Personality disorders

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DISCLAIMER: this is not meant to diagnose anyone nor should my book be used to diagnose yourself. If you are worried you may have a personality disorder of any kind, please see a mental health professional.

Cluster A
Paranoid personality disorder- Suspects people are harming, deceiving, or exploiting them without sufficient basis, preoccupied with doubts about the loyalty of others, reluctant to confide in others for fear of info being used against them, reads hidden messages or threats in remarks or events, perisistantly bears grudges, perceives attacks on their characters that are not apparent to others and is ready to counterattack, has regular suspicions about cheating.

Schizoid personality disorder- not interested or enjoys forming close relationships, chooses to be in solitary, has little interest in sexual experiences, participates in few activities, lack of close friends or other relationships outside of family, appears indifferent to the praise or criticism of others, shows emotional coldness or detachment, restricted range of expressed emotions. This is different from schizophrenia.

Schizotypal personality disorder- difficulty forming relationships, ideas of reference or delusions, odd beliefs or magical thinking that is different from cultural norms(ex: 6th senses, belief of telepathy), unusual bodily perceptions including illusions, odd thinking or speech, having behavior or appearance that is peculiar or eccentric, lack of close friends or relationships outside of family, excessive social anxiety that does not go away with familiarity and tends to be with paranoia rather than fear of negative judgements. This is different from schizophrenia.

Cluster B
Antisocial personality disorder (aka sociopathy or psychopathy)
Disregard for the safety of self or others
Failure to conform to social norms (ex: doing things that might get you arrested)
Deceitfulness by lying, use of aliases, or conning others for pleasure or profit
Lack of empathy
Irritability and aggressiveness
Consistent irresponsibility by failure to sustain consistent work or financial obligations
Violating the rights of others
Evidence of conduct disorder before 15

Borderline personality disorder- have an intense fear of abandonment, intense emotions that change quickly, unstable sense of self, difficulty controlling anger, act impulsively, self harm or feeling suicidal , feeling numb, unstable relationships marked by idealization or devaluation, stress related paranoia or dissociation.

Histrionic personality disorder- feel uncomfortable when not in the center of attention, seductive behavior, shifting emotions that may seem shallow to others, uses appearance to draw attention and is overly concerned with appearance, easily influenced by others, considers relationships more intimate than they are, dramatic displays of emotion, seeks reassurance from others.

Narcissistic personality disorder- excessive need for admiration, grandiose sense of self importance, preoccupied with fantasies of power, success, love or beauty, belief that they are special or unique, sense of entitlement, interpersonally exploitive(ex: may be manipulative to get something)lacks empathy, envious of others or believes others are envious of them, arrogant or haughty behavior.

Cluster C
Avoidant personality disorder- avoid work or social interactions, fears rejection, criticism, or disapproval, unwilling to get involved unless they are certain they're liked, shows restraint in intimate relationships out of fear of ridicule, preoccupied with fears of being rejected or criticized, inhibited in interpersonal situations due to feelings of inadequacy, considers self as inferior, reluctance to join activities out of fear of embarrassment. This is different from social anxiety disorder.

Dependent personality disorder-
Excessive need to be taken care of
Fear of separation
Has difficulty making decisions without excessive advice or reassurance from others
Needs others to assume responsibility for areas in their life
Difficulty expressing disagreements out of fear of loss of support
Difficulty doing things on their own
Feels helpless or uncomfortable when alone
Goes to excessive lengths to obtain support(ex: volunteering to do unpleasant things)
Seeks to make other relationships when another one ends
Preoccupied with fears of being unable to take care of themself

Obsessive compulsive personality disorder-
Preoccupied with lists, details, rules, or schedules to the point where the point of an activity to lost
Perfectionism that interferes with completing tasks
Excessively devoted to work and productivity
Is inflexible about ethics or values that don't include religious or cultural beliefs
Unable to get rid of worn out or worthless objects with no sentimental value
Reluctant to work with others unless they do things their way
Money is seen as something to be saved up for catastrophes
Rigid and stubborn
This is different from OCD.

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