Chapter 4

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Footsteps rumbled. Me and Lily decided not to act like the criminals and started to act like the victims. They were leading to the playground before but now they were leading us to assembly.

"It was a false alarm!!"announced Miss Jasmine "Who ever did this is going to have severe punishment"

I had a lump in my throat. Lily was speaking to me. She was waiting for a reply. I couldnt speak. But eventually I did.

"Lily in the toilet now!"I demmanded

"If you say so..."She answered. We strolled casually to the toilet. Mr Dez was their and he said

"Aren't you two ment to be in the hall?"

"Aren't you ment to fuck off by now?"I whispered

"Excuze me!!"he shouted "You two detention after school right!"

"But-"Lily said

"No buts"he warned. We both giggled.It was kind of immature of us to laugh. Lily was telling me off about how dad might be angry when she clearly knows he dosen't. So I didn't worry. But she did she kept chewing on her nails and kept saying 'what if he does care?'But he won't care. 

When we was in the toilet I told her that acting suspicious was not going to get us nowhere but juvy.

"Were in 9th grade dude get a grip were not going to go to juvy!"

"Hush it, now lets get back to the assembly before we look 'suspicious' " I suggested.

So we walked in the corridors peeping through doors incase anyone was spying on us. Not just anyone. Emily. Emily has always wanted to minipulate our  success. Unfortunanetly she fails epicly. But she is not the one who fails epicly now. Its us. She was lurking around the corner with Shay.

Talk about spooky.

But there was something else. She was kissing , kissing so hard with him. She was facing opposite me so she couldn't see me but then. He was facing me.

"Hey Lola ,isn't that the boy you uset to fancy?"She asked.

"Shut it!"I hissed.

"Okay , chill ill stay out of the Lolz zone!"She replied. Shay was gazing at me. He heard what Lily said. I placed my elbow deep into Lily's rib cage for being a big mouth. She moaned and I just told her to zip it. Shay pulled his lips away from Emily. Emily was practically drolling over him. She hugged him whilst me and him were having a friendly 'chat' but Lily called it a row.

"Oo hello there!"Shay greeted me as if it was ok but he was also whispering because Emily thought he hated me.

"Hi and what is going on?"I whispered.

"Nothing .. oh this well as you can see she has lept on me!"he lied.

"Oh really?"I said

"It looks like it to me."Said Lily

"Hush!!!!" I hissed once again to the one and only silly lily. I wonderd when we ever was going to leave but he kept on going on and on. I still kind of liked him but I played hard to get. I wasn't acting all girly but I did flick my hair now and then.

"So must dash got a plane to catch!"Did I really say that? 'I think you did' said the back of my head.

"Plane seriously is that the best you can do?"whispered Lily into my ear. I pushed her away.

"Oh... rightt bye.."he said. Then Emily turned around.

"Ooooooo!"said Lily. The idiotic fool!

"So whats this?"she asked.

"Nothing I was just telling her to .. urgh... begon!"He eventually said

"Oh really?"She said

"If you was wondering I kind of 'own' that phrase."I mentioned.

"Well I wasn't wondering so like Shay said BEGON!!"She belowed. Then Ms.Jasmine came after all children were sent back to their classes. 

"What .. what is this you children in class NOW!!"She demmanded "May this be the last time I tell you off for hanging around."

"Yes Miss!"We choursed. Me and Lily marched to our classrooms calling eachother cadets and saluted.

'Brrrrriiiiinnngggggggg!!!!' went the bell. The rush for the school gates sounded like a riot. But I shouldnt be saying that because me and Lily joined in to.

"So lets go home!"Suggested Lily.

"You said it alright"I replied.

"Wait remeber detention look their is Mr Dez calling us run!!!"She shouted. We dodged the mob and sprinted our way home. We went home and Lily opened the door. Their was mum .. she was just ... lying there.

"Mum?!"I paniced "Mum are you okay"

"You watch her ill check on dad well not check but look"Said Lily she ran with my converse. I just realized that I was wearing hers and she was wearing mine. But it didn't matter her laces were un-done and she fell over then dad dragged her into the kitchen. I heard the cutterlery drawer open because as it opened the cutterlery banged to one to another.

"LOOLLAA HEELLPP !!"She shreiked.

"Lily I can't Mum.."I told her

"But he has a knife he is really drunk!!"She replied "Hurryy!!!!"

I dashed into the kitchen just in time. Their was a knock on the door but I ignored it .Continusley they knocked and knocked then started shouting for me and Lily and mum. It was a man , woman and a girls voice.

Oh no Emily!

"Were fine!!"I said

"Looolaaa!!"Lily called for me.

"It dosen't sound like it honey!"Said Emily's mum. Then the dad busted the door open. I pulled Lily towards me.

"Your mentally ill you Mr Carter!"said Emily throwing a tantrum.

"Darling its okay lets take them home"said the mum. So she took us to theirs. Lily fell asleep but I was awake. Because nowadays children have telephones in their rooms. As Emily's parents spoil her child, they got her own telephone in her room all purple and fluffy. (Also her room theme colour was pink and purple). I pretended I was sleeping so was Emily but she got up and used her telephone. She rang the police. She said

"I would like to tell you something police man." As emily is terrible at her english she said TELL YOU hmmm awful foul language.

"Im not a man im a woman"said the police.

"Yeah I knew that!"She lied "Anyway theres this man who lives at 58 Willow St who beats the mum and the 2 14 yr old children and almost killed the mum!"

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