Lubbock/Cross Tail 2

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  The town was surrounded by trees and the buildings had an ancient china feel to them. It felt like a samurai may stop you at any moment to ask for your passport. We passed by many kimono dancers and even some actual armored samurai.

"This so beautiful" Akame says with sparkles in her eyes.

"It truly is a sight to see." We got to a hotel and registered a room. "Akame. I was thinking of sightseeing before we look for the teigu. Would that be okay with you"?"

"Of course I'm okay with it. Let's go now!" She grabs my hand and rushes out to explore while it sun was still high in the sky.

Late afternoon...

The hours went by without a care as we saw the sights and scenes of a lifetime. Passing by store after store and other famous landmarks. This had to be the most I've seen of Akame's smile. It's kinda cute. We wandered around for a little until we found ourselves at a graveyard.

"A graveyard? In this type of city?" Akame asks.

"Seems so. It is kinda out of place but, something is telling me to check it out"

"You think part of a teigu is here?"

"Yeah I think so." We enter through the front gates. The cemetery was quite gloomy for it's surroundings. There were gravestone of all conditions. Old, new, stone and wood. We took a few more steps before a man with a shovel attacks us

Akame POV

A teen attacks traveler with a shovel in hand. I was thrown back as Traveler stops the shovel head with his forearm.

"Leave this place now!!" He says angrily. He was a skinny person wearing a trench coat and soiled clothes. His hair was a red color. "I said leave this place" he repeats pressuring Traveler to his knees.

"Leave him alone!" I yell charging at him. A wall of green fire erupts in front of me.

"Heh, so the shovel isn't your teigu" I heard Traveler state aloud. "Interesting." I try to reach through the fire but the heat was intense. This was not normal fire. I hear some clanging and the crash of rocks. I couldn't do very much with the fire blocking me. After some time the clanging and crashing seemed to stop as the fire begins to fade.

"Hmph. So you two aren't grave robbers"

"So that's why you attacked?" I ask the red haired boy.

"I had to face a lot of robbers at my old graveyard. You can never be sure who is friend or foe". He plants the shovel head into the ground and leans on it. "The name's Agore"


"Akame" I tell Agore.

"So what can I do for you two?"

"Have you buried a member of Night Raid?" Traveler asks.

"Why do you ask?"

"I'm one of the members from the team" I tell Agore. I show him Murasame.

"Ah yes, the infamous one slash striker. Very glad to meet you. Anyone specific?"

"Yes. By any chance you have the body of Lubbock?" Traveler asks.

"Hmm. I may have. Come with me to my...home. It's always strangely chilly in a graveyard." We follow Agore to his shed-like morgue. It was quite plain but, still kept a creepy feel to it. We enter the Agore's home. He sets up some water to boil and begins to look through file after file of folders. "I'm gonna be honest with you" Agore begins. "Being a grave digger isn't the best job around. Burying body after body ain't the life many would tend to lean for"

Memories Past: Akame Ga Kill fanfic (Revamped)Where stories live. Discover now