I Already Fell for Him

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That night of the welcoming, Namjoon had gathered all the alphas participating in the courting season. He had informed them that the first test was to start in 2 day, when the first rays of sun peeked through the hills. Upon hearing the announcement Jungkook freaked out in realization that he only had two days to recover to be able to have enough strength and energy for the first test that was to come. He had gone to bed almost immediately that night, every second of sleep now seemed crucial for some reason.

He woke up the next morning to Mingyu yelling at him that it was time to go out for their hunting duties. Jungkook was confused for a hazy minute but then remembered he had new responsibilities as the new pack member, he quickly slugged out of bed and got up missing the warmth from his bed. The water was cold when he washed his face and it helped wake him up.

The four of them headed out groggily and got closer to the group of hunters who were chatting away quietly. Haneul and Hyun turned to glare at him and Jungkook, well he sort of just ignored them having been glared at constantly by the two siblings. Thinking about the two alphas made his mind wander to their omega sibling and wonder where he was at the moment. He figured it would be too early for him to be awake, and picturing his cute sleeping face made the corners of his mouth tug upwards.

Jungkook snapped out of his trance when he heard steps coming up behind him. One final pack member arrived out of breath after waking up late and they all prepared to depart once he announced his attendance. The alphas walked away from the camp and into the forest where they began undressing from their clothing behind a thick line of trees. One by one they started shifting and grouped up in two groups which would be heading in the opposite direction of each other.

This was all new to Jungkook, he had only ever hunted with his father or alone and now here he was hunting for his new pack. He sniffed the cold thick air and could distinctly tell there was a boar in close range. He was kind of confused as to how they hunted but when he saw a blonde haired wolf name Wonho separate from the group and run through the trees, he figured he should do the same but ran in the direction of the boar he sniffed out. Other wolves who had sniffed out their pray ran through the labyrinth of trees and as Jungkook ran he got the gist of it.

He once again sniffed the air to make sure the boar was still close before picking up his pace so as to not lose the trace of the animal. He sniffed carefully and after a short while he broke through thick bushes and saw a boar eating. He was quick as he got closer and leaped for his prey, catching it by surprise and biting it, killing it instantly.

Mingyu came behind him and gave him an amused but excited growl. He nodded his head in a praising manner and they headed off to a location Jungkook didn't know of. When they got closer he saw other caught animals placed on the floor and a few wolves watching over it.

You can leave it here and hunt for more, he heard Mingyu's voice waver through his mind

Jungkook placed the boar on the ground and once again turned to run back into the forest. He saw Haneul dragging back an adult deer and he couldn't help but begin to feel a little competitive. He continued running and sniffed around hoping to catch another scent. Very faintly he found the scent of a deer nearby and hoped it was big enough to show off with. Approaching a small clearing he saw the deer he had sniffed out and trudged to a slow stop. He stayed quiet for a while, his head bowing slightly while his eyes focused on every move. He waited a couple seconds before launching himself at it and took it down, biting down hard enough to kill it. He wagged his tail in happiness and half carried half dragged the deer back to where the pack was.

When he arrived most of the other hunters had returned and were getting ready to head back to the camp. He saw just how many animals they had caught in their group. Most likely the other group caught just as much as they did. They all helped carry back the hunted animals and met up with the other half of the pack at the camp. Combining both groups they had enough food for breakfast and dinner.

They once again shifted and this time some omegas were there to offer water to some alphas who they were interested in. Jungkook caught the faint scent that only belonged to one wolf in that and looked up to see Jimin walking towards him with a towel and some water.

"You seem tired, I bet you worked hard." Jimin offers him a proud smile and hands Jungkook a small bucket of fresh water.

Jungkook took it with a smile and drank some, his adams apple bobbing up and down as he chugged the whole drink down. What he didn't expect was for Jimin to wipe away his sweat with the towel, his hands froze for a minute before lowering the bucket and staring at Jimin. The towel was patted gently on his forehead and cheeks, before being lowered down to his neck. He grabbed Jimin's hand gently and pulled it up to his lips, kissing his knuckles slightly making Jimin blush a deep red from the unexpected action.

"Thank you." Jungkook smiles as he keeps holding on to the other's hand.

"Of course, it's the only thing I can do for you right now." Jimin's shyness is evidently displayed throughout his face, and most especially his scent.

"And it will be the only thing you do for him." a voice broke in suddenly

The two of them turn to see a very not so amused Haneul standing with his arms crossed and emitting a low growl. Hyun who was busy with Taehyung, looked in their direction once he heard his brother's low growl and joined Haneul's side. Not even a deeply pouting Taehyung could keep him from going into protective mode.

"Whatever, I'm going with dad. I'll see you around Jungkook." Jimin says with a smile and walks away. Jungkook smiled to himself and turned to walk away too, leaving Haneul and Hyun behind to continue glaring at his back .

Taehyung, who had witnessed the whole thing, ran after his best friend with an amused glint in his eyes. He nudged Jimin as he fell into step with him and curled up an eyebrow, an obvious indicator that he wanted some answers from him right away.

"Jiminie~" Taehyung sings songs as he shoulders him playfully.

"Yes taehyung?" Jimin tries not to tell everything to his much too excited best friend .

"Since when are you so close to the new alpha?" he asked mockingly with a questioning tone in his voice/

"Since the day after he saved me, why?"

"Well, aren't you two awfully close."

"Not really."

"Did you not notice how flirty you two are around each other? The other wolves who plan to court you were beyond jealous. And I could most definitely see the rising heat between you two, don't try to deny it."

"We were not flirting, and there was no heat." Jimin knew his voice gave away his attempt to lie to Taehyung, who was now basically jumping by his side.

"Don't tell me, are you falling for him?"

Jimin stopped walking and turned to look at Taehyung with a shy smile, "Actually... I already fell for him." he confesses with a joyous giggle.

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