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What seems like forever seems to pass as Jungkook and Jimin stay cooped up in the warmth of their home. They had started to become accustomed to the new life growing in their cozy place. Their pup was becoming hyper aware of his surroundings as the days passed, his eyes still not well adjusted but opening for longer periods of times in between naps. The small baby seems to recognize their scents well now, always whimpering when Jimin's scent was too far or tiny hands searching for Jungkook's warmth. Jimin seemed to be attached to his pup, never too far away unless it was to change or freshen himself up. His first instincts always urged him to not let his sight off his pup for too long. He was well attuned to his needs, always knowing what he needed and how to calm him. Jungkook was the same, always watching with careful eyes when Jimin nursed or when the baby slept.

The room was swirling with their scents, almost a bit suffocating. At some point they had to open the window, letting the cold air swivel in. The air was crispy, already bringing in the smells accompanied to an upcoming winter. The last days of fall were ending already, the trees holding no leaves and the animals hiding from the cold. Once in a while Jungkook stepped out, joining the hunt early in the morning and returning before Jimin or their pup were awake. Whenever he was on his way back to his home, he caught a glimpse of Namjoon and Seokjin looking at him. Their eyes longing and worried after not being able to see their son or new born grandson. It would only be a matter of time before Jungkook asked them to visit but they had to be patient.

After a harsh cold morning out hunting, Jungkook walked into his home. Hands full as he made his way to the kitchen as quiet as possible. To his surprise he found Jimin awake, the omega was stirring a pot. Jungkook smiled when the other turned around and smiled at him sweetly.

"I brought our share of food. This winter seems to be colder than usual so animals are harder to hunt but we have enough to last the pack through."

Jimin nodded, helping him take out the portions of food they were given. There were various vegetables, fresh meat for a few days, and even sweet delicacies to make a small dessert. While Jimin focused on putting away and finishing cooking the porridge on the stove, Jungkook left. He was guided to the living room, where his pups soft scent was drawing him in. The small thing was sleeping on a pile of blankets and furs. Jimin was beginning to bring him out, leaving him in a small version of his nest in the living room while he cleaned and organized around the house. Jungkook beamed, crouching down slowly to scent his son as he slept. Kissing his forehead one last time he stood up and walked back to the kitchen. Jimin had already served two bowls for them to eat breakfast. The alpha kissed him as he took a seat, sending him an appreciative smile.

"We should invite your parents over, it's been too long." Jungkook mentions as he eats.

Jimin doesn't say anything, he only focuses on eating his food. The omega wanted to see his parents, wanted them to hug him and allow them to meet their pup. But there was some hesitation about letting them into their home still. Despite his wolf whining in worry he looked up at Jungkook and smiled.

"Should I let Haneul and Hyun visit as well?" Jungkook asks, kind of hoping Jimin shakes his head and tries not to pout when Jimin nods again.

Later that day a soft knock at their front door makes Jimin squirm nervously. Minjoon gurgles softly in his arms, awake and moving around as Jungkook hums down at him. The alpha gives Jimin an assuring smile before getting up and heading to open the door. Namjoon is the first to walk in, followed by Seokjin who pushes him aside and rushes to Jimin's side. Haneul and Hyun stay silent as they stand and watch their father crying as he holds on to Jimin tightly.

"As his father, can I also hug my son?" Namjoon sits on the other side of Jimin and joins the hug.

Jungkook watches with an amused smile as the older couple cling onto his mate as if he's been gone for centuries. When they finally pull away the two look down, their eyes shining with tears as they look at the small pup in their son's arms. Namjoon reaches for him first, hands stopping and looking at Jungkook and Jimin for permission. Jimin smiles softly as he lays Minjoon in his fathers arms. The older alpha stares down in wonder at the small pup, his eyes brimming with more tears and his smile widening as he watches him yawning.

"Jimin, he's beautiful. So small.... he has such pretty eyes." Namjoon mumbles dumbly as he rocks the baby in his arms, "I'm so proud of you pup, bringing your son healthily into the world. You were so strong."

Jimin can't help but cry, letting Seokjin hug him tightly as the two kept their eyes on the pup. Jungkook chuckled, not expecting the strong, serious alpha turn to mush in front of them. But in his mind he knew he was just as whipped as he was. Seokjin seemed impatient, clearing his throat loudly and nudging Namjoon to stop hogging him. Even then it was hard for him to just hand him over and had to kiss the small pup's nose a few times before handing him to the omega. Seokjin's reaction was a bit more poised, his hands instinctively holding the baby properly and his eyes looking over every detail. It was an omegas intuition to make sure a pup was well fed and kept warm.

"He's truly beautiful. What name did you two decide on?" Seokjin asks lowly as he coos down at the pup.

"Minjoon." Jungkook replies quickly and smiling when Jimin looks at him.

Haneul and Hyun managed to hold their nephew after patiently waiting for their parents to calm down from their sudden baby fever. Haneul kept smiling down at Minjoon, telling him that despite hating Jungkook he was able to have a nephew. Jimin had to scold him when the alpha started ranting about teaching Minjoon how to hunt and beat up losers who try him. Hyun jumped in and saved Haneul from Jungkook and took his turn to hold the baby. Jimin watched fondly as Hyun panicked when the pup started crying and hurried to rock him. Much to his surprise, Minjoon fell asleep almost instantly.

The sun was already setting when Namjoon decided it was better for them to leave. Jimin hugged his family, thanking them for visiting. Namjoon patted Jungkook in the back, giving him a few encouraging words and praises for keeping his son and grandson healthy and happy. When he closed the door shut and walked back to the living room, Jimin was smiling down at Minjoon. It was obvious that their pup was lovable, catching the eyes of everyone around him and wrapping them around his finger. 

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