Chapter 6

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"Whats up girls?"Asked Ella.

"Its Mum I miss her and I just lashed out"Lily lied acting over dramatic and pulling her hair and going on her knees. Ella offered her a hug and she took it. She winked at me and I pinched Emily which meant for her to pretend to sleep.

"Ella , Ella look!"Shouted Emily showing her hand cufs "They cufed me!"

"Serves you right!!"Ella told Emilly.

"Im out of here!!"Shreiked Emily and ran outside heading to the bus station. I was thinking she was gonna go to her Auntie Jenette's.

"You two!"She said. Then we got sent to bed. Then I realised our birthday was in two days!!

"Lily guess what?"I said.

"Its time to sleep tell me tommorow."She yawned

"Its real quick!"I was determined for her to know.

"Oh really!"She said sarcastically "Short for you is telling me a paragraph!"

"Our birthday is soon!"I cheered.

"You've just found out?"She asked

"Yup!"I replied

"Now lets get some sleep its ... 11:43 get your jack ass in bed!!"She warned. The next morning Ella woke us up real late. She let us sleep all we wanted seeing as were not going to go to school today or for the rest of the week.

"Rise and Shine!!"She said Merrily.

"I had this weird dream!"I told Ella.

"Tell me,"She said and sat beside my foot on the bed.

"That mum died and that i went to a orphange."I said "Wheres mum?"

"It really happened nit wit!"Teased Lily.

"Don't call me nit wit!!"I shouted

"Or what?!!!" She replied

"I HATE YOU !!!"I shrieked and ran outside in my pj's running further and further until I reached a dead end. Maybe I will become a dead end maybe... maybe I will become a dead end. Meaning I would be on my own and I wont have anyone to be with. I don't like the sound of that I just don't like the sound of that. So I scurried to the police station. I asked to see my dad. They asked who was I with I said I was on my own. They said I was to young. Then I went on my knees and started sobbing and told them my mum had just died. The man told me it was his own fault. But I got angry when he said that and I said ive been adopted by a police and she will take care of it. So he let me in. I had to wait in some waiting area then I was called in.

Dad sat there with yellow belt strapped round his body everywhere. He look kind of glum. He didn't know who was visiting him. But when I came walking through the door. (Don't be thinking that I flicked my hair and walked to sly and sexy just because I saw Shay talking to his Uncle!)

I walked in casually and sat down infront of dad.

"You alright?"He asked very weirdly.

"Yeah I am have you recovered?"I replied and asked.

"Well after killing a wife I feel quite powerful so erm like-"He said but I interrupted.

"Dad , dudes like you don't use 'like' alright?"I said "you know the gay ones right they do it such as him" I pointed at Shay he was giggling like a girl. He wasn't even laughing he was giggling like some fucking retard.

"Lola are you nuts?!"Shrieked Lily.

"Erm let me think .. im pretty... funny but nope, not nuts"I said sarcastically.

"You've brought her?!"Boomed dad and knocked me out senselessy.

I heard faint muffles from the police walkie talkie.

How come I always faint in a police station but I can't during maths?

I suddenly woke up. Dad wasn't their. All I saw was Lily , Ella and Shay up in my face.

"You alright Lola!?"Paniced Lily "I didn't mean to be so harsh!" She came closer as she spoke.

"Haven't you guys heard of personal space?"I said sarcastically and moved back.

"You look pretty than ever!"Shay complemented me.

"Im flattered, but you've got Emily and i don't go out with dudes who laugh so retardily"I replied.

"Oh ... right i understand really"He sniffed. I couldn't stand anymore so I walked out. I was kind of wobbling but seeing as Lily and I made up she helped me.  Ella told us to go home and be careful because she has to do her shift. She only let us because we are 14 and we are becoming 15 in two days she said we are practically adults.

'Why thank you' said the back of my head.

"Lily today , that wasn't my dream" I told "I thought it was just you then Ella walked in so I couldn't say . I thought you knew by now seeing as we are twin telepathic!"

"I knew I was just checking how you would react"She answered "now tell me"

"Well my dream had a man and the man told me and you to run away and we did and something amazing happened!" I said.

"Then if that's what it says then that's what we will do , firstly lets get home and change and you have to change into your blue jeans , white converses, and a top with a cardigan and I will wear the same thing!" She replied.

We ran and ran and went home we didn't take our suitcases we just took our Mckenzie bags. We went to the shop and got a packed lunch. We took a train to stratford and sat on a edge. We only had £34.00 pounds and we wanted more incase something happened. I had a cap I took it out of my bag and held it out.

"Please our mum died and I need money for her ... funeral !"I begged. Money came dashing in. All toghter. Adding the £34 pounds we got....

Im not very good with maths. So Lily counted she said we got £57.85. So we walked and walked and went to Uncle Archie. He lives next the woods and he said he might take us to USA! But I doubt it.

We didn't really go to his we went in the woods to see what we could see...


OOOOOO I know you guys dnt like Cliffys but Im rubbish at them so dont worry I will upload sooon very soon today maybe in this hour maybe iin the half n hour maybe in this minute maybe in this second maybe in this nano second I dosen't matter anyway.


Cheerrriiiooo! ;]

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