Chapter 12

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*Damon's pov*

I watch her as two pearls fell from her eyes,glistening in the tormenting memory! I couldn't take it. It was tearing me apart.

"After my father died my life became a living hell. Even though I loved my mother a lot,I started hating her at that time. When I needed comforting and love I only got abuses and beatings from my very own mom.

I had to work to get the money for her drugs. I didn't have enough money to afford a school but i still tried to manage both. If I didn't get the needed the money to me she would beat the daylights out of me and say very bad things to me. I was always alone. In school and in life. I never had any friends, let alone boyfriends. I was 19 when the most horrifying incident started happening."she paused. Tears were running freely from her eyes like a waterfall. I pulled her closer to me and shifted so that my back was resting in the headboard and her straddling me with her head on my chest and mine on top of her. It was quiet for a while when she again started speaking.

"I was just 19 then. One night I was doing my homework on my room. Mom wasn't home so it was quiet. Suddenly the door of my room burst open revealing my drunk mother standing on the doorway. To say I was frightened would be an understatement. I was terrified thinking what I had done wrong this time.

She came to me and fisted her free hand in my hair pulling back making my head starting to thump. She said,"You are going to do whatever I say and won't make a single noise of you want to be alive. A generous guy saw God knows what in you and is ready to give away anything to have you. So I made a deal. You better be a good daughter and do what he says. Otherwise the consequences won't be good. Understood?" I was so scared I couldn't say anything. I still didn't have any idea what's gonna happen.

Mom suddenly threw me on the floor and yelled calling out a guy to come. Soon a blonde,old guy came into vision. Mom went to him and whispered something in his ear and left locking the door behind her leaving me with the scary guy.

The guy didn't waste any time in ripping my clothes off and tying me to the bed also placing a cloth in my mouth so that I don't scream. That night it all started."she said now looking down at her lap. I was seething in anger now. I cupped her chin in my hands and tilted her head up to look at me.

"What did he do to you,angel?" I asked anger and hatred dripping from my voice at the thought of any other guy touching my baby.

"H......he r.......raped me! My innocence was sold to a filthy man by my mother. In the morning when he left I had bruises all over my body,my whole body was sore. My mom didn't even come to see if was dead or alive.

Soon I had turned into a sex slave! Mom got money in exchange of  me. She didn't care about me as long as I was getting her money.

It went on and on. I was now disgusted at myself. Every night a new guy would come and have his way with me and leave me in the morning. I didn't protest anymore. I knew it was in vain.

After a few months, one day my mom came to my room and told me to pack my clothes. I was oblivious about the things that were going to happen. I didn't say anything but I just started packing. At night,some guy with raven hair and blue eyes came to my room. He closed the door and say beside me where I was sitting. For sometime he didn't say anything. He was not like the guys who fucked me. He was wearing business suit and had a very intimidating presence. I didn't know but I somehow thought maybe he's not like the other guys. It even felt like it when he was talking....."


I was now growing impatient with the guy sitting beside me not saying anything. He was really handsome but something about him made me want to crawl into my bed and cover myself up. When I thought he isn't gonna say anything he started speaking in a calm voice.

"Rose,I know that you've been abused by your mother and you don't trust anyone. But I would request you to believe me and believe what I say. Okay?"he asked me while looking at me expectantly. I didn't say anything and stared at him blankly.

"I will take you away from here. You'll be living with me. You will be able to do everything and have everything in your life. The only thing you'd have to do is to listen to me. Okay,baby girl?"he asked me as if I was a little child. I nodded desperately wanting to get out of the house and go away from my mother. 

He just smiled and kissed my forehead and left.

"I will take you with me tomorrow. Be ready till 8 at night."he said before leaving my room. I was feeling happy. Finally I was being able to get out of this house away from my mom! But somewhere in my heart it didn't feel right. I spent that night thinking about the sudden change in my life.

The next day went on smoothly. I packed everything I needed along with the photo of me and my dad. I looked at it once before stuffing it in my suitcase.

It was 7.45 now. I was patiently waiting for the man to come whose name I had come across last night was Victor. After sometime I heard a car pull up in front of our house. I waited for sometime but after I thought that I should go down to see who had come.

As I was descending the stairs I could hear voices of my mom and the man named Victor. The sound came from mom's room so I went to stand in front of it. I placed my ear on the door and listened to what they were saying. But what I heard was totally unexpected.

"Look,I told you that you'll get the money after I take her. It was a deal. The girl doesn't even know,right?"Victor asked mom.

"I don't know about a deal. Just give me the money. And no,she doesn't know that I have sold her to you and the fact that you want her to be your very own personal whore!" Hearing my mom's reply I gasped in pure shock and horror. This man had bought me from my mom. He wants me to be his slave!

"Yes,I want her to be my whore! And you know what I want, I get. And I am getting her."he said harshly.

"Then take her. Who is stopping you? Just give me the promised money now."my mom said.

"Listen here,if you're thinking that I am anyone of those drunk sons of bitches then you're wrong! I am the mafia godfather of this whole continent. You are nobody to order me around! You will get the money as promised if you keep that ugly mouth of yours shut. And if you don't I wouldn't mind to end your life once and for all! Understood?"
Oh my God! He's THE Victor Valdes,the most feared mafia godfather! He's going to ruin me! I have to get away from here! As soon as possible!

I ran to my room and opened the only window in my room. I saw that the backyard was clean,nobody was there. I quickly locked my door and threw my suitcase out from the window. It landed on the ground with a loud thud! I heard footsteps coming closer to my room. They had come to know that I heard them. I climbed out of the window and landed on the yard on my feet. It hurt like hell,but I had to get away. I quickly took my suitcase and went to my mom's car. I had the key of the car with me. I started the car and drove off from the house. As I drove I could see my mom and Victor standing on the road telling me to come back but I knew better than to do that mistake!
That night my life changed for good!

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