Strings of Fate

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Jungkook couldn't manage to fall asleep after Jimin had snuggled close to Minjoon and drifted off to sleep. The nights were still cold, winter close to an end but still carried the freezing temperatures until the end. He could feel the tiredness in his eyes but couldn't stop thinking about unexpected thoughts that kept lurking in his mind these days.

He kept thinking about how his life had switched from one day to another. On the verge of death he had found an escape and was rescued. If he had not stumbled upon those wolves that day he would still be living alone in the woods. He would be wandering from place to place without a stop, without a place to call home. For as long as he could remember, he only had the faintest idea of what true happiness would be like. Although his father had tried his best to give him love and affection, it wasn't the same as what he had received since he had met Jimin. Jungkook sighed softly and looked down at Jimin, the omega was breathing softly.

Who would have thought that Jimin was the savior he always needed. He came into his life unexpectedly, he didn't have to save him that day in the meadow. But something about his fearful eyes made him snarl with the need to protect and he went to his aid. It turned out that he didn't save Jimin that day, but the other way around. Jimin gave him love before the two had even realized they were meant to be.

Jungkook felt a swarm of gratitude, thankful that fate had pulled their strings together and tied them eternally. Something his father told him once came to mind suddenly.

When you fall in love, unexplainable forces tie two souls together for eternity, it's known as the strings of fate.

Now he believed his fathers nighttime fairytale was true. He had found someone to love. Someone that he could share his forever with. Someone who gave him the biggest gift of having a family, a beautiful pup and hopefully more to come. Jimin was his missing piece he always knew he yearned for every lonely night. Now he was certain that his life was planned by fate, forced to follow a course that would bring him to this exact moment in his life.

"What's keeping you up", a soft voice pulls him from his thoughts, " I can tell somethings bothering you, you're restless." Jimin moves around so that he's staring right at him.

"I'm just in deep thoughts."

"About what?"

"About my life."

"Are you unhappy?"

"Of course not." Jungkook breathes out fast, shifting to lay on his side to be able to look back down at Jimin.

"I was just remembering something my dad told me once when I was young." Jungkook smiled as he caressed Jimin's cheek, " He told me that when you find the perfect person for you to love, the strings of fate tie their souls together."

"And did you find the person you love?" Jimin asks with an expectant gleam in his eyes, a creeping smile on his face.

"I did, and he came into my life when I was running for my life. When I locked eyes with him after I saved him I knew he was the person I was always destined to be with in my life. He took my first kiss, he took my first confessions of love too and then..."

"Then what?" Jimin asks with a wider smile as he runs his hand up Jungkook's arm and around his neck.

"Unexpectedly he gave me a pup, and eventually he became my mate. And maybe we'll have another pup soon."

"A second pup?" The omegas eyes widened in surprise.


Jungkook moves closer when the omega looks up at him. He could catch the swift milky swirls in his scent and he took a deep breath, "I love you so much."

"I know, you've told me many times." Jimin rolls his eyes but let's out a tender giggle, the soft noise was enough to render Jungkook smitten.

"I still need to tell you, I'm going to be telling you that until my last breath." Jungkook leaned down to kiss him then. Their lips move softly, melting against each other as their kiss begins to deepen.

A small squeak had them pulling away suddenly and they both looked down at Minjoon. The pup wiggles a bit between them before settling down again in his slumber. Jungkook moves in to give Jimin a final peck before leaning down to scent Minjoon and press a kiss against his forehead. Jimin couldn't help the endearment in his chest as he watches his mate show so much affection for his pup.

"I love you too, so much." Jimin almost whispers as he pulls him back in for one last kiss for the night.

Another one from the many that were to come, they have a forever together. An eternity to love and a forever full of happiness coming their way. 

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