You want to court who?!

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Jungkook slipped once again as he followed after the elderly beta who had woken him up early. The moment he woke up, he struggled keeping up with the women. She seemed unfazed by his quizzical expression he carried as he tried to listen to what she was saying to him. He could only understand some bits and pieces from he nonstop rambling. Even with the slight bit of privacy she gave him to bathe by the river, he was still trying to make out the sentences she was saying. Now he seemed to just nod along to everything she was saying, even if most of it didn't make sense to him at all. Once they made it back to the pack grounds, she simply pointed ahead and stalked off. He stood around dumbly, watching as the pack members went about their day without paying him no mind.

Jimin caught his eyes as soon as he stepped out from the kitchens, his giggles loud enough to reach his ears. He seemed to be in a deep conversation with another omega, and a part of him was telling him not to run up to him and distract him of his duties. And even as he fought internally, he could feel his feet step in his direction.

"Where are you headed?"

Jungkook stopped short, stilling in his step to turn to the person who had spoken to him. Namjoon was eyeing him, a sack of potatoes slung over his shoulders. It amazed him how unfazed he seemed by the weight from the huge sack. 

"I was just looking around the camp, trying to familiarize myself with your territory." Jungkook smiles awkwardly and tries to look ahead to see where Jimin had wandered off too.

"Good, now you should head to the elders cabin and receive your tattoo. That will mark you as part of the pack from now on."

"Sure, can you show me the way?"

Namjoon silently walks him to the elders cabin, which seemed to be in the direction that the beta had pointed to earlier. Namjoon gave him a small nod towards the entrance made out of animal skins. As soon as he entered he was quickly instructed to remove his shirt and place his arm on the arm chair. The wrinkled old man set up a chair besides him and placed a small wooden table to his side. A rectangular stone plate was filled with black ink and a thinned down piece of white stone was sharp enough to break through skin. Jungkook gritted his teeth as the needle began to ink his arm with a black twisting tattoo, a small symbol in the middle. A similar tattoo he had seen on other pack members as he walked through the camp was now beginning to decorate his skin. 

By the time he was done he felt as if he were part of a new family and his arm also felt numb. He knew he had to show himself to the pack so they can trust him more as a new member. He really didn't know where else to go so he went back to the infirmary but was kicked out and was instructed to go the cabin where young alphas resided in. Young alphas and omegas who were old enough to find a potential mate were urged to move out of their parents home. They were to learn more about responsibilities without the leverage of their parents and so the young pack members moved to their respective cabins. Jimin and his brothers were an exception, as the packs heirs they were still allowed to stay with their families.

He walked around a bit until he found a cabin emitting a really strong stench of alpha scents mixed together. As an alpha himself it wasn't such a pleasant smell to sniff for too long. As Jungkook walked into the cabin he received a few awkward stares from the young alphas lounging around and he tried his best not to glare them down. It was hard for him not to feel threatened in the presence of so many alphas.

"You're the new alpha, right?" someone with brown hair came up to him

"Yes, I'm Jungkook."

"I'm Mingi, I'm sure you don't know anyone here but Namjoon so I should be the one to welcome you" the alpha smiled widely.

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