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Jimin quietly sat besides the strange alpha laying on the cot. It had been a few hours since he had been brought in and healed. He had already stared at him as much as he could without being caught but it seemed like he couldn't get enough. His eyes slowly roamed his naked torso once again, there was bandages wrapped around his waist and around his left arm. His eyes slowly lurked up his muscular chest and towards the alpha's face. He focused once again on the features carved into his face. His face seemed warm and inviting yet rough around the edges. It was obvious to see that the alpha was a rogue. There are certain features someone gets from being away from a pack and out in the wild on their own. The alpha had scars all over his body, marks that were from fights or rough hunting. And his face, it had a scar on his cheek and one about his eyebrow. He couldn't help but let his eyes wander once more over his face as if to try and memorizes it. The alpha had smooth, tan clear skin and slightly long brown hair that fell delicately over his eyes. His nose was the perfect length and his lips were pink and thin. He had broad shoulders and strong  arms and as he quickly dropped his sight he noticed his legs were also well toned and muscular. If anyone walked in and caught him, they would gossip about him drooling over the rogue alpha.

Jimin snapped out of his gaping stare, tapping his cheeks slightly to control himself. He had the strong urge to reach forward and touch him, so he slightly inched his hand closer to move his hair from his eyes. As he was pulling his hand away he felt a hand on his wrist, strong but not hurtful. Jimin's eyes went wide and looked down at a pair of dark midnight eyes staring up at him tiredly.

"You're awake." Jimin breathes out nervously.

The alpha lets go of Jimin's hand as he closes his eyes when he feels the ache swarm over his body. He figures that now that he had regained himself he could feel the pain he couldn't feel while he was asleep. Jimin stands quickly having remembered his fathers orders. But the strong hand from before is holding his wrist gently once again and stopping him from attempting to leave.  Much to Jimin's surprise he  turns back and the alpha is looking at him again, and the look he's giving him this time makes his heart beat faster for some reason.

"Don't go." the alpha's hoarse voice reaches his ears. His voice is deep and inviting, and Jimin is falling for his enticing sound.

"I need to call my father." he tries one more time to leave, tugging his hand carefully.

The alpha shakes his head slightly and closes his eyes again, but doesn't let go of his hand. Jimin watches the steady up and down of the alpha's chest and waits quietly for any other words. When it was clear the alpha wouldn't speak again, he licks his lips and takes a deep breath.

"Let me at least call my dad, he will know if you need something else to help the pain." Jimin says

The alpha again shakes his head and opens his eyes, "Just stay with me a little longer."

Jimin hesitates, fighting an internal battle but in the end he nods as he takes a seat on the stool once again. The alpha finally lets his hand go and Jimin almost misses the warmth from his hand on his. He's too busy focusing on how nice it felt to be touched by the alpha that he jumps a bit when he is being addressed.

"What's your name ?" The alpha asks quietly.

"My name is Jimin."

"Why were you out alone in the woods?" He asks again .

"I was picking flowers... for my father and reading a bit."

"You could have gotten hurt out there by yourself."

"I know, I can't thank you enough for helping me." Jimin admits quietly

"Those three alphas, who are they?"

"What's your name?" Jimin asks, trying to change the subject

"You didn't answer my question" the alpha opens his eyes to look up at Jimin

"The black haired alpha was my father, the other two were my brothers." he sighs loudly, "are you going to tell me your name now?"

"My name is Jungkook." the alpha responds firmly

"Well Jungkook, I'll be back." Jimin says. He promised his dad he would let him know when he woke up and he already spent enough time talking to the alpha and learned his name.

"Where are you going?" Jungkook asks, face scrunching up in pain from having tried to sit up.

"I'm calling my father, he wishes to speak with you." this time Jimin doesn't have a gentle grip on his wrist and he backs away from the bed slowly.

"You'll be back right?"

"If my father allows me, then  maybe." Jimin looks back one more time before heading out of the infirmary.


"Honey, if it weren't for that alpha, our pup may have gotten hurt." Jin says in his usual soft tone.

After they left the infirmary, Namjoon and Jin headed back to their cabin. Jin could feel the distress and anger coming from his mate and worried that he was overthinking every scenario that could have happened. He knew he had to calm him down as to not worry the pack or his pups. But with Jimin being involved he knew it would be hard to convince him to not worry too much.

"I know, but we can't just let a rogue in that easily. The pack will need to agree to his integration, and Jimin, well he can't go out alone again. If those two rogues would have hurt him I wouldn't be able to live with myself." Namjoon rubs his hands over his face. 

"I know, but baby, he's okay. We'll be more careful about him when he wants to go out alone. But the rogue deserves to stay, he did save our pup, and he's an alpha, he'll be of great help with hunting and protecting the pack." Jin rubs Namjoon's shoulders in comfort.

"I know, I'll discuss this with the pack later. At least until he wakes up and we know what kind of man he is."

As if on cue, Jimin walks in and they turn to greet him. Jin was the first to smile at him, his arms open for his pup to easily fall into for a hug. Jimin never being able to refuse a hug, goes forward and wraps his arms around his father before quickly pulling away to give Namjoon a snuggle too.

"Hi baby, how are you." Jin pets Jimin's hair softly

"I'm fine, dad, Jungkook is awake." he says turning to Namjoon.


"The alpha, his name is Jungkook, he's awake"

"Is that his name? Jungkook ? Well, I'll go speak with him soon, but I need to speak with you first."

"About what dad?"

"Are you sure you're okay after what happened?" Namjoon asks his pup worriedly.

"Yes daddy, I'm okay." Jimin smiles up at him

"Don't go out into the woods alone for a while, we'll do some patrolling to make sure there aren't any rogues watching."

"But dad-"

"Jimin baby, listen to your dad. It not just for your sake, we need to keep the other pack members safe as well." Jin cuts his son off before he begins his whining.

"Okay, I understand." 

"Very well, I guess I'll head out to the infirmary." Namjoon walks towards the door.

"Can I come too?" Jimin asks

"No." Namjoon responds rather quickly.

"But dad, why not ? Please let me go." Jimin pleads.

"Fine, but let me do all the talking." Namjoon always gives in too easily for his youngest pup.

Jimin nods and follows his dad out after kissing his father goodbye. On their way out they run into their brothers. And without any words the two young alphas trudge along with them. Well great, Jimin thinks to himself as he groans out in annoyance.

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