Stay Away

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Jungkook jolted from his slumber to someone tapping his arm lightly. His senses were wild, lips curling threateningly at the stranger who had woken him up. When his eyes finally focused and he took in the dim light coming in from the windows he saw Mingyu's wide smile. Two other guys were walking around in the room, unbothered, and he figured they were probably his room mates. Mingyu seemed unphased by his reaction, probably knowing well he wasn't used to being around others.

"You should wash up before we head down to the welcoming dinner we're hosting for you. There's a few pairs of clothes they brought for you earlier, maybe you'd like to change out of those older clothes." Mingyu mumbles softly as he heads back to his bed.

"Aren't you going to introduce us?" someone says as they walk back into the room.

"Right, Jungkook, this is Yugyeom." Mingyu points to a tall brown haired guy, "and this is Yunjoon." he points to a blonde haired male ruffling through his drawer, a towel draped over his head.

"Nice meeting you both, I hope we can get along." Jungkook nods at them sleepily.

"As long as you don't mess up then we'll refrain from getting rid of you in your sleep." Yugyeom jokes with an amused smile.

"Sure." Jungkook chuckles as he stretches out in bed.

The four of them got more comfortable while getting ready for the night. They are attentive to all the stories about his life as a rogue and how different it was to be in a pack. By the time they walked out of their room they were rowdy and playful with each other. The four of them stepped out to the middle of the clearing where the rest of the pack members were beginning to arrive.

As they got closer Jungkook couldn't help but feel awkward by all the curious stares he was receiving. His stomach was twisting nervously and he tried not to meet the curious eyes of the pack he still hadn't met formally. Yugyeom nudged him gently and offered him an encouraging nod as they walked past more people and towards a fire that was spiraling brightly in the middle.

"Jungkook," he heard someone call out. He turned in the direction from where the voice came from and Namjoon called him over.

He broke away from his new friends and headed over to Namjoon who was standing in front of the fire. As he got closer he brightened up a bit, Jimin was beaming at him with a warm smile and he couldn't help but mirror it. The moments didn't seem to last long for the two because soon he was met with two dark glares from Jimin's brothers. He huffed before turning to Namjoon and bowing at him respectfully.

"Yes alpha?"

"The whole pack has arrived, why don't you introduce yourself ?" Namjoon extends a hand in the direction of the pack.

Jungkook swallowed thickly before turning to the crowd that was standing around the fire in the shape of a half circle. He jumbled his brain for some appropriate words but the more intense the stares got the more he forgot how to speak. He opened his mouth a few times until he finally took a deep breath and looked up.

"My name is Jungkook", he began, "I want to thank you for accepting me into your pack despite not knowing me fully. I have never been part of a pack before so it will be my goal to work hard and become one with all of you. I hope I can earn your trust as time goes by, and I hope I am welcomed warmly into this close knit family." he smiles shyly at them.

"Then we welcome you to our pack fondly." an elder speaks out from beside Namjoon.

The same elder walked up to Jungkook and with his wrinkly hand he gave him a warm pat on the shoulder. The rest of the pack gave him warm smiles and stepped forward to greet him one by one. After meeting basically every single person from the group Jungkook looked around and saw Jimin standing alone. He was a bit surprised to find that the omega was already staring at him with pink dusted cheeks. Without thinking he hurried over to him and tried not to smother Jimin with praises about how absolutely adorable he looked.

"Hi." Jungkook muttered nervously, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Hey." Jimin says shyly.

"How are you doing?"

"Are you really going to ask me that? You should talk about something important now that my brothers are distracted."

"You're right, I was wondering." Jungkook starts.

"Mhmm" Jimin's eyes were expectant as he waited for him to keep talking.

"Do you like anyone?"

"What do you mean?"

"Do you like someone? Are you already interested in someone who might want to court you?" Jungkook asks awkwardly, eyes drifting around him.

"Oh, no I'm not. I haven't been interested in anyone until recently."

Jimin's last words set his eyes alight, and Jungkook felt a bit more brave about asking further, "Can I ask you something?"

"What is it?"

"Can I court you?"

"Back off buddy." Hanuel pushes him away slightly, and it was then that Jungkook noticed he had stepped closer to Jimin without fully being conscious of it.

"I'll answer for him, it's a no." Haneul continues, voice thick with anger.

"Don't you think he's old enough to choose for himself?" Jungkook scoffs.

"If it has to do with our little brother then we will be involved." Hyun steps in, the same stoic expression on his face as his older brother.

"Jungkook?" Jimin's soft voice caught his attention instantly.

"I really think it would be nice to be courted by you." Jimin giggles before winking at him and walking towards his parents without taking in mind the daggers his brothers directed towards him.

Jungkook smiles dumbly and practically ignores the burning glints from the two alphas standing before him. He watches as the omega walks up to his parents, attaching himself to Namjoon who welcomed him into his arms.

"Listen here pup." Hyun snaps his fingers at him angrily, directing his attention away from Jimin.

"Stay away from our little brother, we won't let you court him." Haneul mutters through gritted teeth.

"And if I don't stay away?" Jungkook challenges

"We will make sure you don't see the beginning of another day." Hyun attempts to stare him down, but it's futile because he knows he's taller than him.

"For Jimin...well that's a risk I'm willing to take."

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