The Pack

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Jimin woke up to the sound of his father's voice calling him down for dinner. He could faintly make out the clinking of spoons and the soft patter or feet coming from downstairs. He rubs a hand over his eyes, yawning as he makes his way out of his room. The smell of food awakened his sense, nose scrunching at the savory scent in the air. 

His father had made deer stew which was a family favorite, it seemed like everyone on the table was anxiously waiting for him to arrive to begin eating. Jimin's father set up a plate for him as he sat down, a wide smile settling in as the steam rose and clogged his senses with the delicious smell. They all waited for their head omega to take a seat, spoons hovering over plates to be ready to dunk into the plate. Once he did take a seat, everyone began eating, content hums filling the room. 

Namjoon smiled as he saw his family eat around him. There was a lot of things he needed to discuss with his family. But the important topic he needed to address was regarding the gathering later that night. The day had taken a wild turn with the incident earlier, and he couldn't afford something similar happening with a larger crowd around to witness anything unfold.

 "We'll be going out to the bonfire later and bond with the pack.  I expect you three to get along with one another and not start a fuss. I don't want any arguments, fights, nothing of the kind. The pack does not need to witness a ruckus from the head family. Do you three understand?"

Jimin stopped eating, setting the spoon down to look up at his father across the table. His older brothers groaned, already beginning to complain but it didn't take long for them to close their mouths and nod. When his father turned to look back at him he understood why his brother didn't bother to complain at all, his father had a pointed look directed at him and he gave a small nod. His father smiled then, turning his attention back to eating his food now that he had gotten the answers he was expecting. 

Their pack was not tied down by old traditions. Of course they still followed some traditions and rituals.  But the pack wasn't forced to eat scraps after the pack alpha and his family were done eating. Now, all alphas hunted together and portions were handed out to each family equally. Everyone was allowed to eat in the comfort of their home to enjoy more time with their own families and bond with them. They still however bonded within the pack from time to time. They would have picnics and bone fires and everyone would interact with one another. Omegas naturally bonded while doing chores during the day with one another and alphas bonded while hunting. But during pack bonding everyone would catch up with one another and enjoy a long night with laughter and music.  The pack was grateful for their pack alphas kind and warm nature. They also knew that he would protect them against any immediate danger that could present itself. So everyone trusted one another and they very much trusted their alpha leader.

When Jimin and his family left their home, the moon was already bright against the sky. The stars danced around it and the shadows in the trees loomed darkly. But in the middle of the the square a large fire was on and people were beginning to gather. There was fluttering of laughs and voices in the air as they approached closer. Namjoon and Jin walked ahead, their heads held high in the air which portrayed their leadership at a quick glance. Behind the two Jimin was walking with his brothers standing at each of his sides. Their eyes were glinting at the alphas who glanced at them as they passed by. Although he didn't like it, he made sure not to argue because he knew his brothers wouldn't listen to him either way.

As they approached, everyone turned and bowed respectfully to their alpha and Namjoon slightly nodded in acknowledgment of their presence. They all took their seats at the head of the fire while whispering amongst each other. Namjoon and Jin talked to the elders, while Haneul and Hyun talked to a few alphas who had walked up to them to start a conversation. Jimin looked around for his best friend, an omega named Kim Taehyung. The two had grown up together and were always attached at the hip. He was the only member of his pack that truly knew him and understood him. His eyes were scanning the crowd until he smiled at the familiarity of a sweet honeysuckle scent behind him.

"Jiminie!" a recognizable squeal broke through the air and he quickly broke out into a smile.


"How are you? I heard about what happened earlier." 

Jimin could only smile in defeat, knowing well there was no use to explain how he felt. Taehyung already seemed to know as he gave him a small pout. That is one of the things he appreciated from his best friend. That he didn't need to express how he felt because somehow Taehyung always knew and he always had a way to make him get over it. It didn't take long for them to hug one another tightly, a rush of comfort rushing through Jimin in an instant. 

The two pulled away when Haneul greeted Taehyung. Hyun seemed a bit shy, nodding in greeting before settling to look elsewhere. Jimin could already feel himself drift a quick glance at his brother Hyun and Taehyung. They didn't seem to want to admit it, but the two definitely had a thing for each other. It wasn't a secret to him, Taehyung was always gushing about how much he liked Hyun and how much he wished the alpha would court him already. Jimin always listened to him ramble on, even if he found it a bit funny how much his best friend was hung over his brother. And he had even asked Hyun if he had any plans to court Taehyung, however most of the time he ignored him and marched away with red cheeks.

"Dad's going to be making an announcement soon." Haneul mumbles as he watches their father stand up and begin to hush down the pack. It didn't take long for everyone to quiet down and wait for the announcement. 

"I know you are all wondering about the announcement I will be making tonight." Namjoon started with a loud voice, "It has come to my understanding that this year winter has ended sooner and we decided that this years courting period should begin earlier than previous years." everyone nods along quietly, "All alphas will begin their respective tests to prove they have what it takes to court an omega. We will have our first courting test next week at the break of dawn. All unmated alphas  who want to participate in this years courting ritual shall begin preparing. You can show your interest in an omega up until the end of the trial but it is the omegas choice if they accept your courting at the end. Work hard to show your best sides and don't force something upon anyone, if it is meant to be then it will happen naturally."

A few whispers permitted in the air rather quickly, a few alphas shifting nervously in their spots as they processed the new information they were given. Even Haneul besides him tensed for mere seconds before continuing his calm demeanor.

"If an alpha and omega already decided their feelings, what should be done?" someone amongst the crowd asks.

"Anyone is free to show interest in whomever they want. If an alpha and omega already decided they want to be together, it it is fine to do so. But an official claim has to be made after the trial ends and the omega chooses officially. An omega who already settled their feelings can still receive gifts and advances from other alphas until the end of the trial. We hope no fights are brought up in the process, we all know how this works." Namjoon nods in assurance to everyone looking up to him.

"We hope you all the best. Good luck to everyone participating this year." Jin smiles at them before walking off to the side with Namjoon.

Courting tests were done when mating season was the most perfect. Usually a couple chooses to mate during spring to ensure a good pregnancy during the warm season and not the nagging cold weather in fall and winter. All these tests included hunting, intelligence, and strength. Jimin knew all about it, his parents always told them their love story and how Namjoon worked hard to win his heart during courting period.His father always boasted about his mate hunting a bear for the hunting test, and when he outsmarted all the other alphas, and most of all how he was able to defeat 4 alphas who were also courting Jin, during the strength test.

Jimin was amazed when he heard the stories and he too wanted to be courted by an alpha like his father. Despite how little he had been able to meet alphas, he wanted to join this year. He had a feeling that the moon goddess had someone special prepared for him. 

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