More info on eating disorders

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(Site: Mayo Clinic)
About eating disorders:
It can happen to anyone. It's not just about losing weight there are physiological and biological factors involved.. It starts out as trying to diet and lose weight. Then an eating disorder is triggered. According to, anorexia nervosa is suffered in 1 percent in adolescent girls. 2 to 3 adolescent girls suffer from bulimia nervosa.
About anorexia: it's the act of purposely starving oneself. Typically develops around puberty. Causes severe weight loss. People with anorexia think they are overweight and are obsessed with food and weight and exercise a lot. Females who are anorexic stop having periods and males become impotent.
About bulimia:
People with bulimia eat a large amount of food and then force themselves purge or throw up. They also excercise a lot. People refuse to admit they have bulimia. It's common to diet between binging and purging.
Symptoms of anorexia:
Emaciation, unwilling to have a normal weight, striving for thinness, intense fear of gaining weight, loss of periods in girls, restricted diet, and distorted body image.
Symptoms of bulimia:
Thinning of bones, brittle nails and hair,anemia, weakness,muscle waste, constipation, slowed breathing and pulse, dry and yellowish skin, hair growth, feeling cold or tired all the time.
When talking to someone with an eating disorder, denial is a physiological defense. Don't judge or Criticize. If you notice someone is engaging in these behaviors, get them psychiatric help.
What causes eating disorders in teens and adolescents:
Genetic or biological factors
Anxiety or perfectinism
Parcitipating in activities that encourage low weight like ballet.
Low self esteem
Pressure from society
About binge eating disorder: When one binge eats and feels guilty, and loss of control. Symptoms: reoccurring binge eating, eating for a while and a lot of food that people without this disorder can't eat, lack of control. Eating more faster than normal. Eating until feeling uncomfortablely full. Eating large amounts of food when not hungry. Eating alone bc he/she is embarrassed by it. Feeling disgusted, depressed or guilty after.

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