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Traveler POV

I wait for Akame to fall asleep. I listen as Akame's breathing begins to slow as she drifts into sleep.

"Memoria-Cane" I whisper. Memoria transform into the dream cane. "Now let's see if what was planned had worked. Sleep now. Leave this world behind." I enter Akame's dream and fall into the desert sands. As I anticipated Sheele had arrived and met with Akame.

"I see you two have reunited?" I say tell them when I was in ear's range.

"Traveler! Sheele is back but, how?"

"I don't know. Maybe it's because we were able to retrieve a piece of her teigu"

"Akame, do you know him?" Sheele asks Akame.

"Oh yes. I forgot you two never met. This is Traveler, a...traveler. He found me and is helping me face this monster"

"Monster?! Of what sort?" A snarl and growl answers that question. We jump away as a smoke-like tentacle attacks. Akame charges in the defend. "Is that it?"

"Yes, ever since your deaths this monster has been growing in Akame. She can't defeat it"

"But, Akame is our strongest assassin. If she can't do it then how could we?"

"I didn't say just us. I haven't told Akame this but, I plan on bringing back the whole group back. For now help us push this monster back"

"Alright." Akame jumps back to us.

"So, what's the plan now since Sheele is here?"

"I'll sever one of it's arms. Maybe it will retreat if it feels pressured." The monster attacks and Sheele cleanly cuts two of it's arms. Akame and I charge in to strike and our swords hit a hard object. The monster screams in agony and retreats away almost Immediately.

"What was that?" Akame asks me.

"Maybe it is it's heart or something. For now we got it to go away"

"Thank you Sheele"

"Happy to help"

"Time to wake up." I leave the dream world as the sun began to rise. Akame was just waking up as well. "Morning Akame." We freshen up and head out. We stopped by a restaurant for breakfast.

"Traveler...would if be weird I f I said I saw Sheele in my dream?"

"Well we did retrieve a piece of her weapon so maybe you started to remember some memories of her?"

"I guess so"

"Oh and also, try to eat light. We are low in money and we'll need to stay here for a night more"

"I'll try." Breakfast went without a hitch. Though I had to talk Akame out of eating her third plate. We head to the streets to look for the next teigu piece. "So who are we looking for this time?"

"I'm not completely sure but, it's something about a pumpkin?"

"Pumpkin...that was the name of Mine's sniper. She was very short tempered but, had a knack for fashion. Her weapon's power depended on how much danger she was in though...that changed when she died. Tatsumi said how it became a giant sword of energy when she admitted her love for Tatsumi"

"She cared for him to the very end." I noticed tears falling from Akame's eyes. I take out a kerchief and wipe the tears. "We'll get them together again. I'll be here with you the whole way through." I give her a brief hug in reassurance.

"Thanks Traveler." I hear her stomach grumble. "Sorry. I didn't have my fill for breakfast"

"Heh heh, that's okay. Here I brought these along in case you got hungry." I pull out some meat lollipops and hand them to her. " I had them cooked with herbs so they should help curve-" Akame had finished them before I could my sentence. "Your appetite" I say with a chuckle. Akame looks away with a blush on her face. "Anyways let's head out. We still have a whole day ahead of us." We head to the market and vendors. It was very busy that day. People bustling about their daily business crowding the street. Akame stayed closed to me as we viewed each vendor but, somehow we had gotten lost. As I walked around town I a yearly festival. Food and gifts can be traded as live music would be performed from start to end.

" Akame could use a good day off. She has been through a lot and searching for pieces of her friend's teigu doesn't help much either." I search for a few hours but, with no prevail. Evening started to fall so I headed back to the hotel.

"Traveler! Where had you been!?" When I got back to the hotel I found Akame waiting for me.

"I was looking for you. We got separated at the vendor street and I couldn't find you"

"Well same here. Though I found this!" Akame takes out a small barrel-like silencer.

"Where did you find that?"

"One of the vendors said I could take it. He didn't know what it was so it was basically junk to him"

"Lucked to you. Let's head inside. Night is falling." We head back to our room as I prepare Memoria. "Are you ready?"

"Yeah. Let's do it." I take Akame's hand as we enter the memory space of Pumpkin. We float to the door as Akame unlocks it.

"Are you sure your ready to go in?"

"Yes, I'm sure." We enter the room. Like Excatase it had many users before Mine did. I find her memory and we enter the sphere.

"Where are we?"

"I think I know. The town is over there so, we must be in the canyon right outside it." I look back and see Mine facing Seryu. A fierce battle was in play, Seryu had been modified to limits a normal person can never reach or sustain. The battle seemed to lean to Mine's aid but, Seryu started to pull out the big guns (both literally and figuratively). As a final measure, Mine turns her love for Tatsumi into power. A large blade of energy lengthen from the silencer part of Pumpkin. Mine drags it down upon Seryu and her teigu. Pumpkin had overheated itself from the last attack. Seryu was finished...or Mine had thought. As her death was about to take her part Seryu activates Chakravartin Furnace of Five Hells, a bomb whose explosion would be able to level the canyon. A few seconds before the bomb exploded Tatsumi dashes in with Incursio on and saves Mine from the explosion. Her battle damage was too much for she kissed Tatsumi as her dying breath. The scene begins to change with a memory of Mine's past. As a child, she was poor. A homeless child on the street. She lived most of her childhood life, never cared for or even looked at. After living as so she lived with the motto live or die. At her last moment, she wished that could've changed. She wished she had met Tatsumi earlier. The memory space began to fade as we returned to the room. I look to Akame and notice tears falling from her eyes. "Akame?" I ask reaching out to her. "Don't touch me! Just..leave me alone!" She was upset. I couldn't do anything at this point but, do as she wish.

"Very well." I step out of the room and wait outside. I could hear Akame sob. The pain must have been too hard on her. About an hour later I enter back into the room to see Akame on the floor asleep with her head on the side of the bed. She must have cried herself to sleep. I carefully pick her up and place her back onto the bed. "I'm sorry for the losses you faced Akame. I'll help make it better. Tomorrow there a festival here in Sadava. You can use a break so we'll stay here another day." I pull up the covers and kiss her forehead goodnight. "Sleep well Akame. Good things will come for the better"

Memories Past: Akame Ga Kill fanfic (Revamped)Where stories live. Discover now