans forward and captures Phil's mouth in a sweet kiss, lightly nibbling on his bottom lip as he pulls away. Phil responds by groaning Dan's name and trying to recapture the kiss. Dan leans back slightly with a small grin and shakes his head side to side. His fingers start loosening the top button of Phil's shirt, slowly working his way down, button by button. He pushes the shirt back and slowly slides it down Phil's arms. As Phil leans forward desperate for another kiss, Dan puts his hands on Phil's bare chest and firmly pushes him back so he is laying down on the bed with Dan still straddling him. He reaches forward and intertwines his fingers with Phil's, pinning his hands firmly on the bed.

Phil feels completely overwhelmed with the feeling of their bare skin now touching. Dan's lips are on his neck, gently working their way down. They pause at his collarbone where he takes a quick nip with his teeth to see how Phil reacts. He smiles into Phil's neck as he responds by gasping and pushing his hips upward against Dan.

Phil struggles to free his hands, but they are firmly held down by his weight. Still grinning, Dan brushes a feather-lite kiss on Phil's lips. He returns to his upper chest and nuzzles him sweetly before he ever so slowly lightly bites his way onto Phil's bare chest, pausing to suck purple bruises along the way. Phil groans softly, low in his throat. Dan lightly places his tongue in the hollow of Phil's neck and licks a lazy trail up to his ear. The sensation of Dan's firm tongue on his body completely undoes Phil. He struggles and finally breaks his hands free, circling his arms around Dan, and roughly pulling him down. He rolls over on top of him, their limbs tangling together while still passionately kissing, his fingers needfully undoing the button and zipper on Dan's black jeans, trying to tug them down over his narrow hips...  

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