Other disorders

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DISCLAIMER: this is not meant to diagnose anyone nor should my book be used to diagnose yourself. If you are worried you may have a mental disorder of any kind, please see a mental health professional.

Schizophrenia- lack of interest, withdrawal from others, hallucinations (seeing, hearing, feeling or smelling things that aren't real), delusions (beliefs that are not real or have little evidence to support), disorganized speech or thinking, catatonic or disorganized behavior, negative symptoms (ex: lack of emotion or neglect of hygiene), these symptoms are not due to drugs.

Dissociative identity disorder - formerly called multiple personality disorder. Disruption of identity, recurrent gaps in everyday life or amnesia, forgetting what happened when they switched alters or personalities, two or more personalities, experienced trauma during childhood, dissociating, altars are not due to religious reasons.

Misophonia- strong dislike for certain sounds. You might feel anxious, angry, uncomfortable, disgust, panic/fear, suicidal, and hatred when you hear these noises (ex:chewing, breathing, ect) and have the urge to leave the room or make the sound stop.

Autism Spectrum disorder-difficulty with social interactions, restricted interests, hypersensitive or hyposensitive to textures, sounds, or other sensory things, learning difficulty, hard to understand what people are feeling, no eye contact, may have a hard time speaking, may stim or have repetitive behavior(for example flapping arms) to calm down, difficulty understanding social cues, may have a difficult time with changes in schedule.

ADHD or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder-characterized by inattention, hyperactivity or impulsivity. ADD is an outdated term. It's a part of adhd.
Inattentive symptoms:
Failure to pay attention to details that result in careless mistakes
Difficulty paying attention
Often doesn't follow through tasks with instructions
Difficulty organizing things
Reluctant to do things that involve mental effort
Loses things
Easily distracted
Hyperactivity and impulsivity symptoms:
Fidgets or squirms
Leaves class or other settings
Runs or climbs
Difficulty playing quietly
Often on the go or acts driven by a motor
Talks excessively
Blurts out answers or interrupts others
Difficulty waiting for their turn
Intrudes on others
Acts and speaks without thinking

I believe you only need 5 or more symptoms in at least one area to get a diagnosis if you meet the other criteria. If you only have 5 or more symptoms in one area, then I think you would get diagnosed with inattentive or hyperactive-impulsive type ADHD. If you get 5+ for both,then it would be combined type.

Trichotillomania- a disorder where someone can't resist the urge to pull out hair from one or several body parts. When they try to resist, they feel tension and anxiety. Some people feel relief after they pull. Sometimes it's done when the person does not realize it. Some people chew/swallow the hair they pull out which can lead to dental and digestive problems. People with trichotillomania feel disgusted and embarrassed by their condition. Usually this results in balding or hair loss. People also attempt to stop. Their is relief, pleasure, or gratification when the hair is pulled out.

Depersonalization/derealization disorder: a persistent feelings of depersonalization, derealization, or both.

What is derealization?
Derealization: . Derealization is feeling like you are disconnected with your body or the world. Like what's happening isn't real or you are watching your body as if you are in a movie or a dream. You may feel emotionally disconnected from others. Surroundings may appear distorted.

What is depersonalization?
Depersonalization- You also may feel like you are floating or your body parts are distorted, and numbness. You may feel like your emotions and memories are not yours.

With depersonalization-derealization disorder, the person has persistent or recurrent episodes of this.

Ok This is all I'm gonna do, unless you have a request for me to do a chapter about a mental illness that I did not already do.

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