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"Dad! They did it again" a yell broke out following the slam of the front door. The sound of a thumping pair of feet filled the house instantaneously.

Jimin stomped across the living room, a huff full of annoyance leaving his lips. He could feel his brothers following, ardent in their hurried steps to follow him wherever he was going. Jimin looked around searching for his parent, his wolf whining to be comforted by someone after the events that unfolded a few seconds ago.

"Boys what did you do now?" A scolding yet soft voice caught Jimin's attention, feet immediately following it.

"We did nothing wrong, that jerk was only asking for it." Haneul, the eldest son of the family muttered as he gave up in his quest to follow Jimin and opt for taking a seat on the couch. He didn't have an ounce of regret, arms crossing over his chest as if proud of himself even.

"Yeah, we basically helped Jimin" Hyun, the second oldest yelled out before sitting down next to Haneul.

"Dad, that alpha simply approached me while I was making them for the pups. He wanted to help me and asked me to teach him." Jimin's eyes shoot pleading rays at his father to do something about what he had to go through.

His father frowned, lowering the heat on the makeshift stove to pull him into a hug. Jimin could feel his annoyance simmering down, pout becoming less evident on his face. Once he felt comforted enough he pulled away and walked back to the living room. Hyun was picking at his nails without a care in the world and Haneul managed to look as uninterested as ever. Sometimes he wished he could hit him until he swore to change his ways.

"He was trying to be sly Jimin-ah. No alpha willingly sits on the grass to learn how to make flower crowns. " Haneul smirks.

"What if he lured you into the forest and tried jumping on you? He was trying to earn your trust enough to convince you to go with him." Hyun barks out.

"Any decent alpha is willing to learn anything they want. They don't have to be barbaric cavemen like you two. Some alphas are sweet enough to approach any omega they're interested in." Jimin huffs out, arms folding over his chest as a new wave of annoyance comes to him.

Although Jimin was used to the whole idea of being protected by his older brother he couldn't deny it certainly got on his nerves from time to time. He was getting older by the seasons, and it was about time he started venturing out and find someone that would want to court him. But after more alphas started approaching him, the more his brothers acted out. There was never a day when new gossip spread about the fights his brothers started with any alpha who even merely looked in his direction.

His father sighed, resigned, as he stared down at his two alpha sons. He knew that it was bound to happen the older his sons got. That Jimin would awaken a primal need to be protected from any potential harm, even if it meant keeping away interested alphas who wanted to court him. Still, he understood Jimin's annoyance and distaste and knew he wanted freedom to be a normal omega like the rest in their pack.

"You two will apologize to your brother, and that alp-"

"What's going on in here? I can hear all the commotion from upstairs." a voice interrupts Jin's initial start to his scolding.

"We saved Jimin from an Alpha trying to get his attention, it could have been dangerous. " Hyun turns in his seat, looking at the alpha walking down the stairs.

"Good job, Jimin needs some protection." his alpha father pipes in as soon as he reaches the bottom of the stairs.

"I'm not a baby anymore, can you guys back off." Jimin whines loudly before turning back to Seokjin for support. He knew it was futile now that his alpha parent was in the room, he would only agree that his brothers actions were for good measure.

"Joon", Seokjin starts, "you know its not right. He's 19, he's just trying to enjoy life, he won't be able to live comfortable like that. And you two, I get it, you love your baby brother to bits and don't want him to get hurt. But, he wont be here with us forever. He will find his mate soon and by nature he will want to start his own family an-"

"No, he won't need a partner just yet. Hyun and I will find him the best alpha, until then it is our job to protect him." Haneul cuts him off

"Gosh, I'm suffocating because of you guys." Jimin yells, fist balled at his side as he stomps his way to his bedroom.

The loud slam of the door makes Seokjin jump a little and he sighs loudly, "I understand what you three must think and feel, an omega needs protection, but not to this extent. You two better apologize to whoever that alpha was, and apologize to your brother as well, we don't want him hating you both forever. And Joon please be more supportive of Jimin, you're just as protective as them, he's our youngest pup but you more than anyone should know about courting and mating between two individuals. He's heading into that age where he will want to find someone who will potentially court him."

"Fine, boys listen to your father. Don't forget your hunting duties today. I will take my leave now, I need to check out the pack duties." Namjoon says and kisses his mate before heading to the front door.

Jin smiles to his other pups and turns to head back to the kitchen. Haneul and Hyun look at each other and stand up heading upstairs towards Jimin's room. This was like the billionth time they had to do this and they were used to this type of situation. They walked into Jimin's room without knocking and saw him laying on his bed, face stuffed into his pillow. The two of them threw themselves on the bed and snuggled up to Jimin on both sides until they heard him giggle.

"We're sorry...again. You're just our baby brother and we want to protect you, at any cost." Haneul mumbles, nuzzling the side of Jimin's head.

"We will try...again, to not go overboard. But we are alphas and we know the intentions of many of them. We aren't exactly happy about that so we only want to look out for you." Hyun nuzzles against Jimin's back.

Jimin let out a long sigh as he listens to his brothers apologies. He knew their intentions were pure but it was suffocating to some extent. He was the last pup born to the pack leader, Alpha Namjoon, and his mate Seokjin. Their two oldest sons both presented as alphas and where following in his footsteps to protect and care for the pack. Jimin however presented as an Omega like his father Seokjin and that fueled the need for his alpha father and brothers to become overprotective. Their excuse was they didn't want Jimin to mate at the wrong time with the wrong person. Although it was bound to happen someday, they thought they can push it further into the future if they drove away any potential suitors.

"You'll promise not to go that far anymore?" Jimin asks quietly

"We promise." they both say in unison.

"Okay then I forgive you, again, and don't worry about me so much. I already told you I'm not interested in most of the alphas here."

"Most?" Hyun lifts his head up, eyebrow raised in suspicion.

"Who has caught your attention? Tell us, we'll keep an eye on them." Haneul already begins to think of all the possible alphas in their pack that Jimin could be interested in.

"Really?" Jimin sends a glare at them.

The two alphas roll their eyes as they try to stop themselves from finding more information. They snuggle together for a while longer until Jimin fell asleep in the protective warmth of his brothers. Haneul kept a tight grip on Jimin as he slept, almost as if he feared someone would come and snatch his brother. Hyun, despite being deeply asleep would flinch at any noise. His body getting closer to Jimin's until the noises disappeared or were ruled out as harmless. But When Jimin was born they knew they had to protect him no matter what. The softness and fragile nature of their newborn sibling sparked such a protective stance. They just didn't want him to get hurt by someone who wasn't worth it.

But, what they didn't know was that fate had another plan in mind for Jimin. And it was only a matter of time before Jimin found the alpha who will be his soulmate in this life.

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