Chapter 7

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*Rose's pov*

Was this guy the same guy who forced me into working with him? Who made me sign a contract? I couldn't get it. It all felt so right to be in his arms,him calling me angel or flower. What is happening even? What's happened to him? He didn't seem like an asshole. He was behaving very sweetly.

To say I was stunned would be an understatement when he hugged me all of a sudden. I was suddenly feeling embarrassed,shy to be in his arms. So I tried to wiggle away. But he didn't let me go and wrapped his arms more tightly around me. The feeling was heavenly. His smell surrounding me completely. He smelt like linen,fabric softener,cologne and so so Damon! It's intoxicating. I don't know when I wrapped my arms around his torso and hugged him back. It was so soothing,such a beautiful feeling. Woah,rose! Calm down,tiger!Stop being so overdramatic. You sound creepy!

I was now seated here on the passenger seat and blushing furiously. I think I resemble a tomato right now. Damon is sitting beside me,driving. And I am thinking about what just happened! After about ten minutes the car came to a halt. I looked around from the window. There is a huge ass building in front of me.WILLIAMS GROUP OF INDUSTRIES was all it said.

"Rose,your work would be arrange my files,schedule my meetings,take my calls, accompany me wherever I go and all. So I expect you to be very fast and efficient. And obviously make my coffee. Okay?"he said bringing me out of my reverie.

"Yes,Mr Williams"

"Okay,now follow me."he said getting out of the car and walking towards the entrance. I followed him quickly. As soon as he entered the building everyone who were present got somewhat frightened. He received a few good mornings and greetings. But he replied only with a curt nod. And it was when the people saw me walking behind him with my bag and file on hand their stares became completely different. Most of their expressions were shocked. Some women shot daggers on my way and believe me when I say I wanted the earth to split and swallow me whole. I really was feeling embarrassed and out of place. I bet those women had some sort of obsession towards Damon but he didn't even glanced at them.

We walked to the elevator which said private. What the hell is a private elevator? He pressed the call button and the elevator opened and we got in. He pressed the top button which was he 20th floor. I stole a glance at him and saw that he was looking at his phone. After sometime the elevator dinged signalling we're here.

There was only one door there with the name engraved on a golden plate Damon Williams,CEO. Oh,it's his floor then! He without any word entered the office with me following suit.

"So,Rose this is my office. The part you're seeing there would be your cabin. Everything you need would be there. There's a kitchen on this floor where you can make the coffee. Understood?"his tone was really,deadly authoritative.

"Y...yes,sir. I..I understand"Damn you Rose! You had to stutter now! Ridiculous!

"Hmm,good. Now I want my coffee in exactly 10 minutes. Go get it."he ordered. I left the room without a word and went to the kitchen which was not very hard to find.I'm so fucking embarrassed right now fdpr stuttering in front of him and making a fool of myself. God knows what will happen to me.

The kitchen was very nice I must say. I fumbled through the cabinets and found the ingredients and started my first day at work.

*Damon's pov*

She is so adorable. God,how am going to resist her? She started stuttering all of a sudden a few minutes ago.  Her cheeks were flushed and her lips looked so pink. She was kind of shocked after hearing my way of talking with her.I guess she got afraid by my tone. You should use a bit softer tone on her. You don't want her to go running for the hills,do you? You want her and you'll have to treat her well.

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