Chapter 13

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*Rose's pov*

I was crying my eyes out now and Damon just held me close to his chest. As if shielding me from all the bad things and sorrow. His t -shirt was drenched till now with my tears. I couldn't believe he is the same person that everyone says ruthless and cold. Here he was comforting a broken and impure person like me.

He had his both arms wrapped around my small body and my head was on his chest. His head rested on top of mine. Damon was rubbing soothing circles on my back with the palm of his hands. His gestures seemed to calm me a bit. I lifted my head up to look at him in the eyes.

I was afraid though that I'd most probably see disgust and pity in his eyes but to my utter surprise I saw something completely different.

He had tears in his eyes and his eyes reflected love and adoration only. I couldn't take the sight anymore. He was crying for me.

"Please,Damon don't cry. Please don't cry for me,baby. I am not worth your tears. Hell,I'm not worth any of this. I'm not worth you. You are precious for me,for anyone. And I'm no one. Don't waste your tears by shedding them for me. You didn't do anything wrong. You're not at fault. It was my fate,darling! Please don't cry,my baby. Please!" I wiped the tears from his cheeks with my thumb and not being able to hold back anymore , I hugged him with all my force. I hugged him like I was afraid to loose him which I was. And he hugged me back with equal passion and love I had been craving. It was quiet for a while until he spoke out.

"Listen angel no matter what the fuck happened to you don't ever think that you're not worth it. You worth every fucking thing,every good thing in the world. And the tears you've been shedding for all these years now those bastards aren't worth these precious tears. Never ever think so low about yourself.

You are a strong woman. You are my angel. And as you've agreed to become mine I will protect you from now on with what I have. I will protect you,cherish you,love you with all I have and all I'll ever get. Got it?"he said while looking at me in the eyes with a serious expression on his face. I nodded with a smile breaking on my face. He also grinned when he saw me smiling and then kissed me on the lips with a lot of force.

I was perplexed at first what was happening. But soon I caught up. Our lips moved in sync. He put out his affection in the kiss,it was passionate yet so sweet. I kissed him back with fervor. My tears were running freely when I felt his large and rough hands wiping those tears off from my cheeks.

We pulled away breathless. He rested his forehead against mine while breathing heavily.

"Angel,I want you to promise me one thing. I want you to promise me that you'll tell me everything. And by everything I mean everything."

"Wait,does everything include my periods too?"I asked him trying to ease the tension in the room. He looked at me with an expression that said he hadn't heard a worse joke than this. His face made me laugh out loud. And again for the second time that day he looked at me with shock and horror. The first time being him seeing me in men's shirt.

My eyes started watering now and I was clutching my stomach with my hands. The serious topic of my past long forgotten. After what seemed like ages I stopped laughing and when I looked up at Damon I saw something which I had not noticed for years in anyone's eyes. Love!

*Damon's pov*

How can someone so beautiful and angelic as Rose be so much hurt and fucked up on the inside? Here she was laughing her heart out while straddling me when on the inside she's shattered like a glass.

Anyone with two functioning eyes could tell how beautiful and innocent she was at heart,how much love she held in her. Just by spending a day with her I could tell that she wore her heart at her sleeves. She craves for love and she'd do anything to get that love and adoration from someone. I know it's very early to feel something so deep for her but I can already feel my heart clenching at the thought of loosing her. And I know I'd do anything to keep her safe and happy.

She stopped her laughing now and was staring at me with wide eyes. Her doe like eyes screaming innocence,her pouty lips begging to be kissed,her cheeks held a rosy color. I couldn't hold back anymore so I kissed her. Again.

As soon as my lips landed on hers she responded. Our lips moving against each other,tongues dancing in the most fascinating form of acrobatic. And with each stroke of her tongue against mine I could feel myself getting more eager to claim her sooner than I thought. But I knew for a fact that I'd have to take it slow for her. I'll have to gain her trust,her love. And only then I'll claim her as mine,and mine only.

I pulled away slowly from her unwillingly. Believe me I had no intention of doing that if breathing wasn't necessary. Her eyes were still closed as I rested my forehead against her. And by the way her face showed everything I could tell she also like the idea of not drawing back from the kiss. Her eyes fluttered open and her face broke into a beautiful smile where her pearly white teeth were shown.

Her makeup free face brought out her baby face and youth. Not by any means she was old but without any makeup she looked more fresh and beautiful than she already was.

Every passing second I was spending with her I was feeling to get more and more attracted to her and I knew she felt the same. Call me overconfident or cocky,I know for a fact that she feels the same! And I'll make her admit that and make her my queen. She rules my heart now unknowingly but she will be ruling it like a fucking queen knowingly very very soon enough. She'll claim me as hers as I'll claim her as mine.She'd be ruling my heart like she is,a motherfucking queen! The queen of my barren and dark kingdom. The only ray of light to my heart of darkness and soul of pure filth. She'll be the queen and I,the dark king of the dark kingdom! She's gonna be mine to claim,mine to cherish and mine to posses. Very soon.

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