Chapter 9

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*Rose's pov*

" happy you made me today,angel."as the words fell from his lips realization dawned upon me. What have I done? I kissed my boss! It isn't right. All this is wrong. I shouldn't have kissed him back in the first place.

What were you thinking,Rose? You just met him yesterday and now you're kissing him? I retract my hands from his neck but his hands still remained around my waist tightly. I tried pushing him away by placing my hands on his chest but he wouldn't budge. Instead his eyebrows furrowed in confusion. He looked at me quizzically.

"What's wrong?"he asked with a confused expression.

"All of this is wrong. I shouldn't have kissed you. You're my boss and I'm your employee. What would everyone say when they come to know? My job would be at stake,your reputation would be ruined. This isn't right."

"I don't give a fuck about what people say. And why would your job be at stake? I won't be banishing you from here and nobody else has the power to sack you. So it's all ok."he stated stubbornly.

"But,we just met yesterday. You don't know anything about me and nor do I know anything about you. It doesn't make any sense Mr Williams."

"Don't Mr Williams me! And who said I don't know anything about you?"he said with a smirk.

"What do you know about me?"

"That you're name is Rose Patricia Gwen, your birthday is on 18th of February,you were born in Georgia. You moved here in Seattle four years ago. You used to work in a cafe where you met me, before that you used to have a part-time job at a restaurant and a library. Your favorite ice cream flavor is dark chocolate,your favorite colors are black,white,maroon and silver,your 22 years old. Do you want me to go on?"he asked me with a wolfish grin. I was horrified now. Does he know about my past? He basically knows everything about me. What if he does?

"How did you know all this?" I asked in a very small voice.

"Angel,I am a very powerful man. I can do this much."he said with a wink.

"But it doesn't make this situation good or anything. I still don't know anything about you."

"We can easily change that if you agree."

"But I don't know. All this is happening so fast. How am I supposed to keep pace with all this?"

"Baby,please just give"Us" a chance. It will be worth it. Don't over think it. Just go with whatever is going on. Please!"he said to me with sincerity evident in his eyes. All trace of humour gone which was present earlier.

I sighed and said,"Okay" His eyes lit up immediately.

"Really,angel? Are you serious?"

"Yes I am. Because my asshole of a boss is very persuasive!"I said with a mocking tone.

"Oh,really Ms Gwen? So what can we do with that?"he said as his grip on my waist tightened. I tapped my chin with my index finger pretending to think.

"Hmm,that's a very grave matter I must say Mr Williams. We should think of something"saying this I looked at him and saw that his eyes were filled with amusement and happiness. I don't know from where this boldness came from but I stood on my tip toes and kissed him on the lips wrapping my arms around his neck. He was shocked at first. But soon he took control. This kiss was sweet. He poured all his emotions in this kiss. I wanted to do the same. So I tried kissing him with equal fervor. I just hope it showed how much I felt for him. He pulled me closer to him so that there was no space in between us.

We kissed for God knows how long. When we pulled away we were both breathless and had the most ridiculous grin plastered on our faces. When he recovered from his breathlessness I was still panting. He suddenly crouched a bit and put one of his hands under my thighs and another one at my back. He picked me up bridal style. I grabbed onto his shirt collar to be steady.

"Damon,what are you doing? Put me down,you geek!"I said screaming but smiling like a teenager.

He just shook his head and said"Hush,now." I stopped talking and pouted childishly at him. He just laughed at me. He walked to his desk and sat on his chair with me on his lap. My legs were dangling from one side and my hands were still tightly around his neck.

"What does this mean?"I asked him exasperatedly.

"Nothing. I'm just sitting on my chair."

"Yes,you are sitting on your chair but your sitting with me placed on your lap. Why is that?"His arms encircled around my waist and pulled me closer so that his head was just at the crook of my neck.

"Because I can."he said nuzzling in my neck. He inhaled deeply.

"Wow,angel. You smell heavenly! I could never get enough of this. What perfume do you use?"

"I actually don't use any perfumes."I said matter of factly. He hummed in response. Slowly I felt him placing soft kisses down my neck. My mind became cloudy and all rational thoughts were thrown out of the window. His tongue coming out and licking on some places. He kissed on where my neck met my shoulder and sucked hard earning a loud moan  from me. One of my hands fisted in his hair and tugged. He groaned at the back of his throat. He nibbled on the place he'd just sucked and immediately smothered it by licking the place. I was suddenly a moaning mess while he was just playing with my hormones.

"D...damon,stop. We've got work to do."I get these words out of my mouth with a lot of difficulty. Because now he was almost near to the valley of my breast. My mind was screaming for some kind of relief from this hotness.

"No,we don't."he said still kissing and nibbling on my skin.

"Who said we don't have work?"

"I did. I'm the boss here and I'm saying we don't have anything to do."saying this he again sucked on my neck. This time very hard and I am sure I moaned very loudly because I felt Damon smile against my skin. He pulled away from my skin and looked at where he'd just made a hickey. A smile of satisfaction was gracing his lips. I could see his eyes,full of lust and desire. I just looked in his eyes as my mind couldn't form any words. What is even happening in my life?

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