The hidden feeling...

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Akame POV

"Where am I? Why is it so dark?" Akame asks herself. "Wait I see light." She wakes up to the sun and sand of the desert. "Must have passed out from the heat." She gets up dusts herself of the sand. "I better get moving. The nights will be cold." I begin my trek once more. A while later I shiver when a cold breeze passes by. "Brr. Cold air? In a desert?" I look around for the source. I then look behind me and see...a blob? The blob was moving toward me and was emanating ghostly moans.

"" it cried out. It's voice coarse and weak-sounding. I froze at this scene. I recognized that voice. It was..i couldn't face the truth. It sounded like Tatsumi.

" did left...ME!" 

"No, no I didn't leave you." I ready my sword. I was going to face this thing. "A new type of danger beast, yes that's what this was. It was trying to lure me so i would be easy to catch."

" killed me..and now you..will pay" a new voice cries out from the blob. The distance between me and it grew shorter. It's features became more clear. Faces, many deformed faces all smashed into a blob. All of them had a face of fear and looked like they were screaming. I flinched at the sight of it. Some of the faces i recognized. They were of people i had killed with Murasame. Esdeath and many others.

"You will not trick me!" I charge and try to strike it. Murasame slips through it like smoke. I jump back. Striking it was useless.

"'s all..your couldn' me." More recognizable voices cry out in pain. It was true I couldn't save them. I couldn't even save Tatsumi at his final breath. I had a feeling Leone was hurt and still I couldn't save her. I even killed Kurome because it was her wish. It was...and is all my fault. I must have been in a daze because the blob was a mere inch from my face. I try to jump away but, it catches my foot with an arm of smoke and pulls me down. I crash into the sand, the grains scratching my skin as it drags me. I try to slash at it's arm with no avail. Murasame passed through it and it's grip did not let loose.

" for you in death"

"This is it" Akame thinks to herself. "The end of me and my pitiful life. All the souls I had carried will finally get their revenge when I am dead." I give up and stop struggling. I close my eyes accepting the fate I had been put into.

"Memoria- Banish!" A voice yells out. The blob's grip seemed to vanish as I open my eyes. A figure had defeated it somehow. He looked like...Tatsumi? Had he returned? No he is dead. Does that mean...I'm dead?

"Akame! Are you okay?" He..he almost sounds like him.


"Bah, no sorry it is not. Time to wake up." Everything started fading, the desert, sand and Tatsumi, all of it.

"Tatsumi! No!" I jolt upward, now awake and aware of where I was. I was not out in the desert anymore but, in a cot? I was asleep in a tent in someone's cot. My sword and scabbard was put aside but in view and in easy access. I re-belt my hilt and walk out. A hand on my sword ready for anything to come.

Memories Past: Akame Ga Kill fanfic (Revamped)Where stories live. Discover now