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  Everyone turns to the voice to see..a familiar face.

"What? Am I missing a limb or something?" Akame tackles Traveler into a hug and then begins to slap him.

"Why *slap* did *slap* you *slap* scare *slap* me *slap* like *slap* that? *slap*" Traveler's cheeks became quite red, and not from embarrassment of being tackled by his girlfriend.

"Every man has to have his secrets. Even to his girlfriend." Akame and Traveler got back onto their feet.

"You have to explain what just happened" Nero says angrily. "Even my teigu couldn't keep up with it"

"Fine. I can keep Lionier at bay for the while"

"Tells us what that..hand creature thing was" Eule asks.

"That was a parasyte. A creature that would normally travel to one's brain and take over but, got stuck in the hand of a person. I borrowed that attribute and used it to break the chain mail while having Memoria transform into Silver Skin. The Sliver Skin is mainly made up of these cells so I had it made to look like me. When Lion-Rick came to attack me, it would get trapped"

"So what now? Do we finish it off?"

"No, I have a special plan for it." Traveler moves his hand together and then stretches then far apart. The cells covering Lion-Rick grips the two and slowly began to separate them. "Hnngh. Eule, Akame get ready. This will be the final strike"

"Are you sure?"

"Positive. When I say now, strike Ulrick and leave Lionier to me." The two nod in agreement. With a loud snap the two beings were separated. Traveler releases Ulrick from the cells. "Now!" The duo charge at Ulrick once more and lay deep cuts on him. The curse marks spread and kills Ulrick for good. The cells around Lionier begins to fade. Everyone except Traveler begins to ready their weapon. "Put them down. It's alright." Traveler walks up to Lionier who transformed into a large sized male lion. "There there, it's alright." Traveler strokes his mane as it playful tackles him down and licks his face.

"What...is it now?" asks Nero.

"It's its own being now. It has it's own free will and stuff. Kinda like a danger beast but not at the same time." Traveler pats it's back and it dashes away into the forest.

"That was an interesting adventure" Eule says in awe.

"Speaking of which, I don't believe you two have met properly" Nero begins. "Akame meet future successor Eule. Eule meet previous successor Akame." They greet each other and begin to talk about their life as assassins. The day began to fall when they had finished.

"Looks like we have to get going" Traveler begins.

"Yes, Eule let's get you back home shall we?"

"Sure. It was nice to meet you Akame. I promise to keep Murasame in good assassin hands till it's my time to pass it on"

"I'm glad to hear it. Stay safe out there"

"I will." A portal opens up as Eule takes Nero's hand. They walk through it and return to their own time. "What a day"

"Yes, it has been a busy one. Though we are not done yet"

"Not done? What else is there to do?"

"We still have to see Leone's teigu.." Traveler pulls out the belt buckle teigu."..or we can do it tomorrow. We are both tired from the fight"

"Yes let's do that. I am wiped out." Traveler sets up a tent as they rest for the night.

Two hours later...


"Hmm? What's up?"

"Can we...visit the memories now?"

"You sure? It's quite late now"

"I'm sure. I want to know what had happened when Leone and I parted"

"Alright." Traveler sits up and prepare Memoria while Akame brings over Leone's teigu. "Ready?" Akame nods a yes. They enter the memory space of Lionel and float to the door. Akame unlocks the yellowish gold door as they enter the memory filled room. Many of the memories were shattered leaving only two orbs in the distance.

"Traveler, why are so many of these shattered looking?"

"When we found Lionel, it was already shattered. I managed to restore most of it but, I guess it's memories were affected too. These two managed to survive." Akame takes a look at one of the orbs and finds memories of Leone in it.

"I think I found it. The other one must be Ulrick's"

"Okay, let's enter Leone's." Traveler taps Leone's orb and they enter the memory. They get transported to the hallways of a castle. "This is..."

"The castle. This must have been the secret hallways Honest used to escape the carnage." Honest tries to run before he was stopped by Leone. She was in her Lionel form ready to end Honest. Honest's face quickly went from fear to an evil grin. He points a ring at Leone and destroys both his and Leone's teigu.

"You'd think I wouldn't stay around without my trump card did you?" Leone pushes it aside and walks toward Honest. He proceeds and pulls out a gun firing a few shots into Leone's abdomen until it was empty. Even with the gunshots Leone strides forward and pounds Honest's face into a pulp. The scene changes to Akame and Leone on the city walls.

Leone was saying her goodbyes before she left Akame for the while. With one last hug Leone runs off to find a peaceful place for her life to pass. The memory space begins to fade as the two were brought back to the tent. Akame's eyes were red with tears.


"Sorry, it's just. I expected Leone to do this but.."

"It's hard to face isn't it." Traveler brings Akame into a hug. "I know I can't change the past but, we can make the best of the future." Akame rests her head on Traveler's shoulder, thinking over what he had said. Traveler waits and strokes Akame's hair in comfort. She had seen the death of many people, friends and enemies alike, but now she couldn't determine what to feel. It was only a blur of confusion. Soon she had fallen asleep in Traveler's arms as they lay down to sleep. Traveler kisses her forehead good night. "Good things will come for the better"  

Memories Past: Akame Ga Kill fanfic (Revamped)Where stories live. Discover now