Half Mate

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Jimin woke up from his sleep a little before meeting up with Jungkook. He made sure his parents and especially his brothers were dead asleep before he could attempt to sneak out. He changed into clean clothes as quietly as he could and grabbed a spare blanket from his closet. When he opened his window, Jungkook was already waiting below for him. Without a warning he threw the blanket down at him and took a deep breath as he stuck his foot out. He climbed down carefully and grabbed Jungkook's hand when he jumped down onto the ground.

"Ready to go ?" Jungkook asks as he steadies the omega on his feet, reaching to take hold of his hand.

"Yeah, let's go." Jimin grabs the blanket and tucks it under his arm.

Jungkook chuckles lightly and doesn't hesitate to grab Jimin's hand tighter as they start walking. The air is a bit chilly and Jungkook's warm hand helps the omega shake off the chills when they walk through the forest.

"Did you get some sleep?" Jungkook asks.

"Not really, I was too busy thinking."


"I was thinking about how to show you my appreciation for saving me."

"And did you think of anything?" Jungkook asks lifting his eyebrow

Jimin smiles teasingly at him and stops walking in the middle of the path.

"Close your eyes." Jimin whispers and of course Jungkook does so, expecting what he was imagining. Jimin laughs quietly and darts into a sprint towards the meadow as he yells out, "Catch me if you can!"

Jungkook snaps his eyes open and laughs wholeheartedly when he sees the omegas' childish antics. He doesn't spare anymore time as he runs after him, following along with his game. Jimin looks over his shoulder and he squeals when he sees Jungkook catching up to him. He runs into the middle of the meadow, the blanket falling to the ground hastily. At that moment Jungkook catches him and they both fall to the floor with ensuing laughter. They roll slightly, the alpha careful not to hurt him. Jungkook pants softly as he lifts up on his elbows and stares down at Jimin under him. Jimin feels his cheeks turn pink as he stares back and he gets lost in the other's dark midnight eyes.

"I want to make you mine." Jungkook's breath tickles Jimin's flushed cheek.

"We can't mate, we'll get in trouble."

"I still want to make you mine." Jungkook leans down and kisses Jimin's plump lips.

Jimin responds by circling his arms around the others neck and kisses back softly, unaware of how deep he could fall into the kiss. Jungkook supports his body with one hand while the other runs up Jimin's side. It gives Jimin the courage to run his own hands, fingers grazing the back of the alphas neck. His fingers playing with the hairs on his nape before trailing his hand down his back.

"Let me make you mine." Jungkook mumbles against his lips before he pulls away and starts kissing and licking down Jimin's jaw, pulling surprised gasps from the omega.

"No biting?"

"No biting." Jungkook assures against his neck, voice rough and laced with lust.

"Then make me yours." Jimin breathes out nervously, eyes meeting Jungkook's when the alpha pulls away to look down at him.

Jungkooks leans down to capture Jimin's lips and he kisses him hard letting his tongue slip past his lips. As the kiss heats up Jimin tugs Jungkook's shirt up, wanting to explore the muscles of his back. But it wasn't enough and he pulled his shirt off hastily revealing his well formed abs and broad chest. His own sweater soon followed and was tossed away to the side blindly. Jungkook began kissing down his chest to his flat toned stomach and once they reached his jeans he began undoing the button and zipper. It was happening so fast, both of them equally needed to feel each other as close as possible.

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