Untold Secrets

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Traveler's POV

Akame was finally asleep. This was a dangerous move for me to do but, I must learn of her past. "Memoria" I whisper. The small dagger glows lightly. "Memoria Glove." The dagger transforms into a finger-less glove. Half an orb cover it's back and vein like lines extend from it's orb to it's fingers. This glove would allow me to look into one's memories. I walk over to Akame's tent and float my hand over her sleeping face. My mind travels into the halls of memories. I look around at each door. Each consisting a memory of her past. "Seems like you've been through many missions during your time at Night Raid. Let us begin here." I stop at a door that was labeled 'New member'. I open the door and walk in. It was nighttime, Night Raid had just been sent out to complete a mission.

"A rich family with the pitiful excuse of existing." I hear Akame think to herself. "I will eliminate them, their reign of pain will be extinguished." She stays within the shadows waiting for the perfect time to strike.

"This way" Akame hears a new voice. It was Tatsumi and he was leading a girl away from the house.

"Target found." Akame leaps down to Tatsumi.

"What the? Who are you?"

"None of your business. She is my target so stay out of this"

"No, I won't let you kill innocent people" Tatsumi says readying his own blade.

"Lady Aira, move away we have this" a soldier says aloud. He readies his gun and fires at Akame. She charges at him and dodges the bullet. A feat that would need the fastest of reaction time. Akame strikes the soldier and kills him. She faces Tatsumi once more."If you do not move away from my target I will be forced to kill you"

"Well I will fend to the death." The two face each other if their fighting stances. Akame charges and tries to strike. Tatsumi blocks and tries to return the blow. They trade blows until Akame finds an open spot and strikes Tatsumi's chest. A clear shot.

"Huh? Not a deep cut. Something stopped Murasame" Akame thinks to herself.

"Yo Akame! Hold up." A yellow haired feline lady stops her. "I know this guy."

"Hey It's you! The one who stole my money!"

"Oh yeah, thanks again"

"Oh your welc- No! Wait I need my money back you thief." Some bickering later Leone shows the real truth behind the rich family's kind acts. She opens the shed doors to reveal...bodies. Dead and other in the process. Tatsumi recognizes two of them and his rage took over. He slashes Aria with no word. "Striking with no other thought. Just what an assassin will need." Tatsumi was soon introduced to the group and was being brought to Night Raid's hideout. "Thus how Tatsumi joined. Hmm" I hear some tearing as I was ripped away from the memory and launched back into reality. I was in the air for a second or two before crashing into the sand. "Shoot, she must have woken up"

"I knew I shouldn't have trusted you" Akame says sounding very pissed.

"Ah, please let me explain-"

"Explain nothing. Should have just killed you before"

"I told you already though, I can't die"

"It doesn't matter- I'll just slash away till you can move." Black fog flood from her like fire and engulfs Murasame. She slashes at me but, I stop the blade with my hand.

"Listen to me..listen to my voice..calm down" I tell Akame imitating Tatsumi's voice. She started to calm down. "Okay, the truth is...I was looking through your memories to see what happened in your past. It was intrusive and I'm sorry. Please forgive me"

"Tatsumi...I let my rage take over again..I'm..I'm sorry too." Akame passes out in my arms. The fog diminishes Immediately..

"It's getting worse" I tell myself. "I'll have to act fast. Memoria Cane." Memoria transforms into the dream cane I used on Akame the first time we met. "Sleep now and leave this world behind." I land in the desert of Akame's dream world. She was fighting the fear monster once more.

"Why..why am I here again?" Akame asks while avoiding the monster.

"Akame I'm here" I tell her while pulling out Memoria.

"Traveler? What are you doing here?"

"I'm here to help"


"Now come on, we can do some damage if we work together"

"Right." We begin attacking in unison. As Akame slashes, I slash and switch to different weapons. The creature soon retreats for some reason. Akame planned to charge at it but, I held a hand out to stop her. "Come on, we have it on the run. We can take it"

"Let it be. It is not worth it now but, later on it will"


"You'll see. Now Awaken." I leave the dream world and come back to reality. Akame was still passed out. I carefully carry her back to her cot. "I hope you can trust me more. Rest up for now. We do have a busy day tomorrow"

Memories Past: Akame Ga Kill fanfic (Revamped)Where stories live. Discover now