Chapter 15

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Rose's outfit above^_^

*Rose's pov*

I wake up to the sunlight shining brightly through the glass windows. The bright light illuminating the whole room making it shine in a soft golden glow. I tilt my head to the side to see that it was 7.15 already. Oh shit,I'm late! I'm so busted!

I try to get up hurriedly. That's when I notice that I've got something heavy resting on my stomach holding me down to the bed. Okay,now that's really creepy. I slowly looked to my other side only to come face to face with the sleeping form of somebody,particularly Damon's.

I clamp my eyes shut tightly. That can't be! It's legit impossible.Okay,rose breathe in,breathe out! Calm down. It's all fine! It's probably a dream. Rub your eyes and watch closely. It can't be Damon. That's ridiculous! Rubbing my eyes I looked again and I realized that I wasn't dreaming at all!DAMON FUCKING WILLIAMS IS SLEEPING RIGHT NEXT TO ME! FUCK FUCK FUUUUUUUUUCK!!!!

How the hell  do I always end up in such embarrassing and weird ass situations! Now I'm lying beside one of the most richest,most eligible bachelors of the world! Slow clap for my luck! How did I end up here? I don't remember coming to bed with him. The last thing I remember is cuddling with him in the sofa. Maybe you fell asleep and he carried you,rose! Stop over reacting! And don't tell me that you don't like lying with him. You slept like a fucking cat! Okay yeah that's true,though.

I am late,but the boss who I work for is sleeping next to me! If the boss is late then I can also be late. Besides he is my ride to office,so if he doesn't wake up that's not my fault that I'm late! I'm a fucking master of developing a hypothesis!

I look over to him again. Taking in his sleeping form. My eyes traveled from his luscious chestnut hair to his sleek slightly furrowed eyebrows,his closed eyes,pointy nose,pouted pink lips,his jawline. He was indeed a very fine sight. I wanted to touch him. Badly! Slowly I lifted my left hand and rested it on his cheek. His light stubles tickling my palm.

"Take a picture. It'll last longer,baby."his raspy voice had me jumping up in fright. But thanks to his arms that held me to the bed. I didn't know that he was awake the whole time. I blushed bright crimson from the fact that he had caught me staring. I quickly retracted  my hand from his cheek but before I could do that he grabbed hand and placed it back on his face after kissing the back of it.

"How long have you been awake? I thought you're sleeping." I asked timidly. He just smiled and shrugged.

"Long enough to know how much you love staring at my face." Hmm,cocky much! I giggled at this and that brought a full blown grin on his face. Suddenly he flipped us both so I that now he was hovering over me. He came closer to me and stopped only mere inches from my lips.
No,no! Don't kiss me now! Don't! Don't! But all my prayer were thrown out of the window when his lips sealed over mine. I pulled away immediately.  A deep brown formed on his face at this.

"What happened?"
Keeping a hand over my mouth I answered,"Morning breath"

He just laughed at this.

"I don't care about that baby. Now give me my morning kiss or else you aren't getting out of this bed anytime soon."

"Fine!" As soon as I finished he kissed me again on the lips.
I was the one who pulled away.

"Let me go now. We've gotta get ready. We're late."

"Do you really wanna go? I don't actually want to go today. It can be a lazy day. You know cuddling and watching movies and do nothing. Please!" Great! He was whining now!

"No ,Mr Williams. We have to go. You've a lot of work to do today. But I promise we will have a lazy day soon. Okay?"


"Promise. Now get up. I'll make breakfast,you go get ready."I told him getting out of the bed.

"Don't make breakfast today. We'll eat in some cafe or something. You just go shower and get ready. I'll be down,okay angel?"

"Absolutely"I exclaimed and skipped over to him to give him a peck. But he pulled me in for a kiss. I giggled and pushed him back on the bed and ran into my room.

After showering and getting ready in a simple black off shoulder dress and doing my makeup I ran downstairs with my heels in my hand. Damon was already there doing something on his phone while leaning against the car.

"Let's go. We're late."he looked up at me and there goes the reaction! He stared at me with wide eyes. I looked down at myself and back up to him.

"Do I look that bad?"I huffed making him chuckle. He came closer and wrapped a protective arm around me kissing the tip of my nose.

"You look absolutely gorgeous,baby cakes! I'll have to be very careful today with you wearing this dress,that's for sure."

"Why?"I asked confused as to why he has to be careful.

"You don't know how alluring you look right now! Any guy would be drooling over you. And that's why I'd have to be careful. If anyone looks at you even I'll break them up in half." He answered nuzzling his face in my hair. I just chuckled. Unlike other girls I love possessiveness.  Every body says that overprotectiveness  is suffocating. I rather find it arousing and a loving gesture. And I am currently liking Damon's possessive and protective behavior very very cute.

"We should really go,you know. It's already very late."

"Well,it isn't my fault that you look good in everything. I'm completely innocent." Man he's so sweet! I am not for him! He really deserves better. But guess what? He wants to be mine. Than why push him away!

*time skip*

It was 2 pm already. Neither Damon nor I had have our lunch.  As we were late in the morning we had a few pending works to do. After that so many meetings and deals and all that crap didn't let us have lunch. So now I was sitting at my desk tapping my pen away and thinking about when we'll eat. But suddenly the intercom buzzed pulling me out of my reverie.

"Rose,come to my office please."his voice rang through the room sending my whole body into a frenzy. I stood up straightening myself and walking to his room.

"You needed me,sir?"he looked at me deadpanned.

"How many times do I have to say that it's Damon to you? Sir isn't really an appropriate word to call your boyfriend."

"You're my boyfriend?"

"Are you asking me or telling me?"

"Okay whatever! Damon! Happy?"I told him exasperatedly. He stood and walked up to me. Caressing my face he buried his face into my hair and whispered,"Baby,this isn't how you talk to me! Is it?" As I was about to answer he kissed my neck aggressively making me gasp.

"Answer me,baby. I don't like to repeat my questions."

"I...I...Damon!"my answers came out as gasps as he got down on my neck this time.

"S....sorry! Let me go! Somebody will come inside."

"Nuh! I don't care."he answers going further down. As he reached the place where my neck and shoulder met the phone rang making him groan in annoyance and making me stifle a sign of relief. I just stood there awkwardly as he finished the call. He looked up at me with hunger evident in his eyes.

" I'd just go grab some lunch for us."saying this I scurried off from the room. Phew,that was close!

Grabbing some sandwich and coffee I walked back to the cabin when I heard Damon's angry shouting and a female voice's whining. He didn't have any appointment now at this time. So I was naturally curious who came to meet him. I opened the door to reveal something very unpleasant. Rather someone very unpleasant.

Solange Clair. Also known as the ex fiance of Damon Parker Williams.

Now that's gonna take a lot of self control,rose!


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