Stay or Leave?

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As soon as Jimin opened the door to the infirmary room Jungkook snapped his head up and met his eyes. Once the alpha saw Jimin pushing the door opened wider he smiled but it quickly disappeared when he noticed there was other people walking in behind him. His eyes darted through every new face before settling back to Jimin's nervous one. Jimin could see Jungkook seeming to cower, three alphas in the room standing over him while he was injured was probably not sitting right with his alpha. 

"I'm Namjoon, I am the leader of this pack." he walks over to Jungkook, "I think the first thing I should do is thank you for saving my son, if it weren't for you he would have gotten hurt, thank you for helping him."

"There's no need to thank me." Jungkook responds stiffly, it was obvious he was trying not to seem nervous in front of the older alpha.

Jimin offered a small smile, encouraging Jungkook not to be nervous in front of them. But his view was blocked off by his brothers. He knew this would most likely happen, the best he could do was peak over their shoulders to see Jungkook. The alpha seemed confused after he was blocked off but his attention returned to his father. It seemed like he knew when he needed to pay attention and be prepared to answer. 

"You're a rogue?" Namjoon asks


"Why? Were you kicked out of your pack or where you born a rogue?"

"I was the son of a rogue. When my mother gave birth to me I was separated from her and taken to my father. After my mother died the pack leader and his hunters trailed my father and I and attacked us. My father was killed and I was badly injured and hid in a cave deep in the woods while I healed. I was raised as rogue by my father."

"Why were you being attacked by the other two wolves ?" Namjoon asks.

"They were part of my mothers pack, they found me while I was hunting. When those two saw me they attacked and tried to kill me. I've never wandered into your territory before, but I accidently did this time without realizing. I was hurt and I was too busy trying to get away from those two to realize I was running through marked territory. When I saw they weren't after me I sniffed around and I caught the smell of the distressed omega and returned. It was my fault they trespassed so it was my responsibility to keep him safe."

"Well I'm glad you caught your mistake and owned up to it." Namjoon nods at him.

"I will leave whenever you want me to, I will not intrude any longer." Jungkook looks away from Namjoon and stares at his hands resting atop his stomach.

"You have showed your loyalty as a wolf even without being part of the pack, do you wish to stay?"

Namjoon's words were unexpected to say the least and he hurriedly answered, "Of course, it would be better than living on my own."

"Then I will speak to the rest of my pack, I will come back tonight to tell you the decisions of the members."

Namjoon nods at him one more time and turns away to leave. The two other alphas follow but stop short when they hear Jungkook speak.

"Jimin, will you stay with me for a few minutes?"

Before Jimin can utter a single word out he was shielded away by his brothers once again. This time Jungkook was beginning to grow annoyed but stayed quiet. Jimin himself could feel his own annoyance begging to rise so he pushed his brothers away. As much as he wanted to stay, he knew it would be impossible now. His brothers will not leave him with the alpha, and even if he did stay to converse with him, it would be in the presence of the other alphas in the room. The best he could do was make a promise for later. He ignored his brothers and have Jungkook a smile as he turned away to leave.

"I'm sorry Jungkook. I have to help my father with chores, but I will stop by later, you should rest more".

With that Jimin walks out the door, his brothers walking out after him without giving Jungkook a single stare back. Now he had to devise a plan to make it back to the infirmary without his older siblings finding out. It would be hard, but manageable, he's been able to get away undetected before. For now, he's gonna have to feign his chores in the kitchen until he knew the coast would be clear for him to make his way back to the infirmary. There was something deep within him that was calling him back to Jungkook. He wanted to learn more of the alpha, and with him joining the pack it would be easier to get to know him.

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