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Phil wakes up suddenly, slightly disoriented when he realizes he's not in his bedroom. He smiles and stretches as all the memories from a few hours ago fill his head and he realizes he's in Dan's room. He's always wanted to know what it would feel like to wake up in here. A wave of contentment washes over him. Feeling a little chilly from the open window, he reaches down for the comforter, long since pushed off the bed, and grabs it off the floor and turns to pull some of it over Dan.

He stares at the empty spot on the bed and frowns, disappointed. Figuring he probably just went to go get a drink, he lays back down and waits alone in the quiet room.

Fifteen minutes pass and he starts to grow restless. The bedroom door is open, yet he can't hear Dan in the kitchen or bathroom. He watches for a light to turn on or off somewhere in the apartment, but it never happens. He grabs one of the discarded t-shirts off of the floor and slips it on as he quietly ventures out of the bedroom to find Dan. Trying not to overthink, he pushes down a feeling of dread as he walks past his empty bedroom and the unlit kitchen. He glances into the darkened living room where a movement catches his eye.

Dan is standing in front of one of the windows with his arms crossed, his silhouette illuminated by the bright streetlight directly outside of their flat. Phil's heart skips a beat and he pauses in the doorway, just taking a moment to look at him. He is still wearing only his boxer briefs as he leans against the window frame, looking down at the street below.

Relieved, Phil says his name softly as he approaches him in the darkened room. He wraps his arms around Dan's waist from behind, pressing his chest against Dan's bare back and laying his head down on his shoulder. Still silent, Dan reaches his hand up and caresses Phil's cheek. At Dan's touch, he is enveloped by a feeling of contentment.

"What are you doing in here?" Phil asks tenderly.

"Just watching the people and thinking," he whispers absently.

"You look like you're deep in thought."

"I was just thinking that each one of those people down there has their own world that we know nothing about. Their reality is completely different than ours. Are they happy? Do they like their lives? Do they have family and friends or are they alone?"

Phil frowns slightly. "I'd like to think that the answer to all of those things is 'yes'. I know I feel very lucky to have them all." Something isn't right and it's starting to make him feel a little uneasy. He doesn't dare take his eyes off of Dan as he stares blankly out of the window. He's seen Dan get like this plenty of times before, but the timing is worrying him. He stands quietly behind Dan debating what he should do, hoping that this melancholy mood is just a coincidence.

"Come back to bed," Phil whispers, giving his neck a light kiss. "I missed you when I woke up and you were gone." He lays more soft kisses in a row down his shoulder before he takes Dan's hand and tries to pull him backwards towards the bedroom. When Dan doesn't move, Phil looks back at him, confused.

Dan drops his head and then turns around towards Phil.

When Dan finally meets Phil's eyes, Phil's stomach sinks when he sees the look on his face. Something is very very wrong.

"Dan....." he says cautiously.

"I can't, Phil...I'm so sorry but I just can't...."


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